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these are survey responses from actual magoosh students after they took the gre.

you can find more magoosh reviews on our facebook page.

magoosh students are offered admission to top programs including:

math i had not taken the gre before 164
verbal 167
total scored

i purchased a couple manhattan prep books, ets's official guide, different phone apps, etc. yet i ended up using magoosh's online application almost exclusively. i work full time and was only able to study after work and weekends. i was exhausted most nights after work before i even sat down to study... without the structure that magoosh provides i would not have been able to be nearly as effective. i did not want to take the test more than once and my target was a 330. i scored a 331; what else can i say? magoosh was literally a fraction of the price of the other paid resources. it has everything you need, trust me.

math i had not taken the gre before 167
verbal 168
total scored

magoosh helped keep me on track, at a much lower price point than other test prep systems. i followed the one-month plan, and was happy to do small pieces of prep each day. while i couldn't keep up the pace with a full-time job (as the guide warned me), i still believe magoosh helped me a lot. i learned general strategies (number sense, not looking at the verbal answers without my own answer), a sense for timing, and most importantly, i always had a plan to follow so i couldn't second-guess myself.

start your gre prep today!

  •   zero risk: 7-day “no questions asked” money-back guarantee
  •   +5 points improvement on your previous gre test. guaranteed!
math i had not taken the gre before 155
verbal 158
total scored

the videos were awesome when it came to remembering all the math that i haven't looked at for almost ten years. i wish i would have taken more time to study (i procrastinate and only studied for about a week...oops), because with more time with magoosh, i could have done way better. it really helped me prepare for the types of questions that were on the test as well as covered all the content. also, i was having problems with the videos the day before my gre and started freaking out. i emailed you guys and got an email back almost immediately with external links for the videos i needed. i was super impressed with the staff and felt like they actually cared about how i did. this is an excellent product and definitely worth it! i have already recommended to many friends.

math 144 151 + 7
verbal 143 152 + 9
total 287 scored

magoosh was an amazing light to a very dark moment after i had first taken the gre. i had prepared for a solid 3 months using princeton and kaplan, only to find their strategies and "quick tips" to leave me completely unable to expand my mind and attack the actual gre questions efficiently and quickly. i completely bombed my first shot and reregistered in low spirits. i read about magoosh online and decided to give them a shot and within a months time retook the exam and even surpassed my goal of hitting a 150/150 with a 152/151. chris is truly a master when it comes to verbal and although i am unfamiliar with the primary math instructors name, his skills were equally the same. i know if i had chosen magoosh from the start that my scores would of likely been even higher. thanks guys for everything! love ya

math i had not taken the gre before 162
verbal 154
total scored

purchasing magoosh was the best decision i took during my gre preparation. its questions are very close to the actual gre. and their instant response to every query gives one a feeling that the team personally cares for you.

math i had not taken the gre before 148
verbal 157
total scored

on the practice exams that ets offered i scored a 140 on the math section. with only a few weeks to study before my gre examine, i figured that i would not be able to really grasp all the different concepts, so i skipped the geometry/coordinate geo, integers and counting lessons. magoosh's video instructions were very helpful. they were clear and easy to follow, plus the videos focused on problems that were extremely similar to the real test. another great help was that the videos showed different tricks in solving the problems. i am sure if i spent half as much time on the verbal section as i did math than i would have scored higher on the verbal section too. one more thing is that magoosh's support is excellence. they responded quickly, and with helpful information, every time i emailed them. magoosh is great!

math 153 164 + 11
verbal 155 168 + 13
total 308 scored

the whole program is very good. the intro videos go in depth and are easily understandable. the ability to create quizzes for yourself is great. the specific explanations of each question, along with corresponding lesson videos, in the quiz review mode is wonderful. the dashboard gives you a clear view of your progress. it is just great.

math i had not taken the gre before 162
verbal 154
total scored

magoosh helped me with a variety of questions and video lessons that are available on the go as well with the android app. i would recommend it to anyone preparing for gre. quant practice questions are very well defined and explained. verbal questions' video answers are quite elaborate and satisfactory. i really appreciate your product and have already recommended it to a friend who bought it already for gmat.

