mike mcgarry - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 //www.catharsisit.com/gre/author/mikemcgarry/ everything you need to know about the gre fri, 13 sep 2024 01:43:34 +0000 en-us hourly 1 //www.catharsisit.com/gre/files/2024/01/primary-checks-96x96-1.png mike mcgarry - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 //www.catharsisit.com/gre/author/mikemcgarry/ 32 32 one month gre study schedule for advanced students //www.catharsisit.com/gre/one-month-gre-test-prep/ //www.catharsisit.com/gre/one-month-gre-test-prep/#comments thu, 12 sep 2024 15:00:37 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/gre/?p=9284 wondering how to study for the gre in a month? magoosh has the study plan you need to get ready for the gre in a short period of time.

the post one month gre study schedule for advanced students appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

the content in this post applies in 2024 to the new, shorter gre!

for those who are focused and ambitious, a 30-day gre study schedule can work really well, as long as you have the time it will demand.

however, if you feel that life will intrude in one way or another, or if you need to improve your score by hundreds of points, this schedule may not be for you. if an honest look at life’s daily demands reveals that dedicating hour upon hour to gre study will be unlikely, ask yourself: is pushing back your test date possible?

if you are able to register or reschedule your exam for a later date, that might be in your best interest, and then you can check out some of magoosh’s other, longer schedule options.

however, if you are all-in on preparing for the gre in thirty days, we’ve got you! just remember, this is an aggressive plan, and you will need to be able to dedicate, on average, 1.5-2.5 hours a day at least six days per week.

click here to download a pdf of the study schedule!

for advanced gre students: an emphasis on reviewing & drilling

this schedule was designed with advanced students in mind, which means that most of the assigned lessons skew toward refining the test-taking skills you already have. before you dive in, ask yourself whether you currently have a working knowledge of the fundamentals–the basic topics, techniques, and strategies necessary to successfully navigate the gre exam. if that’s not you or you’d benefit from more introductory material, we do have a 30-day option for beginners. also, because this schedule assumes that you won’t need to cover much (or any) of the introductory lessons, there is also a greater emphasis on practice questions and review.

now, if this schedule is mostly a good fit, but at certain points you find the higher-level content a bit too challenging, you can always make modifications to better suit your own prep needs. once you have a sense of your personal strengths and weaknesses, you can explore all the available lessons on the magoosh dashboard, swap out lesson material that you aren’t quite ready to tackle for introductory or mid-tier concepts, and set up custom practice sessions that focus on your desired topic(s) of study.

table of contents

essential material

optional material

  • top 5 free gre practice resources: this page includes instructions on where to find good full-length gre practice tests, and how to take practice tests and incorporate them into your studies. this page also has links to magoosh’s free gre diagnostic quizzes.
  • quizlet.com: gives you online access to flashcards, making it easier, say, to quiz yourself on your mobile device
  • vocabulary.com: provides conversational example sentences and a flood of example sentences. if you are really trying to achieve a high verbal score, you can also check out lists of crazy hard gre words that other users have compiled.

about the material

about vocabulary

if you are striving for a top-notch verbal score, daily review of vocab is vital. 30 days is not a lot of time; however, you can certainly memorize a few hundred (maybe more) words in that timeframe.

make use of magoosh’s gre flashcards, but don’t limit yourself to just these words. whenever you encounter a word you don’t know, look it up, make a flashcard, and add it to your own flashcard deck. you can go the old-fashioned route with hand-written, paper cards or opt for a digital version like quizlet.

organizing flashcards

as you work through your flashcards you’ll want to organize them into three piles/categories. one category is for words that are “new” to you and you’re just trying to absorb their definitions/usage. another category is for words that you’ve almost mastered–maybe you still need context clues to grasp their meanings. the final category represents a “done” stack that is only rarely reviewed.

reading material

we cannot stress the importance of reading to build your reading comprehension skills, refine your understanding of grammar and usage, and expand your vocabulary. you have to challenge yourself to read material that is written at the same level as the passages you’ll encounter on test day. check out the links below for reliable sources and advice:

non-fiction, scholarly books, history and social science topics are preferable.

how to practice with recommended sources: scientific americanatlantic monthlythe new yorkernational geographicthe economist, arts and letters daily, or the new york times (a sunday subscription is a great idea!).

error log

a notebook or digital document to keep a written record of the questions that you miss. for each question you enter into your log do the following:

  • try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
  • read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
  • watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)
  • be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  • when you come across vocabulary that you don’t know or only sorta know in a question, be sure to add it to your flashcards. we use words that are trending on the gre to create our content.

not sure how to set up your error log? here’s a free template.

about older ets prep materials

note: ets launched the shorter version of the gre in 2023. so, what does that mean if you have older prep materials? good news!! you do not need to go out and buy new ones. because there were no changes to the content that ets tests, there have been no real changes to the prep books that cover that content. in fact, at the time of this writing, ets hasn’t even released a new edition of its own prep material, the official guide, but does provide the following note:

“the practice tests in this book are for the general test that was administered before september 22, 2023. however, because the shorter gre includes the same question types (except for the analyze an argument essay task which has been removed), this book is a great way to prepare for the shorter gre.”

thus, if you have older versions of prep materials, you should be all set to dive in. just be sure to skip any content related to the analyze an argument part of the awa, and be sure to review the gre’s updated timing and structure.

using this guide without a premium magoosh subscription

without your own magoosh account, you won’t be able to access many of the lessons, practice questions, and practice tests that are linked in the daily tasks; however, there are a number of lessons and practice materials that are publically available, and, of course, you can also follow the daily breakdown of topics and activities using the official guide or any other material(s) you are using for your gre prep.

day 1 – introduction

1.) go to ets.org/gre, and read about the content of the gre. click on and read each sub-heading link.

2.) watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

note: many lessons are only available to those with a magoosh premium gre subscription—sign up here for a free trial!

general introduction

what’s on the gre?

math section breakdown

verbal section breakdown

computer adaptive testing

skipping questions and pacing

learn from your mistakes

stress management

build your error log

if you haven’t done so already, now is the time to be sure you have this essential document at the ready.

3.) take a look at your week ahead and schedule about 2 hours for a full-length practice. it’s planned for day 3 in this schedule, but you can move that around if needed. if you haven’t done so yet, this is a perfect opportunity to take magoosh’s free gre practice test.

secondary activities (if needed or time permitting)

here are a couple options to incorporate additional verbal practice:

1.) arts and letters daily is a great resource for links to gre-level reading material. once per week, choose one or more articles that are around 5-20 pages long. while reading, try to identify at least fifty unfamiliar words. when you encounter words you don’t know or only sorta know, make flashcards in your app of choice or with good old pen and paper. a quick google search will yield definitions.

after you read, write a concise summary or review of one of the articles, weaving in the vocabulary words you’ve learned from not only the articles but also lessons, practice questions, reading, etc.

