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these are survey responses from actual magoosh students after they took the gre.

you can find more magoosh reviews on our facebook page.

magoosh students are offered admission to top programs including:

math i had not taken the gre before 164
verbal 167
total scored

i purchased a couple manhattan prep books, ets's official guide, different phone apps, etc. yet i ended up using magoosh's online application almost exclusively. i work full time and was only able to study after work and weekends. i was exhausted most nights after work before i even sat down to study... without the structure that magoosh provides i would not have been able to be nearly as effective. i did not want to take the test more than once and my target was a 330. i scored a 331; what else can i say? magoosh was literally a fraction of the price of the other paid resources. it has everything you need, trust me.

math i had not taken the gre before 167
verbal 168
total scored

magoosh helped keep me on track, at a much lower price point than other test prep systems. i followed the one-month plan, and was happy to do small pieces of prep each day. while i couldn't keep up the pace with a full-time job (as the guide warned me), i still believe magoosh helped me a lot. i learned general strategies (number sense, not looking at the verbal answers without my own answer), a sense for timing, and most importantly, i always had a plan to follow so i couldn't second-guess myself.

start your gre prep today!

  •   zero risk: 7-day “no questions asked” money-back guarantee
  •   +5 points improvement on your previous gre test. guaranteed!
math i had not taken the gre before 161
verbal 166
total scored

magoosh provided a well structured approach to fully comprehend the material. i felt confident that if i fully understood the content of magoosh i would be well prepared for the test and that was true. the instructors made the whole experience a little more enjoyable for me.

math i had not taken the gre before 163
verbal 158
total scored

when i began studying for the gre, i had great difficulty with generating a study plan that would help to target the areas in which i needed the most help (verbal reasoning). i was so pleased to learn about magoosh's specialized study plans for those who desire to place emphasis on one component of the exam yet still want to maintain the strength they have in other parts of the exam . their resource recommendations could not have better prepared me for what to expect on the actual exam. this program saved me the overwhelming amount of money that i would have to spend on tutoring. i am eternally grateful for magoosh's existence!

math 161 170 + 9
verbal 148 157 + 9
total 309 scored

magoosh helped me in streamlining my preparation. earlier i relied on official as well as free materials available online but that does not teach you how to tackle gre-specific problems. magoosh videos helped me understand each type of question gre asks and how to approach them effectively. i couldn't have improved my score by 18 points in just a month of preparation if there was no magoosh!

math i had not taken the gre before 168
verbal 163
total scored

magoosh has fantastic tutors in mike and chris coupled with an excellent and exhaustive question bank. chris regularly posts challenging questions on social media and it was a fun way to keep myself engaged through out my preparation.

math i had not taken the gre before 167
verbal 170
total scored

magoosh gives a variety of pratice questions as well as the basic knowledge that is necessary to approach them. giving a detailed thought process of approaching verbal questions was the most useful part for me.

math 161 166 + 5
verbal 160 161 + 1
total 321 scored

i wanted to improve my math score and magoosh helped me better understand the way the gre wants you to think!

magoosh students are offered admission to top programs including:

math i had not taken the gre before 157
verbal 165
total scored

magoosh formed the entire basis of my gre preparation. the lesson videos taught me the math content and gave me challenging, realistic problems. i could not have scored as high without magoosh. the 6 month plan for math beginners was very helpful. chris lele's verbal and writing videos also helped me raise my score in the area that's a natural strength to me. i can't thank or recommend magoosh highly enough. the benefit of the expert tutors, the magoosh superfans group, and the customized dashboard were all instrumental to my success. thank you!

math i had not taken the gre before 166
verbal 159
total scored

i started prepping for gre roughly four months prior to my exam day. back then, the naive me assumed that it would not be too difficult to score 320+ on the revised gre. then, a dose of reality had hit me, and i was disabused of my uninitiated notion; i remember the sheer horror that i experienced the first time i looked into some sample questions from the gre official guide book. the abstruse verbal passages, in particular, felt like interminable mazes to me. moreover, i could not fathom how someone could complete a math section within the allowed time limit. directionless and deflated, i began to reach out for help (asking friends, searching the internet) regarding study strategies. unsurprisingly, i learned about magoosh soon enough. after perusing numerous magoosh gre blog posts and watching some of the free video lessons, i was convinced that magoosh was the missing piece in my 'puzzling' gre prep journey. a small subscription fee transmuted into a gold mine -- magoosh gre prep material. pairing all these materials with one of many magoosh's excellent study plans, each day i was untying more and more of the treacherous knots that gre questions were throwing my way. a more informed and reinvigorated me started to dream again that i could break down the wall of 320 (score). flash-forward four months, with the winning combination of my own perseverance and the fantabulous magoosh product in my arsenal, i have now slain the once idiosyncratic beast named gre. i highly recommend magoosh to all future test-takers, especially those who can relate to my story.

