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these are survey responses from actual magoosh students after they took the gre.

you can find more magoosh reviews on our facebook page.

magoosh students are offered admission to top programs including:

math i had not taken the gre before 164
verbal 167
total scored

i purchased a couple manhattan prep books, ets's official guide, different phone apps, etc. yet i ended up using magoosh's online application almost exclusively. i work full time and was only able to study after work and weekends. i was exhausted most nights after work before i even sat down to study... without the structure that magoosh provides i would not have been able to be nearly as effective. i did not want to take the test more than once and my target was a 330. i scored a 331; what else can i say? magoosh was literally a fraction of the price of the other paid resources. it has everything you need, trust me.

math i had not taken the gre before 167
verbal 168
total scored

magoosh helped keep me on track, at a much lower price point than other test prep systems. i followed the one-month plan, and was happy to do small pieces of prep each day. while i couldn't keep up the pace with a full-time job (as the guide warned me), i still believe magoosh helped me a lot. i learned general strategies (number sense, not looking at the verbal answers without my own answer), a sense for timing, and most importantly, i always had a plan to follow so i couldn't second-guess myself.

start your gre prep today!

  •   zero risk: 7-day “no questions asked” money-back guarantee
  •   +5 points improvement on your previous gre test. guaranteed!
math 309 170
verbal 143 152 + 9
total 452 scored

extremely great!!!

math 159 163 + 4
verbal 155 160 + 5
total 314 scored

magoosh helped a ton! from the plethora of practice problems to the awesome support team. i think the proof is in the pudding- a nine point increase using magoosh for only three weeks! definitely worth it! highly recommend!

math 167 170 + 3
verbal 144 154 + 10
total 311 scored

gave me with many questions which are so close to the real questions in the exam.

math 159 163 + 4
verbal 155 161 + 6
total 314 scored

magoosh gave me great guidance on strengthening my weaknesses. i would attribute my 10-point increase to magoosh - these guys really know their stuff.

math 163 170 + 7
verbal 155 165 + 10
total 318 scored

i prepared for a month for gre and had targetted a score of 330 so i could qualify for the top graduate courses.
quant- being a student of economics i knew that i required a near perfect score in quant to bump my overall scores as i witnessed my verbal scores plateauing at the 158-162 range prior to the test. i went through magoosh's video lessons and this proved to be extremely helpful providing me with the necessary revision of the basic concepts as well as useful tips and shortcuts that were helpful to save time on the test itself.
verbal- magoosh's gre flaschcards app was easily accessible and free. i used to go through the sets when i was free and a week prior to the test i revised all the words i found tricky and made a personal flashcard set of these high priority words. furthermore, chris' videos that emphasized the importance of active reading on rc's, mnemonics to improve vocabulary etc proved to be helpful as these were all techniques i used on the exam.
a week prior to the test i took the ets practice tests and got widely divergent scores on both( 338 on test-1 and 324 on test-2)
however, i chose to use the last week to practice essays.
a look at the analytical writing video section also provided me a clear cut idea as to what the test takers were expecting from your essays.
magoosh's practice questions are good although i would advice users not to panic if they do a couple of hard/very hard questions incorrectly and rather focus on the mistakes they make so they don't repeat them on test day.
overall, magoosh gave me confidence and excellent advice and i would recommend it to one and all.

math 165 170 + 5
verbal 155 156 + 1
total 320 scored

magoosh provided me enough exercise to prepare the test. the explanations and the lessons are helpful to reinforce your ability to solve the questions in test efficiently. the logic of the exercises in verbal parts is very similar to the one in real test.

magoosh students are offered admission to top programs including:

math 680 158
verbal 480 162
total 1160 scored

the 30-day daily schedule became part of my family. thank you so much for making this entire experience that much more attainable!