2.) use the magoosh flashcard app and challenge yourself to learn 10 words daily. at the end of seven days (yes, seven), you’ll have encountered 70 words–not too shabby! for a deeper understanding of these words in context, refer to vocabulary.com.

if you’re someone who needs to prioritize math, here are options for weekly supplemental activities:

1.) check out the og’s math review and work through the topics and associated exercises. there are also plenty of practice questions, organized by difficulty, that you can explore.

2.) dig into the topics in the collaborative math review built by ets and kahn academy.

2.) use this week to review as many cards as possible in the first three gre math flashcard decks: algebra, fractions, ratios, & percents, and geometry.

day 2 – intro to gre math i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

mental math: gre estimation

mental math: doubling and halving

metal math: squaring shortcuts

picking numbers



if you have a magoosh premium or trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → multiple choice → select all. do 10 questions. as you work through this set, try to identify any clues that indicate you can plug-in or backsolve as a solution option.

pacing note

since you’re on a rather tight prep timeline, you should start focusing on the pacing piece of the gre puzzle as soon as possible. an effective pacing and skipping strategy is a major component of success. but! be kind to yourself: increasing your speed while maintaining your accuracy will not come overnight. it is a process.

if this feels like a lot to you, work in stages. set achievable goals as you attempt to improve your pacing! try to answer questions at a pace of three minutes per question. the next day, set a faster pace, like two and half minutes per question.

do this day by day until you are answering questions at the target times:

math ≈ 1:45 per question

verbal ≈ 1:30 per question

of course, those target times vary–the greater the question complexity, the longer it will take to solve it.

difficulty note

ideally, you should select adaptive difficulty. that setting will most accurately reflect the variety of questions that you’ll encounter on test day. however, you should feel free to select the difficulty that best fits your current ability level. if you are struggling with some of the basic concepts, you might opt for easy/medium until your accuracy improves. just keep in mind that adaptive difficulty will more closely match a realistic test experience.

please note, if you frequently only work on questions from one category of difficulty, you could exhaust that particular group, which means that you might start seeing repeat questions during custom practice or during a practice test.


today, you are going to start making use of your error log. as you review the results of the mixed math practice set, add each incorrect question to your log and do the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

don’t just skip over the questions you got right! double check that you got them right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

day 3 – practice test

in magoosh, take a full-length practice test!

in your magoosh dashboard, navigate to practice → practice test.

be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted time. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember! there are no breaks given during the five sections of the gre.

if this is your first full-length test, this is an important moment! not only will you start to get a sense for how you feel taking the gre but, at the end, you will also find out your all important baseline scores. these will be the scores (math, verbal, awa) you build from as you push towards your goal, the scores you need to reach to feel confident when applying to your chosen graduate programs.

if you’ve already taken a practice or official gre test, that’s great! you already know where you’re at, score wise, and know how close (or far) that score is from where you need it to be.

note: don’t worry about reviewing your test immediately after you complete it unless you have enough gas left in the tank. you’ll kick off the next study session with a deep-dive review.

day 4 – practice test review

open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. consider the following:

  • try to recall which question types you struggled with the most.
  • can you find any patterns?
  • are you making careless mistakes? if so, reflect on the reason: working too fast? misreading the question? figure out where you should slow down when testing.
  • and don’t forget the usual digging-in-to-details steps:
  • try to determine why you missed the question
  • read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
  • watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)
  • be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  • add any vocabulary that you don’t know or only sorta know to your flashcards.
  • double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

day 5 – intro to gre math ii and vocabulary strategies

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

number sense

the use and abuse of formulas


word roots



1.) if you have a magoosh premium or trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → and launch math quick practice at the top of the screen (you’ll see a lightning bolt icon). work through those 10 mixed practice problems.

2.) navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion → select “clear all” and then only check the box next to basic sentences. do 5 questions.


as you review the results of this practice set, add each incorrect question to your log and do the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations. steps.

day 6 – reading comprehension i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

the short passage

how to answer a gre question

detail questions

vocabulary in context

primary purpose

answer traps


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → reading comprehension → check clear all and then only check the box for short passages. do 10 questions. don’t worry if you don’t end up doing exactly 10 questions. you might do a few more or less depending on the number of questions associated with the passages you are given.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

  • try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
  • read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
  • watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)
  • be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  • add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.
  • double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations.

day 7 – flex day

rest, review, practice or catch-up

if you’re feeling pretty good about where you’re at (both in the schedule and in your overall progress), take a break! you deserve one! but, if you are raring to keep going check out the following options:

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

do more practice and review in the og or through your magoosh dashboard. you can set up custom practice sessions or launch timed sections.

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

break out those math and verbal flashcards!

day 8 – arithmetic and fractions

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

operations with fractions

comparing fractions

comparing fractions ii

operations with proportions

word problems with fractions

quiz: arithmetic and fractions


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check arithmetic and fractions. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice and quiz that you missed, log the following:

try to determine why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

secondary activities (if needed or time permitting)

additional verbal practice options:

1.) continue with arts and letters daily or your preferred reading material. choose one or more articles and try to identify at least fifty unfamiliar words. with those words, make flashcards in your app of choice or with good old pen and paper.

after you read, write a concise summary or review of one of the articles, weaving in the vocabulary words you’ve learned from not only the articles but also lessons, practice questions, reading, etc.

2.) continue using the magoosh flashcard app and challenge yourself to learn 10 words daily. at the end of this week (if you started this last week), you’ll have encountered 140 words. for a deeper understanding of these words in context, refer to vocabulary.com.

additional math practice options:

1.) continue the og’s math review and dig into its practice questions.

2.) carry on with topics in the collaborative math review built by ets and kahn academy.

2.) use this week to review as many cards as possible in the next three gre math flashcard decks: number properties i, number properties ii, and statistics & probability.

day 9 – percents and ratios

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

working with percents

number sense and percents

percent increases and decreases

sequential percent changes

combining ratios

quiz: percents and rates


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check percents and ratios. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice and quiz that you missed, log the following:

try to determine why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

day 10 – counting and probability

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

introduction to counting

fundamental counting principle

introduction to probability

complementary events and simple rules

probability of event a or event b

independent events

quiz: probability


1.) navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check the box next to counting. do 5 questions.

2.) navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check the box next to probability. do 5 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

day 11 – reading comprehension ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

inference questions

multiple answer questions

multiple answer questions – inference

structure questions

advanced question types


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → reading comprehension → check long, medium and short passages. do around 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps

day 12 – reading comprehension iii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

elements of the argument

weakening the argument

strengthening the argument

assumption questions

wrong answer choices

don’t forget the conclusion

eliminating all the answers


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal→ reading comprehension → select clear all→ check the box for paragraph arguments. do 8 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

day 13 – timed practice sections

mixed practice verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

did any fall into your skip or guess bucket? did you recognize them immediately and quickly move on? it’s a good idea to train those instincts so they become second nature by test day.

day 14 – flex day

rest, review, practice or catch-up

if you’re feeling pretty good about where you’re at (both in the schedule and in your overall progress), take a break! you deserve one! but, if you are raring to keep going check out the following options:

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

do more practice and review in the og or through your magoosh dashboard. you can set up custom practice sessions or launch timed sections.

