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word roots

the exploration of word roots in gre preparation reveals that while roots can be helpful in understanding some vocabulary, they are not a universally reliable method for learning new words or their meanings.
  • word roots can be misleading in the context of the gre, as many words appear with roots that are either unique or don't follow expected patterns.
  • examples like 'maladroit,' 'magnanimous,' and 'erudite' show how roots can sometimes aid in understanding, but words like 'histrionic' and 'desultory' demonstrate the limitations of this approach.
  • suffixes, unlike roots, are more consistent in changing only the part of speech of a word without altering its core meaning, making them a more reliable aspect of word formation to study.
  • the gre often includes words that look similar but have different meanings, highlighting the importance of not relying solely on apparent roots or prefixes to deduce meanings.
  • creating flashcards for confusing word pairs and focusing on suffixes can be more effective strategies for expanding vocabulary and understanding word meanings for the gre.
the misleading nature of word roots
examples where roots fail
the consistency and utility of suffixes
strategies for handling confusing words