math i had not taken the gre before 165
verbal 165
total scored

magoosh was a great way to work through all the content tested on the gre. i worked through every video and even found myself reading the questions in mike and chris' voices on exam day.

math 168 170 + 2
verbal 155 165 + 10
total 323 scored

math?last time when i took the gre, i didn't get 170 on the math section because i ran out of time and therefore didn't finish all the questions. after using magoosh, i finished both math sections 10 minutes in advance, leaving me plenty of time to review all my answers! actually, i found one error in each section while reviewing my answers! precious 10 minutes! loved the function of "related lessons", since i've always been good at math, i didn't watch all the math lesson videos, instead, i went right into the practice problems and whenever i found myself not conversant with a certain topic, i can easily refer to related lessons and review math materials!
verbal: the verbal section was my main challenge in taking the gre. magoosh has been really helpful throughout my preparation. the practice questions are actually slightly harder than those on the actual gre as to when i took the test and i was on my second verbal section i thought i did so terrible on the first section that i got a easier section for the second one! i loved all the explanation videos, and i loved how chris frequently used gre vocab while talking, really helped me in remembering them. have i not been distracted by the constantly-walking invigilators and thus wasted about 5 minutes, i believe i could have got an even higher score on the verbal section. but anyway, i am extremely satisfied by this score.
finally, the help button is one of the best, over-your-expectation, and most competitive function of magoosh compared to other alike service providers. i got a clear, timely, and nicely-written answer for every question i sent in. here i want to thank everybody that has helped me through email.

math 150 155 + 5
verbal 157 166 + 9
total 307 scored

i increased my total score by 14 points. my goal was to get 320, and thanks to magoosh i scored even higher. the flashcards were hugely helpful.

there were so many practice problems, and the explanations made it easy to understand what mistakes i was making.

couldn't be more thankful for the magoosh software. it is affordable and perfect for people who thrive under self-direction and more unstructured learning.

math i had not taken the gre before 159
verbal 165
total scored

magoosh was the best help i could've gotten to succeed in the gre. i don't think i could've succeeded as much as i did without magoosh. i hadn't taken a math class in about 5 years and i've always struggled with my vocabulary and reading comprehension, but thanks to magoosh i feel like improved greatly on both accounts. i went into the test feeling confident that i prepared enough and that confidence was key to get the score i wanted. the video organization was great and the practice questions were an accurate reflection of the test in difficulty and content.

start your gre prep today!

  •   zero risk: 7-day “no questions asked” money-back guarantee
  •   +5 points improvement on your previous gre test. guaranteed!
math 160 166 + 6
verbal 162 165 + 3
total 322 scored

magoosh provided me with excellent video explanations for all of the practice questions , which made it easy to understand the logic behind the answers (with other test prep resources it was often more challenging to figure out why i answered a question incorrectly).
the lesson videos covered all of the things that were necessary to know for the test, and they helped me a lot in overcoming the "trap" questions of the test.
i also received quick responses from magoosh any time i had a question.

math 166 165
verbal 148 160 + 12
total 314 scored

i took all the verbal questions. those are very good. but, the most important, and the most incredibly great thing is that all the experts from magoosh are so helpful! i learned a lot from them!

math 164 168 + 4
verbal 149 152 + 3
total 313 scored

the videos were super helpful and so were the practice questions. chris lele rulesssss!