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

break out those math and verbal flashcards!

day 15 – algebra i

1.) watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

factoring quadratics

factoring combined

advanced numerical factoring

factoring rational expressions


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check algebra. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

secondary activities (if needed or time permitting)

additional verbal practice options:

1.) continue with arts and letters daily or your preferred reading material. choose one or more articles and try to identify at least fifty unfamiliar words. with those words, make flashcards in your app of choice or with good old pen and paper.

after you read, write a concise summary or review of one of the articles, weaving in the vocabulary words you’ve learned from not only the articles but also lessons, practice questions, reading, etc.

2.) continue using the magoosh flashcard app and challenge yourself to learn 10 words daily. at the end of this week (if you started this last week), you’ll have encountered 210 words. for a deeper understanding of these words in context, refer to vocabulary.com.

additional math practice options:

1.) continue the og’s math review and dig into its practice questions.

2.) carry on with topics in the collaborative math review built by ets and kahn academy.

2.) use this week to review as many cards as possible in the next three gre math flashcard decks: mixed practice i, ii, and iii.

day 16 – algebra ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

two equations, two unknowns i

two equations, two unknowns ii

three equations, three unknowns

absolute value equations

absolute value inequalities


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check algebra. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

day 17 – awa day (the issue essay)

awa overview

writing tips for the 4 major scoring components

issue essay task overview

issue essay brainstorming

issue essay format

how to practice

score your awa essay–use this link to analyze the issue essay you wrote during the practice test. it will help you better understand the process and the score your essay was given by the magoosh ai tutor.

note i: score your awa essay above leads you to the scoring rubric that will be used by the official readers when they evaluate your essay. even though the essays you write in your magoosh dashboard will be scored and given detailed feedback on how to improve by the magoosh ai tutor, it’s still important for you to read through and be familiar with the scoring rubric.

note ii: there could still be out-dated content pertaining to the argument essay in the above lessons. you can skip/ignore any references to the now retired argument task.

day 18 – advanced qc strategies

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

qc questions and inequalities

qc strategies – picking numbers

qc questions & algebra

summary of qc strategies

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → quantitative comparison → select all→ do 10 questions. be sure to watch for opportunities to use plugging-in as you solve these qc questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

day 19 – word problems

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

age questions

average speed

multiple traveler

shrinking and expanding gaps

work questions

double matrix method


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the boxes for word problems. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

day 20 – text completion

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

understanding the sentence

intro to shift sentences

multiple shifts

intro to double blank sentences

intro to triple blank sentences


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion→ select all. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

day 21 – flex day

rest, review, practice or catch-up

if you’re feeling pretty good about where you’re at (both in the schedule and in your overall progress), take a break! you deserve one! but, if you are raring to keep going check out the following options:

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

do more practice and review in the og or through your magoosh dashboard. you can set up custom practice sessions or launch timed sections.

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

break out those math and verbal flashcards!

day 22 – geometry i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

lines and angles

triangles part 1

triangles part 2

right triangles

special right triangles


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → clear all→ only check the box next to geometry. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

secondary activities (if needed or time permitting)

additional verbal practice options:

1.) continue with arts and letters daily or your preferred reading material. choose one or more articles and try to identify at least fifty unfamiliar words. with those words, make flashcards in your app of choice or with good old pen and paper.

after you read, write a concise summary or review of one of the articles, weaving in the vocabulary words you’ve learned from not only the articles but also lessons, practice questions, reading, etc.

2.) continue using the magoosh flashcard app and challenge yourself to learn 10 words daily. at the end of this week (if you’ve kept up the pace), you’ll have encountered around 280 words!

3.) in your dashboard, work through additional verbal timed sections.

additional math practice options:

1.) continue the og’s math review and dig into its practice questions.

2.) carry on with topics in the collaborative math review built by ets and kahn academy.

3.) use this week to review as many cards as possible in the final three gre math flashcard decks: mixed practice vi, v, and vi.

4.) in your dashboard, work through additional quant timed sections.

day 23 – geometry ii

1.) watch the following magoosh lesson videos:




circle properties

circles, arcs, and sectors

geometry strategies part iii


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → clear all→ only check the box next to geometry. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

day 24 – sentence equivalence

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

synonymous sentences 1

synonymous sentences 2

beware of the pseudo-synonyms

avoiding pseudo-synonyms: practice activities

read carefully 1

read carefully 2

difficult words in a sentence equivalence


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → sentence equivalence → select all categories. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

day 25 – practice test

in magoosh, take a full-length practice test!

try to be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember that there are no breaks given during the gre.

in your magoosh dashboard, navigate to practice → practice test.

as always, don’t worry about reviewing the test immediately after you finish. that’s for the next session.

day 26 – practice test review

open your error log for a deep-dive review of this last practice test.

consider the following:

reflect on the testing process: are you satisfied with your performance?

if yes, try to articulate the pacing choices etc. that helped you navigate this practice test successfully.

if no, try to determine what went wrong? did you spend too long on a question that you should have skipped or guessed? were you feeling tired or feeling frustrated by distractors?

as always, work through the following:

determine why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

day 27 – coordinate geometry

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

slope-intercept form

distance between two points

reflections in the xy plane

graphs of quadratics


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for coordinate plane. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

day 28 – statistics and data interpretation

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

mean, median, mode

quiz: statistics

data interpretation strategy

quiz: data interpretation


1. navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → data interpretation. do around 8 questions.

2. navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → statistics. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

day 29 – final review day!

you are almost at the finish line!

pick out a few topics that you want to brush up on or questions that you want to review from your error log, or you could even re-watch a few lesson videos. keep it light and easy! today is not the day to overtax your brain.

watch this final lesson: test day

day 30 and beyond…

day before

focus on feeling your best for test day!

no gre preparation

eat a large, healthy, leisurely dinner—no alcohol

go to bed earlier than usual

day of

absolutely no last minute cramming!

eat a large breakfast, full of protein

do relaxing, fun activities to pass time until the test

if you have any remaining time before your exam, focus on a concentrated review

for whatever days remain before your test, keep up the work on gre math and verbal. some suggestions for what to do:

by selecting question type and difficulty on your “dashboard,” keep doing magoosh problems or do problems you’ve previously attempted over again to see how you do a second time.

keep watching magoosh lesson videos on whatever topics you feel you need to review.

keep reading challenging material to build vocabulary and acclimate to complex sentence structures.

keep drilling your vocab flashcards and your math flashcards.

if you have time for more practice tests, you can check out the free and paid versions of ets power prep. another highly recommended source for practice tests are those produced by manhattan prep.

you have done an incredible amount of work, so be proud of what you’ve accomplished!

good luck! 🙂


do your best to follow this list, and you will improve dramatically in a very short time. again, if you can’t commit the hours to this study plan, you may want to consider postponing your test or choosing one that works on a different timeline.

for more personalized support, you can sign up for a premium magoosh gre prep plan. we have affordable 1 month or 6 month subscriptions, or you can test out the material with a free 1 week trial. happy studying!