math i had not taken the gre before 164
verbal 158
total scored

magoosh is simply amazing :) . kudos to the whole team for you guys are doing a really great job. the strategies in the all the sections are such life-savers. i benefited a lot from the question bank too, and i realize that the questions are very precise and standardized for the purpose they are intended for. but an appreciation of magoosh resources is incomplete without mentioning the free resources like flashcards, vocabulary builder and of course, magoosh gre blog. the support team has also been very quick and helpful in their responses. thanks for making gre prep so much fun and convenient :)

math 164 167 + 3
verbal 160 166 + 6
total 324 scored

magoosh is by far the best studying tool out there to prepare for the gre. students who are choosing to forgo this tremendous advantage are doing so at their own risk.

math i had not taken the gre before 164
verbal 156
total scored

in a huge way!

hardly does a test prep service offers as much practice as magoosh. i solved over 900 questions in under two weeks.

magoosh math was harder than the real gre, which gave me more confidence for the latter. likewise, their six-section, full length tests prepare you for the toughest exam you'll encounter. i experienced a jump of 5-6 points on the real gre vis a vis magoosh practice tests.

their videos explain concepts from a learner's viewpoint.

support was quick and personalized which is a big plus.

i'm giving the gre again in three months, so i could do much more with their structured, flexible study plans. i'll definitely recommend their program to everyone. they offer the best material, for the lowest costs. that's their usp :)

math 164 170 + 6
verbal 153 157 + 4
total 317 scored

the exhaustive set of questions really helped in training my brain for the actual exam. the inclusion of both video and text explanation for questions really helped a lot. those vocabulary flashcards came in handy at the office. although i feel i could have done a bit better on the verbal part of the test, i cannot fault your excellent product in any department.

math i had not taken the gre before 165
verbal 170
total scored

i was studying to take the gre for the first time and had taken a couple of practice tests that i felt pretty "meh" about. i wanted to use a tool that would help me improve my scores to the point where i would be competitive at some of the strongest phd programs in the country. i have a good job and i could have afforded to hire one of the tutors from kaplan or the princeton review -- in fact i even placed a call to princeton review to inquire about tutors in my area -- but i felt a ton of guilt about using a product that wouldn't be available to the vast majority of students, especially students who are planning to go directly from undergrad to graduate school, and don't have the opportunity to work and save money for test prep. the $99 fee is not only a fantastic perk (less $$$ on test prep = more dinners out with my boyfriend), but it is also is an affordable price point for many, and kept me from feeling as though i had "bought" my scores. instead, i feel as though i have done the work for my scores, with magoosh's help. the tools are excellent and easy to use and the quality of instruction is strong. i would highly recommend magoosh.

start your gre prep today!

  •   zero risk: 7-day “no questions asked” money-back guarantee
  •   +5 points improvement on your previous gre test. guaranteed!
math i had not taken the gre before 163
verbal 168
total scored

having been out of college for over six years, the prospect of beginning studies for the gre seemed overwhelming. as a history major, i found my initial forays into renewing my math studies to be particularly challenging. i began studying with the printed study guides published by other companies, yet i could never find a resource suited to my situation--starting back at the basics and gradually building up to more challenging gre material. a co-worker recommended magoosh, i subscribed, and can honestly say that it is worth every penny. the magoosh lesson videos, particularly in quantitative reasoning, built a solid foundation on which to re-familiarize myself with material i haven't studied or used for six years or more. the links to blog posts and other material also helped tremendously. i also found the study plans useful for allocating appropriate time between beginning studying and test day. the hundreds of practice questions and the practice tests helped bring my score on an initial practice test from 316 up to 331 on exam day. i could not be happier with magoosh, and will continue to recommend it especially for folks who have been out of school for a few years.

math 154 166 + 12
verbal 152 158 + 6
total 306 scored

i watched every lesson, did every problem, and redid every single math problem i missed until i got it right. material is harder than the actual test, which is far more beneficial than it seems.