magoosh students are offered admission to top programs including:

math 155 158 + 3
verbal 156 162 + 6
total 311 scored

dear magoosh team -- this has been amazing. not only was i able to improve my scores significantly after a month's practice using magoosh, but my verbal score was higher than the math grade, which really surprised me! i will certainly recommend this wonderful product to all future gre-ians. thank you once again, and good luck to the test-takers!

math 150 159 + 9
verbal 163 169 + 6
total 313 scored

i can't speak more highly of your product. i studied for the gres for 2.5 months prior to my november test and had taken a gre course in addition to private tutoring sessions and my quant score didn't improve from my first diagnostic test. i then began using magoosh and in the one month between my november and december tests, my overall score improved 15 points. thank you, thank you!

math i had not taken the gre before 155
verbal 156
total scored

using magoosh was one of the best decisions i made to prep for the gre. the product is priceless and highly recommended.

the quant video lessons are perfect to review fundamental concepts and brush up on anything that is unclear. they also provide some neat time saving tips and tricks!

the verbal videos are also great and provide some great strategies to tackle the various types of questions on the gre.

the amount of practice questions that come with the membership are also great! the ability to set up and take mock tests very similar to the actual gre is a huge plus.

the staff was also extremely helpful and answered questions promptly! thank you magoosh gre prep!

math i had not taken the gre before 150
verbal 155
total scored

the lessons are in small segments so it is easier to work through than a whole chapter of a book. there are so many practice problems and the video explanations help so much.

math 160 162 + 2
verbal 147 152 + 5
total 307 scored

magoosh was greatly helpful, helping me to recognize my shortcomings and constantly helping me convert my weakness into my strength. thank you so much for this amazing experience.

math 140 156 + 16
verbal 144 146 + 2
total 284 scored

magoosh is an excellent product, especially on in math, i recommend anyone preparing for the gre to make magoosh it's #1 prep material!

start your gre prep today!

  •   zero risk: 7-day “no questions asked” money-back guarantee
  •   +5 points improvement on your previous gre test. guaranteed!
math i had not taken the gre before 161
verbal 162
total scored

first of all, i wanted to say that i have already expressed my thanks for the tremendous help and new hope you have given me in an email i had sent you guys a couple weeks back on my g-day (december 5th). i am absolutely incredibly indebted to you guys. since i have already sent you guys my dramatic emotional speech, i'll get right to answering the questions.

the overall presentation and layout of your service is great. very easy to navigate and the user experience is very pleasant. everything is organized in a very systematic way.

your resource guide is extremely helpful. it's oftentimes very daunting to know where to even begin to start and how to pick which books when there are a million of them to choose from. i found chris' reviews to be incredibly accurate and very on-point. when you go to war it's important to go in well-equipped, and magoosh really gave me the weapons to have a fighting chance. i've saved tons of money avoiding certain guides due to your resource section.

the study plan is also very helpful and gives you a great pacing to follow. i truncated the 3 month plan math-intensive into a 2 month 1 week plan and it worked out really well for me.

by and far, the best aspect of your service is the quality of practice questions. i did them a few times over and coupled with the mgre tests i had seen every math question in some sort of derivation by the time i went in for the test. furthermore, the difficulty of the questions were on pace, if not even harder than the actual gre questions. most importantly, the questions were very representative of the type of questions i saw on the test. there's one thing to have questions of similar difficulty, and it's another to have questions that are representative in terms of style and content if that makes sense. you guys have both.

i also found your gre-range score thing to be accurate. i think you guys had me at a 158-162/3 range for both.

finally, and i could really go on forever and ever, but the best quality about your product is you guys and your customer service. i mean, really-for $99 you get access to amazing content plus even better customer service-where can you get that nowadays? every question i asked was answered promptly and thoroughly. i believe one time mike even took the time to write out and scan an illustration of a math problem. i am just utterly grateful for that type of effort. i have had private tutors for the gmat in the past that i paid $200/hr for that broke my bank and did not match your team's level of thoughtfulness and dedication. simply outstanding. i showed my dad some of your responses when i was studying and he referred a few of his friends who are taking the gre now later in their careers and they are loving your service now as well.