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//www.catharsisit.com/gre/one-month-gre-test-prep/feed/ 77 30 day gre study guide
coming back to math after years away //www.catharsisit.com/gre/coming-back-to-math-after-years-away/ //www.catharsisit.com/gre/coming-back-to-math-after-years-away/#comments tue, 25 jun 2024 15:52:26 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/gre/?p=13394 suppose you have been away from math for a while, perhaps since algebra two and the sat in high school.  after these necessarily evils, you bid it a hasty farewell and gave it the bum’s rush from your entire life.  now, several years later, you have completed a baccalaureate degree in something, and wish to […]

the post coming back to math after years away appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

suppose you have been away from math for a while, perhaps since algebra two and the sat in high school.  after these necessarily evils, you bid it a hasty farewell and gave it the bum’s rush from your entire life.  now, several years later, you have completed a baccalaureate degree in something, and wish to go on to advanced degree — all highly commendable — but alas! graduate schools require the gre, and the gre involves math.  how does one get back into math after years away?


math anxiety

some folks who have not dealt with math for a wrestle with “math anxiety”, and may even be heard to utter such things as “i’ve never been good at math.”  it actually says something quite profound about the american math educational system that such a substantial proportion of intelligent and highly educated people claim to be “bad at math.”

study after study has shown that “math anxiety” involves self-fulfilling prophecies galore: folks who don’t like math avoid it, don’t practice it, and thus get rusty at it and are more likely to make mistakes because they are rusty — which reinforces the anxiety.  in most cultures in which “math anxiety” is not a huge issue, proficiency at math is regarded as the result of simple hard work and practice, not of some kind of genetic windfall that a nerdy few have and most people don’t.

all of this is to say: dive in.  you’re an intelligent and well-educated person: you can do this!  do math every day between now and your gre.  math is not a spectator sport: the only way you learn is by doing it.  yes, you will make mistakes in the beginning.  that’s fine. that’s exactly what is supposed to happen in the  math-learning process.  just learn from your mistakes and keep working.


practice, practice, practice

before you even begin your formal gre practice, keep a few gre math tips in mind!

start warming up with mental math.  you should be able, in your head, to add and subtract random two digit numbers, and multiply all single digit numbers.   make sure you know your “times table” inside out, and drill it until you know it.   start reviewing arithmetic with fractions and decimals, with percents and ratios.  if you are a magoosh member, you will find our introductory math video lessons helpful.  this mcgraw-hill book is also a very gentle refresher.

one of the biggest traps on the gre quantitative section is calculator overdependence.  math-phobes sometimes get lazy and think: i don’t really need to know what 5 times 7 is, because i’ll always have a calculator on the gre.  that is a stupendously bad approach!  one gre quant question after another is written specifically to punish all those people who instinctually reach for the calculator all the time.   the more you can rely on your own mental math, and not touch the calculator, the more you will avoid these traps, and the more successful you will be.   there is no substitute for strong mental math skills. ideally, you should use the calculator no more than two or three times at most in an entire gre quant section.

get comfortable with estimation.  for example, suppose however the question is framed, it involves multiplying 298 times 5.2.  a benighted approach would use the calculator to calculate that exact answer.  a considerably more sophisticated approach would recognize immediately —- 298 is almost 300, and 5.2 is very close to 5, so (298)*(5.2) must be very close to 300*5, and your mental math has to be good enough that you can do that multiplication in your head: 300*5 = 1,500.  quite often, when ugly numbers are given in the question, answer choices are spaced apart enough that estimation easily will isolate a single answer.

learn the divisibility tricks.  learn the doubling & halving shortcut.  part of success on gre math is developing something called “number sense”, which comes only from “playing” with numbers (see chris’s description of the “99 game” in this post.)  the more you can develop a sense of “play” in games such as these, the more it will build your confidence in math.


math and your brain

i would also recommend getting curious about your own brain and how it interacts with mathematical ideas.  this post talks a little about left-brain vs. right-brain approaches to math.  many of the folks who really struggle with math are right-brain, big-picture types, perhaps with aptitude for the arts, and typically not good with details, organization, and precision.  these people typically get the big ideas very quickly, but then can’t apply them in the rough and tumble of individual problems.

if this is you, i have some hard left-brain medicine for you.  unrelated to anything specifically mathematical, you need to practice (a) detail management; (b) organization; and (c) precision, in any areas in which it is possible.   organize that messy drawer of your dresser, or your kitchen cabinet, or your medicine cabinet, in the most hyper-rational anal-retentive way possible. pay attention to subtle precise differences in colors, in fonts, in leaf shapes, in window designs, in bird calls, etc. etc.  volunteer to plan and organize things for people, forcing yourself to manage all the relevant details.   in all the environments in which you are the most familiar (your house, your place of work, store where you frequently shop, etc.), practice noticing a new detail, something you have never seen before, each and every time you are there.  in all of these, you are trying to exercise your left-brain capacities: just a little strength more on that side of your brain will have huge payoffs in your ability to handle math problems.



you are an intelligent person.  therefore, you are eminently capable of learning enough math to perform well on the gre quant section.   don’t let your own habitual fears psyche you out.  practice feeling confidence in math, and practice math questions with a sense of curiosity and adventure.  believe in your ability to develop the necessarily skills and perspectives, and don’t let yourself down!


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how to round to the nearest integer | gre math //www.catharsisit.com/gre/gre-math-rounding/ //www.catharsisit.com/gre/gre-math-rounding/#comments fri, 05 apr 2024 12:40:43 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/gre/?p=12478 what does it mean to round a number? rounding means to make a number shorter or simpler, but keeping it as close in value as possible to the original number. let’s take a closer look in this edition of gre math tips. rounding to the nearest integer the most common type of rounding is to […]

the post how to round to the nearest integer | gre math appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

track showing numbers 3 and 4 representing how to round to the nearest integer- magoosh

what does it mean to round a number? rounding means to make a number shorter or simpler, but keeping it as close in value as possible to the original number. let’s take a closer look in this edition of gre math tips.

rounding to the nearest integer

the most common type of rounding is to round to the nearest integer.  the rule for rounding is simple: look at the digits in the tenth’s place (the first digit to the right of the decimal point). if the digit in the tenths place is less than 5, then round down, which means the units digit remains the same; if the digit in the tenths place is 5 or greater, then round up, which means you should increase the unit digit by one. 