math i had not taken the gre before 168
verbal 165
total scored

magoosh very closely simulates the type of questions one sees on the real test, if anything, they are on the harder side which benefits someone aiming for a high score. the "time" conditions one can set while giving a practice set greatly helps in improving speed & improve accuracy at the same time.
in addition, the people(rachel, lucas, carolyn, chris) are immensely helpful when it comes to resolving any query one has about gre or a particular question on the prep you are stuck with.
totally recommended :)
(if you really wanna assure a perfect score, keep magoosh at the top of your study material).

math 159 163 + 4
verbal 156 165 + 9
total 315 scored

the vocabulary app was the only thing that helped me improve my vocabulary.the amount of questions and videos was amazing, i always had more to work on. without magoosh i would have been stuck. i watched the video for every question i had to guess or got wrong and that really helped me the next time i got a similar question.

math 155 168 + 13
verbal 158 163 + 5
total 313 scored

magoosh made the entire studying process incredibly simple and surprisingly enjoyable. with an easy to follow schedule combined with incredibly educational videos, the magoosh process is unbeatable.

math i had not taken the gre before 164
verbal 169
total scored

the math lessons were great, as well as the practice questions (with the solutions well explained). i felt confident about my math going in to do the test, although my math was very rusty before i began studying. i also used the magoosh word flashcards, and learned all the words. those were extremely useful for the verbal section - many of the words were on the test. doing lots of practice questions for the verbal section was also very helpful.

magoosh students are offered admission to top programs including:

math i had not taken the gre before 170
verbal 160
total scored

practice question set in math is great. prepares you well for the real test.

i loved the vocab flash cards app. i confidently say it increased my verbal score by 5 points at least.

math 158 163 + 5
verbal 154 164 + 10
total 312 scored

magoosh is incredible! the resources available through this program provided my studies with structure, extremely thorough lessons, and a large pool of diverse and challenging questions. in six weeks, i improved my score by 15 points! even more amazing-- my trouble area (verbal) ended up becoming my strength. i'm still in disbelief at the huge performance increase that i obtained with the help of magoosh. i highly recommend this program. huge props to the magoosh staff for helping me exceed my expectations!

math i had not taken the gre before 166
verbal 163
total scored

i condensed the 90-day plan into a 60-day plan and it was perfectly fine. i thought that magoosh was very comprehensive and the flexibility that the online content allowed me was unbeatable. i also enjoyed the variety of practice questions, the ability to take notes and flag questions. this really helped me because the week before my test, i could easily review the points i had difficulty with.

math i had not taken the gre before 163
verbal 159
total scored

magoosh helped me prepare for the worst. i didn't feel prepared to give the gre as i looked over the official guide from ets. magoosh's video lessons and practice questions gave me the confidence to go tackle the worst that could come at me. i cannot praise magoosh enough for its work! thank you!

math i had not taken the gre before 157
verbal 168
total scored

to paraphrase another reviewer - magoosh has a great product, and even better support. please see email i sent yesterday to all magoosh addresses, from, reproduced below:
dear all,
congratulations! you and i earned a 325 combined gre score today!

folks, you all went above and beyond to ensure i have my best one-time shot at getting into the graduate school of my dreams. i can’t thank you strongly enough. if you are reading this and you are a paid-by-the-hour person (not a shareholder or owner) then please know that what you do every day makes an enormous difference in the lives of people who are scrambling to climb the educational ladder. if you are one of the people in charge, then thank you for hiring the people you chose to make your awesome team, thank you for beginning the magoosh dream - and thank you for giving your employees the freedom and time to answer questions in the way that they do.

thank you for answering my emails and questions as quickly as humanly possible. you never sent a cookie-cutter answer, i was always touched at the thoughtfulness - and thoroughness - of your responses. i interact with people via email daily, i have never received a magoosh-level of support and encouragement from any other company in any other field. way to go magooshians!