really guys, thank you so much. i have been talking about you guys nonstop, even if they have 0 interest in the gre and have no reason to engage in a conversation about it.

math i had not taken the gre before 151
verbal 156
total scored

it absolutely helped! especially with the math. i liked that it was not only explained that things are a certain way but also why that makes sense (for example calculating with powers). also the verbal section was useful, mostly because of the strategies. the estimated math score was very accurate, it said 149-154. i got 151. for the verbal wasn't enough data because i passed all those quizzes in one time whereas for the math i had to take it multiple times before i finally got three correct. i liked that there were new questions most of the times i had to retake the quiz. i liked that in verbal you could click on the answers to see the definition of the words (however, if there was a multiple-word answer, the definition was only for the first word. but in those cases there was google, so that really didn't matter that much.). the response to my questions was very quick and helpful.

math 148 155 + 7
verbal 152 152
total 300 scored

magoosh math prep really helped me understand what i was doing wrong in my approach to preparing for the gre and ultimately helped me to think more constructively during the exam. the video lessons and problem explanations that go along with the practice problems are an invaluable resource.

math i had not taken the gre before 164
verbal 146
total scored

at first, i was not confident much about the test. after using magoosh prep, i feel confident to take the test. however, if every one has enough time to prepare for the test, i am surely you will get a good score. fight!!!!

math i had not taken the gre before 159
verbal 157
total scored

the videos are extremely helpful. hearing someone explaining the theories or calculations verbally are like listening to a teacher in a class. plus, i can pause and repeat it as many as i need. there is a way to mark whether i understand a video, which i used a lot to remember which videos i want to watch again.

for verbal, i like the sentences in the practice questions. i didn't know many of the words and i learned them by reading and understanding the sentences.

math 154 163 + 9
verbal 157 159 + 2
total 311 scored

it was difficult to find test prep that provided the same level of difficulty as the actual gre. magoosh mentally prepared me for not only the difficulty level, but also the pressure atmosphere with timed/adaptive questions.

magoosh students are offered admission to top programs including:

math 152 154 + 2
verbal 147 148 + 1
total 299 scored

magoosh helped me, through its different types and levels of question, develop some sort of a framework towards breaking down and tackling mathematical problems. i got exposed to many ideas that made me become more confident and better equipped for the gre math part. also, i loved the dashboard as it gave me a visual prospective of how was my overall performance.

math i had not taken the gre before 161
verbal 166
total scored

having video explanations for every question was extremely helpful and made it a lot easier to digest the information.

math i had not taken the gre before 156
verbal 166
total scored

i spent nearly all of my time working with the math preparation content. the video lessons were excellent. i am going to miss that guy's voice. it was hypnotic after a while... soothing. right, but i learned a ton-- remembered the basics and got the scoop on some great strategies. i significantly improved my ability to answer gre math questions in less than a month. with more time, i am confident things would have been even better.

math 620 154
verbal 470 153
total 1090 scored

very helpful. i am a busy mom to a toddler and had just one month to prepare. the feature that helped me the most was having video lessons on the go. i could use any time of the day to listen to the videos. on our trip from dallas to austin, i was listening to the video lessons while my son took a nap in the car.
the questions in the practice sessions were so close to the actual questions on the test. magoosh helped me find all the preparatory materials in one place.totally worth it.

math 144 153 + 9
verbal 151 159 + 8
total 295 scored

magoosh was invaluable in my gre prep. the interactive nature of the site, exceptional support (the magoosh team answered my endless barrage of ridiculous questions which was comforting and reassuring) and comprehensive explanations by themselves raised my score in a mere 5 weeks. the score predictor was dead on and the questions were so difficult that i breezed through the gre with time to spare to check my work on the verbal.

math i had not taken the gre before 167
verbal 169
total scored

awesome practice for math and verbal in the online questions. i was about to just use a single book to prepare for the new gre, but then read your reviews of the various offerings and realized they weren't enough on their own (thanks!). i love the fact that you guys put together study plans drawing from a lot of sources (though in the end i feel like the official ets practice tests and the magoosh online questions were the most helpful).

start your gre prep today!

  •   zero risk: 7-day “no questions asked” money-back guarantee
  •   +5 points improvement on your previous gre test. guaranteed!