gpa for grad school: how much does it matter?

an anxious student holding notebooks

is my college gpa good enough?

how much does gpa matter for grad school anyway?

does having a low gpa mean i should not try for certain elite grad schools?

these are just a few of the many questions that come to mind when candidates think about applying to graduate school. students know that their college performance plays a role in determining which programs are the best fit and their chances of being accepted. it’s clear that a high gpa can boost your chances, while a lower one might hold you back. but in this blog, we go beyond the obvious and explore everything you need to know about gpa for grad school.

gpa for grad school – the what, why, and how much?

what role does gpa play in grad school admissions?

gpa is just one of many factors that make up your grad school application. essays, letters of recommendation, resumes, test scores, and other aspects all come into play as the admissions team decides who to admit. so, while gpa isn’t the “end all be all” of the admissions process, it does play a specific and important role. along with your test score, your gpa serves as an indicator of your academic aptitude and potential. it helps the admissions team gauge how well you might handle the academic demands of the program.

why is gpa important for grad school?

your gpa is a straightforward way to measure your academic capability and potential, but it’s not the only method. so, why do grad schools place such importance on gpa? mainly because graduate programs are rigorous, and schools require students to maintain a certain minimum gpa to pass the program.

another reason grad schools care about your college performance is that it reflects on the school itself. a high average gpa among incoming students speaks positively about the quality and caliber of the class, showcasing the school’s ability to attract competitive candidates. this high average gpa becomes a metric that influences the school’s performance and ranking.

how much does gpa really matter?

while we don’t want to lie to you and tell you that your gpa wouldn’t matter much in your grad school application, we also want to make it clear that while it is important, there are other very important aspects of your application that matter just as much for some programs. as discussed earlier, admission committees at all grad schools take into account a number of different components of your application. there are multiple avenues to showcase your academic potential and past accomplishments. you can compensate for your low gpa with a stellar test score, through previous research activity, through letters of recommendation and your admissions essays.

what is a good gpa for grad schools?

it might sound diplomatic but the only correct answer to this question is — it depends!

it depends on the type of school you are targeting and how competitive it is.

most grad schools require a minimum gpa of 3.0, but lower-ranked universities might accept students with gpas of 2.5 or higher. on the other end of the spectrum, elite schools like harvard, stanford, and mit have much higher expectations. they typically require a minimum gpa of 3.5, with average gpas often reaching as high as 3.8.

it depends on the type of program you are applying to.

the more prestigious or popular programs at any college, like computer science or business administration, often have higher gpa expectations. for instance, an mba program at your dream school might require a minimum gpa of 3.5, even if other programs at the same school don’t. these requirements can also vary depending on your profile and experience.

to generalize, a good gpa typically falls between 3.0 and 3.5. however, for top graduate schools and their premier programs, the bar is much higher. for example, institutions like harvard and stanford usually have classes with an average undergraduate gpa of 3.5 or higher.

we strongly recommend making a list of all the grad school programs you plan to apply to and understanding the gpa expectations for each. it’s not uncommon to call the department and ask about their current gpa and test score expectations for admitted students. explore their websites to learn about current graduate students, and consider reaching out to them for a conversation over email or a quick phone call. some schools also list a minimum gpa requirement for their graduate programs on their websites.

do your research!

it’s crucial to do your own research for *each* program you’re interested in to understand their gpa expectations and see how you compare. this is the only way to determine if your gpa is competitive for a particular school. this research can also help you refine your list of target schools, giving you a clearer sense of where you should apply.

for example, harvard states in their graduate student data that the average undergraduate gpa was over 3.8. this gives candidates an idea of where they land in terms of gpa.

what to do if you have a low gpa?

firstly, it’s important to emphasize that while a strong gpa is always preferred, a lower gpa doesn’t necessarily mean rejection. it simply means you’ll need to work harder on the other aspects of your application. mba programs consider a variety of factors, so excelling in multiple areas can significantly improve your chances of getting into your dream program. here are a few ways you can overcome a low gpa:

  1. tackle it head-on

    it might seem counterproductive, but addressing your low gpa can actually help the admissions committee understand the context behind it. it gives you a chance to share your side of the story and demonstrate how you’ve grown since then. avoid making excuses; instead, be candid about the reasons and focus on highlighting other aspects that showcase your academic potential.

  2. get a stellar test score

    the admissions committee just wants to be sure that you can handle the rigorous academic requirements of their program. if your gpa is low, the easiest way to showcase that is by getting a great test score.

  3. show academic caliber

    there are plenty of other ways to demonstrate your academic caliber. extra courses you’ve taken outside of your required curriculum can highlight your work ethic. for instance, if you scored low in data science, you could take additional courses at a local community college and present that as an alternative transcript.

  4. stand out in other ways

    when grad schools evaluate your application, they take a holistic view of your entire profile, assessing how well you “fit” with the rest of the class. if you bring a unique perspective or dimension to the program, you have a strong chance of receiving that acceptance letter. high-quality work experience can help you stand out from the crowd, and your awards, achievements, and extracurricular activities also play a crucial role.


a low gpa doesn’t need to sink your grad school admission chances. great test scores and excellent application essays are two powerful mitigators against a low gpa. we want to help you achieve both! consider a magoosh premium plan to get expert gre support and expert guidance (including real essay examples) on writing your essays!


  • ayush verma

    ayush is a test prep expert and application coach actively involved in the test prep and application consulting space for several years now. he is a gmat 99 percentiler and has extensive experience in delivering private tutoring sessions for gmat, gre, and sat exams. ayush has a bachelor’s in computer science and an mba in strategy from the indian school of business. he is an ardent manunited fan and when he is not helping students understand that tricky gmat question or write that dreaded why mba answer, he would be likely cheering for his team at old trafford (ggmu). to connect with him, feel free to reach out to him via linkedin or his website test prep buddy.

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