here are a couple of other things to know:

observation #1: under most circumstances, rounding changes the decimal to whatever integer is closer.  for example, 4.3 is rounded to 4, and 4.9 is rounded to 5.  the exception is when the decimal is smack dab between two integers: 4.5 is exactly equidistant to both 4 and 5, but because of the “tie-breaker” rule of rounding, anything with a 5 in the tenths digit is rounded up.  this is the only case in which the “go to the closer integer” interpretation will fail.

observation #2: do not double-round.  some people look at a number like, say, 7.49, and they erroneously think — well, that 9 would round the 4 up to 5, and then a 5 gets round up, to this number would round to 8.  wrong!  never round a number “in stages.”  rounding is a one-shot deal, a one-step process.   when the number we need to round is 7.49, we only need notice that the tenth’s digit is a 4, which means the number is rounded down to 7.  one step, case closed.  in fact, all of the following numbers get rounded to 7:


—> all get rounded to 7

here’s the truly mind-boggling part:

how many numbers would there be larger than this last number, but still lower than 7.5?  infinity!  no matter how many additional 9’s we slap on to the end of that number, there’s still a continuous infinity of decimals larger than that number and below 7.5  no matter how finely we chop up the real number line, each tiny fragment of the line, no matter how small, still contains a continuous infinite of numbers.

observation #3: the “tie-breaker” rule can be tricky with negative values.  for example, +2.5 gets rounded up to 3, but –2.5 gets rounded down … to –3.  as with positive numbers, the negative number ending in .5 is rounded to the higher absolute value integer, but with negatives, that’s rounding down.  (this is not the only way to formulate this rule, but this is the convention that ets follows.)


rounding to any other decimal place

rounding to the nearest integer is really rounding to the nearest units place. sometimes, you will be asked to round to the nearest hundreds, or to the nearest hundredths — to some decimal place other than the units place.  the rule is just a more generalized version of the previous rounding rule.

suppose we are asked to round to some specific decimal place — call this the “target place.”  you always look at only one digit, the digit immediately to the right of the target place.  if this digit immediately to the right is {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, then you “round down”, and the digit in the target place remains unchanged. if this digit immediately to the right is {5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, then you “round up”, and the digit in the target place increases by 1.

what do you have to know about how to round to the nearest integer for the gre?

not many gre questions will say, “here’s a number: round it to the nearest such-and-such.”  by contrast, many questions, in the course of asking something else, could ask you to round your answer to the nearest such-and-such.  in this way, rounding is one math skill you need to know for the gre.  there are a few tricky issues, which i will address here.

other cases of rounding

very occasionally, a gre math question may ask you not to round to a particular decimal place, but rather to the nearest multiple of something.  for example, suppose you are asked to round, say, to the nearest 0.05 — how do you do that?

well, let’s think about the results first.  the result of rounding to the nearest 0.05 would be something divisible by 0.05 — that is to say, a decimal with either a 0 or a 5 in the hundredth place, no digits to the right of that, and any digits to the left of that.  the following are examples of numbers which could be the result of rounding to the nearest 0.05:

  1. 0.35
  2. 1.40
  3. 3.15
  4. 5.2
  5. 8

notice: the second, (b) is the square root of 2 (sqrt{2} = 1.414213562….) rounded to the nearest 0.05, and the third, (c), is pi rounded to the nearest 0.05.

let’s demonstrate the rounding by means of an example.  what numbers, when rounded to the nearest 0.05, would be rounded to 2.35?  well, for starters, 2.35 and other “tenths” around it would be rounded to 2.35

2.32 — rounded down to 2.30

2.33 — rounded up to 2.35

2.34 — rounded up to 2.35

2.35 — stays at value

2.36 — rounded down to 2.35

2.37 — rounded down to 2.35

2.38 — rounded up to 2.40

now, the tricky regions are those between the values that are rounded in different directions.  for example, 2.32 is rounded down and 2.33 is rounded up, so something fishy is happening between those two.  let’s think about the hundredths between 2.32 and 2.33 — exactly between them is 2.325, the midpoint between 2.30 and 2.35, and like all midpoints, according to the “tiebreaker” rule, it gets rounded up.  thus:

2.320 —- rounded down to 2.30

2.321 —- rounded down to 2.30

2.322 —- rounded down to 2.30

2.323 —- rounded down to 2.30

2.324 —- rounded down to 2.30

2.325 —- rounded up to 2.35 (the “tie-breaker” rule)

2.326 —- rounded up to 2.35

2.327 —- rounded up to 2.35

2.328 —- rounded up to 2.35

2.329 —- rounded up to 2.35

2.330 —- rounded up to 2.35

this is all probably far more detail than you will need to know for gre math, but this does demonstrate the steps you would take to round any decimal to the nearest 0.05.  by analogy, you could round any decimal to any specified multiple.

got rounding to the nearest integer mastered? test your skills on magoosh’s gre math practice questions with answers and explanations, or check out the rounding question below!

need more help?

improve your gre scores with magoosh gre, you can choose between a live cohorted class with an instructor (which includes all our lessons and practice questions) or access to the self-study option by itself.

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90 day gre study plan for advanced students //www.catharsisit.com/gre/90-day-gre-study-plan-for-advanced-students/ //www.catharsisit.com/gre/90-day-gre-study-plan-for-advanced-students/#comments fri, 23 feb 2024 16:00:54 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/gre/?p=9387 this 90 day study plan will help advanced students master the test and push their scores even higher!

the post 90 day gre study plan for advanced students appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

the content in this post applies in 2024 to the new, shorter gre!

if you’re aiming for a top score on the gre, and you’re starting out with a strong background in the content areas that the gre tests, then this 90 day study plan can help get you where you want to be! here, you’ll find the guidance and materials you’ll need from a 3-month gre study plan to master the material.

click here to download a pdf of the study schedule!

this 90-day plan is designed to help you refine the test-taking skills you already have in order to achieve your scoring goals. the schedule requires twelve weeks, assuming 1.5-2.5 hours for each of the five weekdays, and one longer stint on the weekend (“day six”). if you would prefer to work on both weekend days, and free up some time during the week, feel free to make those changes.

for advanced gre students: an emphasis on reviewing & drilling

this schedule is best suited for advanced students. most of the assigned lessons skew towards covering topics that require a working knowledge of the fundamentals–the basic topics, techniques, and strategies that establish a solid foundation for how to approach the gre exam. there is also a greater emphasis on working and reviewing practice questions.

as you work through this schedule, if you find that some of the higher-level content is a bit too challenging, you can always make modifications to better suit your own prep needs. once you have a sense of your personal strengths and weaknesses, you can explore all the available lessons on the magoosh dashboard, swap out lesson material that you aren’t quite ready to tackle for introductory or mid-tier concepts, and set up custom practice sessions that focus on your desired topic(s) of study.

curious about other study plan options or how to best modify a schedule depending on your situation? check out this post: gre study plans and guides.