thank you for being innovative and making sure there was always some type of gre study i didn’t mind doing no mater what my mood, no matter how long i had (or didn’t have) to study in that session: blogs, vocab wednesday videos, the downloadable flashcard book, lesson videos, practice questions with video and text answers, math and verbal flashcard apps, and - of course - the latest vocab builder app.

thank you for not being selfish: you promoted items from other companies if you thought they would help - i read the new yorker, and the atlantic (both online, free, thank you for the tip on how to do that ????). i used the ets online material including their practice tests. i bought a manhattan book and used the practice tests from the code in the back. i even attended a free manhattan class last week (quant) and watched a free half-class (verbal). i used quizlet to make vocab games from the words i didn’t know in the magoosh material. even when i was pooped and didn’t want to do anything, i could read without feeling guilty, or play the matching vocab quizlet game.

i would have liked to get a better math score, but i have to confess that it is 28 years since i last sat in a last math class, and because i didn’t take anything except basic math at school a lot of what is tested on the gre was new to me (including algebra, powers, roots, inequalities…) thanks to magoosh math videos and magoosh email support i had a pretty strong idea on how to tackle most of the questions on the test today, but i did not have enough time to figure out strategies for some tricky questions because i still have to think about what to do. math techniques except percentages and other basics are not intuitive to me (yet). i know you have heard this a lot: “if i had more time on the test i could have got all the questions correct, or at least 90% of them.” i honestly did as much math as i could since february without having work/house/family fall down around me, and i still maintained an a-average in my graduate chemistry studies, so i shall stop beating myself up over a quant 157 score. instead…

let us all celebrate the 168 verbal score that magoosh and i earned together today!

thank you for training me to cover up the answer choices and make my own word to go in the sentence blanks, and then see which answers matched my word(s).

thank you for teaching me to go down the list of synonyms and translate them into easier words, find pairs, and then match a pair to my own word. reading comprehension questions typically are my bete noir, but today i was able to tackle them with confidence because magoosh has trained me to dissect articles and read in a more analytical fashion. i remember that when i first started with magoosh i used to pause the magoosh videos, try the examples, then watch the explanations and sigh over how i had missed the point... guess i learned from my mistakes ????

the main thing that earned magoosh and me this delightful 168 verbal score was the emphasis on magoosh vocabulary and your suggestions for alternative ways to stick the words into one’s brain. i am not supposed to mention anything about the gre test questions, including telling you about specific words, so speaking generally all i can say is that i was so glad that i had spent time practicing vocabulary using the techniques that you guys advocate, everything you suggested paid off handsomely. had i not followed your advice diligently i would not be dancing in the study right now.

i await the essay scores with mixed feelings. i missed out on making a concession point in the issue essay because i got carried away with the examples in the body paragraphs. otherwise i had decent structure, including thesis statement and a one-line conclusion. i used synonyms for words i can’t spell, the grammar was fine. the argument essay went better, i chose three fallacies (out of all seven that were in the argument!) and i remembered not to name them apples-aren’t-oranges etc. again i had a logical structure, with intro and conclusion sentences, and used the last couple of minutes to edit my typos.

i can’t believe that it is time to write the vocab builder app review that i promised to sharat. i have this strange feeling of desolation because i am about to no longer need to log into one or more magoosh thingies a gazillion times a day: i won’t miss the stress of the actual test looming over me but i will miss studying with you lot in my corner. we’ve had a pretty intense nine-month relationship, and all for just $99.

thank you again for all your help. i made a promise that if i was accepted to my dream school then i will (legally) decorate all available surfaces with magoosh logos. i will let you know in april or may whether i need permission to print magoosh stickers.

bye for now,

rebecca jane austin-datta, very happy magoosh customer.

math 162 164 + 2
verbal 156 165 + 9
total 318 scored

yes, definitely it helped in terms of providing a framework of what to study and what not to, and loads of practice

start your gre prep today!

  •   zero risk: 7-day “no questions asked” money-back guarantee
  •   +5 points improvement on your previous gre test. guaranteed!