also the blogs on how to be prepared on the day of the test was very helpful. my exam centre was a 45 min drive away and my exam was at 9. i woke up at 6:30, meditated for a while and left for the exam. i didn't panic at all. it was all thanks to magoosh :d

math 620 156
verbal 550 166
total 1170 scored

i took the gre for the first time in 2010, using the old test format and did okay. however, i ended up not going to grad school within the 5-year limit for those scores, so i needed to retake the gre. not only was the test different than the one i took, but it had been years since i worked with some of the material covered by the test, specifically certain math concepts. i relied heavily on magoosh for math review, back to the foundational concepts. even for the concepts that i remembered and understood from school, magoosh introduced different (more intuitive) ways of approaching them that were very helpful. being able to take practice tests with explanations for every answer was invaluable! i also took the practice tests provided by ets, but found them less helpful in terms of content because you could only see the correct answer on questions you missed, no explanation as to why it was correct. i cannot over-emphasize the importance of practice tests and questions. for me, doing well on the practice tests gave me confidence that made the actual test less nerve-wracking. i ended up doing amazing on the new gre and i have magoosh to thank for that.

math 165 167 + 2
verbal 149 153 + 4
total 314 scored

magoosh offers me lots of "fucking" hard verbal questions, so the actual gre verbal test seems quit easy at all.
through magoosh quantitative practice, i become more scrupulous, all thx magoosh

math i had not taken the gre before 158
verbal 169
total scored

magoosh was my #1 trusted resource and coach. it added structure and positivity to my study program. i used it for practice problems, since i prefer to do them online, and for practice tests. i also utilized the math and vocabulary flashcards, and all of the verbal practice questions to expand my vocabulary. i read the blog articles to determine what other study materials to utilize, and for confidence-boosting/stress reduction tips. i don't like watching videos to learn, but some of the verbal-side videos were very helpful to me, as well as the practice problem explanations.

magoosh students are offered admission to top programs including:

math i had not taken the gre before 168
verbal 164
total scored

i work full time, and so wanted to prepare for the gre with a schedule that let me pace myself. i found several online courses - most others were prohibitively expensive for my country, and magoosh was a name i had heard of before from friends, and was affordable. now after having taken a gre test, i fully believe that i picked the right choice. your classes are top notch and your question bank sufficient to score over 330 in the gre. magoosh was my only gre prep, i haven't even tried the official material due to scarcity of time :)

math 168 169 + 1
verbal 155 161 + 6
total 323 scored

the lesson videos helped me a lot on verbal session and the tips were very useful. i loved the video explanations for the practice questions. the practice definitely helped me better prepare for the actual exam.
the math practice was a good way to review the concepts i forgot. magoosh's questions were harder than the actual gre questions.

math 158 162 + 4
verbal 162 167 + 5
total 320 scored

magoosh was an all-around amazing gre prep resource! as a student who needed a 165+ in the verbal section, magoosh was instrumental in helping me reach my goal. not only were the video lessons extremely useful, but the practice questions were unusually representative of the real exam (in terms of difficulty level), which is not true for other gre prep companies. however, i think what really sets magoosh apart from other online prep courses is their team of experts: they were always willing to answer my questions and concerns with a level of personalization and encouragement that you just can't find anywhere else.

math i had not taken the gre before 163
verbal 159
total scored

magoosh provided almost everything i need for my preparation. the level of practice questions available are really similar to those i saw in the real test. i really did not want to take the gre multiple times and magoosh helped me build my own study plan to fit my needs so that i could reach my target score in my first try. the help and supports i received both from the team and other premium members helped me tremendously up to the very last minute of my preparation. thank you so much!

math i had not taken the gre before 167
verbal 163
total scored

magoosh is a lifesaver. with lucid explanations for each of the 1100+ problems, thorough lessons, and an affordable price tag, this platform is a great equalizer. when i decided to take the gre, i was overwhelmed by the prospect of a grueling prep process, but i'm so glad that i chose magoosh to guide me through the journey. the result was beyond my expectations.

math i had not taken the gre before 157
verbal 167
total scored

magoosh helped me prepare primarily for verbal. my estimated scores were v: 162-167 and m: 152-157 and on my actual gre i scored a 167 on verbal and a 157 on math. the video explanations, vocab definitions, breadth of question variety, and strategies were all valuable resources. i also used kaplan and manhattan. out of the three prep companies, i would recommend magoosh first.

start your gre prep today!

  •   zero risk: 7-day “no questions asked” money-back guarantee
  •   +5 points improvement on your previous gre test. guaranteed!