table of contents

essential material
optional material
about the material
week 1
week 2
week 3
week 4
week 5
week 6
week 7
week 8
week 9
week 10
week 11
week 12
week 12.5

essential material

optional material

  • top 5 free gre practice resources: this page includes instructions on where to find good full-length gre practice tests, and how to take practice tests and incorporate them into your studies. this page also has links to magoosh’s free gre diagnostic quizzes.
  • quizlet.com: gives you online access to flashcards, making it easier, say, to quiz yourself on your mobile device
  • vocabulary.com: provides conversational example sentences and a flood of example sentences. if you are really trying to achieve a high verbal score, you can also check out lists of crazy hard gre words that other users have compiled.

about the material

about vocabulary

if you are striving for a top-notch verbal score, daily review of vocab is vital. 30 days is not a lot of time; however, you can certainly memorize a few hundred (maybe more) words in that timeframe.

make use of magoosh’s gre flashcards, but don’t limit yourself to just these words. whenever you encounter a word you don’t know, look it up, make a flashcard, and add it to your own flashcard deck. you can go the old-fashioned route with hand-written, paper cards or opt for a digital version like quizlet.

organizing flashcards

as you work through your flashcards you’ll want to organize them into three piles/categories. one category is for words that are “new” to you and you’re just trying to absorb their definitions/usage. another category is for words that you’ve almost mastered–maybe you still need context clues to grasp their meanings. the final category represents a “done” stack that is only rarely reviewed.

reading material

we cannot stress the importance of reading to build your reading comprehension skills, refine your understanding of grammar and usage, and expand your vocabulary. you have to challenge yourself to read material that is written at the same level as the passages you’ll encounter on test day. check out the links below for reliable sources and advice:

non-fiction, scholarly books, history and social science topics are preferable.

how to practice with recommended sources: scientific americanatlantic monthlythe new yorkernational geographicthe economist, arts and letters daily, or the new york times (a sunday subscription is a great idea!).

error log

a notebook or digital document to keep a written record of the questions that you miss. for each question you enter into your log do the following:

  • try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
  • read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
  • watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)
  • be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  • when you come across vocabulary that you don’t know or only sorta know in a question, be sure to add it to your flashcards. we use words that are trending on the gre to create our content.

not sure how to set up your error log? here’s a free template.

about older ets prep materials

note: ets launched the shorter version of the gre in 2023. so, what does that mean if you have older prep materials? good news!! you do not need to go out and buy new ones. because there were no changes to the content that ets tests, there have been no real changes to the prep books that cover that content. in fact, at the time of this writing, ets hasn’t even released a new edition of its own prep material, the official guide, but does provide the following note:

“the practice tests in this book are for the general test that was administered before september 22, 2023. however, because the shorter gre includes the same question types (except for the analyze an argument essay task which has been removed), this book is a great way to prepare for the shorter gre.”

thus, if you have older versions of prep materials, you should be all set to dive in. just be sure to skip any content related to the analyze an argument part of the awa, and be sure to review the gre’s updated timing and structure.

using this guide without a premium magoosh subscription

without your own magoosh account, you won’t be able to access many of the lessons, practice questions, and practice tests that are linked in the daily tasks; however, there are a number of lessons and practice materials that are publically available, and, of course, you can also follow the daily breakdown of topics and activities using the official guide or any other material(s) you are using for your gre prep.

90 day gre study plan: week 1

day 1 – introduction

1.) go to ets.org/gre, and read about the content of the gre. click on and read each sub-heading link.

2.) watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

intro – general introduction

intro – what’s on the gre?

intro – computer adaptive testing

intro – skipping questions and pacing

study plans and resources

intro – stress management

build your error log

if you haven’t done so already, now is the time to be sure you have this essential document at the ready.

3.) take a look at your week ahead and schedule about 2 hours for a full-length practice. it’s planned for day 6 in this schedule, but you can move that around if needed. if you haven’t done so yet, this is a perfect opportunity to take magoosh’s free gre practice test.

additional practice (if needed or time permitting)

if you have a paper or digital copy of ets’s official guide for the gre (and you really should), you can use them to supplement your practice. there are plenty of harder practice questions, written by the folks who write the questions on the actual exam, for both math and verbal that you can dive into.

day 2 – intro to gre math i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

math section breakdown

mental math: gre estimation

mental math: dividing by five

mental math: doubling and halving

mental math: squaring shortcuts

number sense

learn from your mistakes


if you have a magoosh premium or trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → and launch math quick practice at the top of the screen (you’ll see a lightning bolt icon). work through those 10 mixed practice problems.


today, you are going to start making use of your error log. as you review the results of the mixed math practice set, add each incorrect question to your log and do the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

don’t just skip over the questions you got right! double check that you got them right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards in the first deck, algebra. if you are 100% confident that you know the concepts therein, awesome! if not, be sure to devote time to memorizing any that you don’t have down pat.

download the magoosh complete guide to gre vocabulary pdf

read carefully the section “making words stick,” about learning vocabulary, and the section “vocabulary in context: articles from magazines and newspapers.” skim the rest of the book to get a sense of the layout and style. as you build vocab through this plan, periodically go back to this book to verify your understanding and to make connections to other words. the more ways you have to remember a word, the more likely you are to remember it!

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering at least 20 words from the first deck, common words i. of course, if you already know most of the 51 words in this deck, feel free to check out the other decks in any of the categories: common, basic, and advanced. if you already have a vocabulary that would rival those of most literature professors, then you will most likely need to rely on your personal reading and curated lists of the most esoteric gre words (a quick internet search will produce quite a few list options) to push your vocabulary to new heights.

day 3 – intro to gre math ii (plugging in)

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

picking numbers

plugging in for integer properties

plugging in for percents

plugging in for word problems



if you have a magoosh premium or trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → multiple choice → do 15 questions. as you work through this set, try to identify any clues that indicate you can plug in as a solution option.


for now, do not fret about how long you’re spending on the questions. let’s focus on accuracy first. we’ll bring speed into the equation later. that being said, if you already have a high rate of accuracy, feel free to prioritize pacing from the get go. reminder: you have an average of about 1 minute and 45 seconds per math question.

which difficulty should i choose?

ideally, you should select adaptive difficulty. that setting will most accurately reflect the variety of questions that you’ll encounter on test day. however, you should feel free to select the setting that best fits your ability level for the topic and/or concept covered in a given day’s lessons.

if you feel very comfortable with a specific topic or are a more advanced student who wants to focus on higher-level concepts, you might frequently select medium to hard or even very hard.

please note, if you choose to only work on questions from one category of difficulty, you could exhaust that particular group, which means that you might start seeing repeat questions during custom practice or during a practice test.


for each question from the practice that you missed, enter it into your log and do the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue studying the cards in the first deck, algebra. review any cards you missed earlier.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards or list

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

day 4 – intro to gre math iii (quantitative comparison)

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

qc strategies: picking numbers

qc strategies: estimation

qc strategies: matching operations


if you have a magoosh premium or trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → quantitative comparison → select all. do 15 qc questions. again, as you work through this set, try to identify any clues that indicate you can plug in as a solution option.

reminder: if you’re opting to ignore the amount of time you’re spending on each question for now, that’s fine! keep that up. we’ll let you know when pacing must become a focus in your practice.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue studying the cards in the first deck, algebra. review any cards you missed earlier.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

day 5 – intro to gre verbal

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

verbal section breakdown

improving verbal score


word roots


reading in context

active usage

improving verbal score


if you have a magoosh premium or trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → and launch verbal quick practice at the top of the screen (you’ll see a lightning bolt icon). work through those 10 mixed practice problems.


as you review the results of the mixed verbal practice set, add each incorrect question to your log and do the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations.

additional practice

 in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue studying the cards in the first deck, algebra. review any cards you missed earlier.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read 1-3 articles from your reading source of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 6 – practice test

in your magoosh dashboard, navigate to practice → practice test.

be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted time. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember! there are no breaks given during the five sections of the gre.

if this is your first full-length test, this is an important moment! not only will you start to get a sense for how you feel taking the gre but, at the end, you will also find out your all important baseline scores. these will be the scores (math, verbal, awa) you build from as you push towards your goal, the scores you need to reach to feel confident when applying to your chosen graduate programs.

if you’ve already taken a practice or official gre test, that’s great! you already know where you’re at, score wise, and know how close (or far) that score is from where you need it to be.

note: don’t worry about reviewing your test immediately after you complete it unless you have enough gas left in the tank. you’ll kick off the next study session with a deep-dive review.

day 7 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up

if you’re feeling pretty good about where you’re at (both in the schedule and in your overall progress), take a break! you deserve one! but, if you are raring to keep going check out the following options:

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

break out those math and verbal flashcards

90 day gre study plan: week 2

day 8 – practice test review

open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. as always:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

as you review your test, try to recall which question types you struggled with the most. can you find any patterns? are you making careless mistakes? if so, reflect on the reason: working too fast? misreading the question? figure out where you should slow down when testing.

day 9 – arithmetic and fractions

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

conversions: fractions and decimals

comparing fractions i

comparing fractions ii (advanced)

operations with proportions

word problems with fractions

quiz: arithmetic and fractions


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check arithmetic and fractions. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

additional practice

 in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards in the second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. don’t forget any cards in the first deck, algebra that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read 1-3 articles from your reading source of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 10 – awa day

1.) watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

awa overview

writing tips for the 4 major scoring components

issue essay task overview

issue essay brainstorming

issue essay format

how to practice

score your awa essay–use this link to analyze the issue essay you wrote during the last practice test. it will help you better understand the process and the score your essay was given by the magoosh ai tutor.

note i: score your awa essay above leads you to the scoring rubric that will be used by the official readers when they evaluate your essay. even though the essays you write in your magoosh dashboard will be scored and given detailed feedback on how to improve by the magoosh ai tutor, it’s still important for you to read through and be familiar with the scoring rubric.

note ii: there could still be out-dated content pertaining to the argument essay in the above lessons. you can skip/ignore any references to the now retired argument task.

additional practice

 in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue with the cards in the second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. don’t forget to review any in the first deck, algebra that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read 1-3 articles from your reading source of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 11 – flex day

self-guided practice: use this time to focus on areas of weakness or to dig deeper into more challenging components of topics we’ve already covered.


consider your weaknesses and rewatch the lessons that cover topics you find challenging.

if you feel you’ve been fairly challenged and are struggling a bit with the content thus, at this point you might decide to switch to the beginner 3-month schedule. however, you can also just supplement this advanced version with additional lessons of your choosing. to do so, head over to the lessons page on your dashboard and dig deeper into the topics we’ve covered by watching lessons that introduce more foundational concepts that we don’t include in this advanced schedule.

navigate to custom practice on your dashboard or open up the o.g. to do additional practice problems. you can choose a specific question type or topic or you can choose to do a random assortment of quant and/or verbal questions–a random mix will more closely mimic the variety you’ll encounter on test day.

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

day 12 – reading comprehension i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

the short passage

active reading

how to answer a gre question


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → reading comprehension → check clear all and then only check the box for short passages. do 15 questions. don’t worry if you don’t end up doing exactly 15 questions. you might do a few more or less depending on the number of questions associated with the passages you are given.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue with the cards in the second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. don’t forget to review any in the first deck, algebra that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read 1-3 articles from your reading source of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 13 – percents and ratios

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

percent increases and decreases

sequential percent changes

simple and compound interest

combining ratios

quiz: percents and ratios


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check percents and ratios. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue with the cards in the second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. don’t forget to review any in the first deck, algebra that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read 1-3 articles from your reading source of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 14 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 😎

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 3

day 15 – integer properties


divisibility rules

greatest common factor

least common multiple

gcd lcm formula

testing cases

quiz: integer properties


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check integer properties. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice and quiz that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards in the third deck, geometry. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

download and begin to memorize the content in this essential gre math formulas pdf.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read 1-3 articles from your reading source of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 16 – flex day

self-guided practice: use this time to focus on areas of weakness or to dig deeper into more challenging components of topics we’ve already covered.


consider your weaknesses and rewatch the lessons that cover topics you find challenging.

supplement this schedule with additional lessons of your choosing. to do so, head over to the lessons page on your dashboard and dig deeper into the topics we’ve covered by watching lessons that introduce concepts that you feel you’d benefit from exploring.

head to custom practice on your dashboard and do additional practice problems. you can choose a specific question type or topic or you can choose to do a random assortment of quant and/or verbal questions–a random mix will more closely mimic the variety you’ll encounter on test day.

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

day 17 – reading comprehension ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

answer traps

primary purpose

inference questions

detail questions


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → reading comprehension → check long, medium and short passages. do around 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add them to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue the cards in the third deck, geometry. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read 1-3 articles from your reading source of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 18 – flex day

self-guided practice: use this time to focus on areas of weakness or to dig deeper into more challenging components of topics we’ve already covered.


consider your weaknesses and rewatch the lessons that cover topics you find challenging.

supplement this schedule with additional lessons of your choosing. to do so, head over to the lessons page on your dashboard and dig deeper into the topics we’ve covered by watching lessons that introduce concepts that you feel you’d benefit from exploring.

head to custom practice on your dashboard and do additional practice problems. you can choose a specific question type or topic or you can choose to do a random assortment of quant and/or verbal questions–a random mix will more closely mimic the variety you’ll encounter on test day.

from your dashboard, launch timed math or verbal practice sections. look for the book icons near the top of the math and verbal practice screens.

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

day 19 – reading comprehension iii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:


select the sentence

multiple answer questions

structure questions

quiz: reading comprehension


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → reading comprehension → check long, medium and short passages. do around 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice and quiz that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue the cards in the third deck, geometry. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read 1-3 articles from your reading source of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 20 – dedicated practice day

mixed practice verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue the cards in the third deck, geometry. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 21 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 😎

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 4

day 22 – reading comprehension iv

multiple answer questions – inference

advanced question types


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → reading comprehension → check long, medium and short passages. do around 20 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards in the fourth deck, number properties i. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 23 – algebra i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

foil method

factoring – gcf

factoring – difference of two squares

factoring – quadratics

factoring – combined

advanced numerical factoring


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check algebra. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue the cards in the fourth deck, number properties i. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 24 – algebra ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

quadratic equations

two equations, two unknowns i

two equations, two unknowns ii

three equation with three unknowns


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check algebra. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue the cards in the fourth deck, number properties i. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 25 – algebra ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

function notation

strange operators

inequalities i

absolute value equations


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check algebra. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue the cards in the fourth deck, number properties i. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 26 – dedicated practice day

mixed practice verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue the cards in the fourth deck, number properties i. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 27 – practice test

in magoosh, take a full-length practice test!

be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted focus time. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember that there are no breaks given during the gre.

in your magoosh dashboard, navigate to practice → practice test.

again, don’t worry about reviewing the test immediately after you finish. that will kick off next week.

day 28 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 🥳

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 5

day 29 – practice test review

open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. as always:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

as you review your test, try to recall which question types you struggled with the most. can you find any patterns? are you making careless mistakes? if so, reflect on the reason: working too fast? misreading the question? figure out where you should slow down when testing.

day 30 – algebra iv

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

system – number of solutions

absolute value inequalities

simplifying with substitutions

quiz: algebra, equations, and inequalities


for each question from the above practice and quiz that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards in the fifth deck, number properties ii. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 31 – dedicated practice day

mixed practice verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue the cards in the fifth deck, number properties ii. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 32 – flex day

1.) watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

self-guided practice: use this time to focus on areas of weakness or to dig deeper into more challenging components of topics we’ve already covered.


consider your weaknesses and rewatch the lessons that cover topics you find challenging.

supplement this schedule with additional lessons of your choosing. to do so, head over to the lessons page on your dashboard and dig deeper into the topics we’ve covered by watching lessons that introduce concepts that you feel you’d benefit from exploring.

head to custom practice on your dashboard and do additional practice problems. you can choose a specific question type or topic or you can choose to do a random assortment of quant and/or verbal questions–a random mix will more closely mimic the variety you’ll encounter on test day.

from your dashboard, launch timed math or verbal practice sections. look for the book icons near the top of the math and verbal practice screens.

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

day 33 – word problems i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

writing equations

age questions

intro to motion questions

average speed

multiple traveler question


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the boxes for word problems. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue the cards in the fifth deck, number properties ii. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 34 – word problems ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

shrinking and expanding gaps

work questions

intro to sets and venn diagrams

double matrix method

intro to sequences


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the boxes for word problems. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue the cards in the fifth deck, number properties ii. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 35 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 🥳

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 6

day 36 – word problems iii

pacing note: this week you are near the ½ way point of the schedule. if you haven’t started to do so already, you should start focusing on the pacing piece of the gre puzzle. an effective pacing and skipping strategy is a major component of success.

thus far, we’ve suggested doing the practice sessions in accordance with your comfort level with the material. starting this week, we suggest that you transition from accuracy to speed. this might be a bit frustrating at first. increasing your speed while maintaining your accuracy will not come overnight. it is a process. so, take your time with it. imagine that you’re training to be a world class swimmer: technique (or accuracy in this case) will equate to speed. regardless of how quickly you are answering questions, you should maintain the technique (the accuracy) that you developed before you began working on maximizing your pace.

if this feels like a lot to you, work in stages. set achievable goals as you attempt to improve your pacing! try to answer questions at a pace of three minutes per question. the next day, set a faster pace, like two and half minutes per question.

do this day by day until you are answering questions at the target times:

math ≈ 1:45 per question

verbal ≈ 1:30 per question

of course, those target times vary–the greater the question complexity, the longer it will take to solve it.

difficulty note: at this point, we also suggest that you switch to adaptive difficulty, if you haven’t already. of course, that’s ultimately up to you, where you’re at in your studies, and how you’ve chosen to modify this schedule. however, it is a good idea for your practice to mimic, as much as possible, what you’ll encounter on test day.

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

arithmetic sequences

recursive sequences

inclusive counting

sums of sequences

quiz: word problems


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the boxes for word problems. do 15 questions. remember that timing should be a focus of your practice form here on out.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards in the sixth deck, statistics and probability. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 37 – dedicated practice day

mixed practice verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue with the cards in the sixth deck, statistics and probability. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 38 – paragraph arguments i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

elements of the argument

weakening the argument

strengthening the argument

assumption questions

wrong answer choices

don’t forget the conclusion

quiz: paragraph argument


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal→ reading comprehension → select clear all→ check the box for paragraph arguments. do 8 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue with the cards in the sixth deck, statistics and probability. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 39 – paragraph arguments ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

the paradox argument

bold-faced arguments

eliminating all the answers

numbers vs. percents


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal→ reading comprehension → select clear all→ check the box for paragraph arguments. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue with the cards in the sixth deck, statistics and probability. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 40 – dedicated practice day

mixed practice verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue with the cards in the sixth deck, statistics and probability. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 41 – flex day

self-guided practice: use this time to focus on areas of weakness or to dig deeper into more challenging components of topics we’ve already covered.


consider your weaknesses and rewatch the lessons that cover topics you find challenging.

supplement this schedule with additional lessons of your choosing. to do so, head over to the lessons page on your dashboard and dig deeper into the topics we’ve covered by watching lessons that introduce concepts that you feel you’d benefit from exploring.

head to custom practice on your dashboard and do additional practice problems. you can choose a specific question type or topic or you can choose to do a random assortment of quant and/or verbal questions–a random mix will more closely mimic the variety you’ll encounter on test day.

from your dashboard, launch timed math or verbal practice sections. look for the book icons near the top of the math and verbal practice screens.

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

day 42 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 😎

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 7

day 43 – powers and roots i

day 43 – powers and roots i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

exponential growth

law of exponents i

negative exponents

law of exponents ii


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for powers and roots. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards in the seventh deck, mixed practice i. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 44 – powers and roots ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

square roots

units digits questions

other roots

properties of roots

simplifying roots

operations with roots


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for powers and roots. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue the cards in the seventh deck, mixed practice i. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 45 – powers and roots iii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

equations with square roots

fractional exponents

exponential equations


working with formulas

quiz: powers and roots


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for powers and roots. do 8 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue the cards in the seventh deck, mixed practice i. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 46 – text completion i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

elimination method

difficult words

simplifying complex sentences

testing the answer choices

quiz: text completion – overview


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion→ select all. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue the cards in the seventh deck, mixed practice i. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 47- text completion ii

intro to no shift sentences

cause and effect

elaboration sentences


quiz: text completion → no shifts


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion→ select all. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue the cards in the seventh deck, mixed practice i. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 48 – practice test

in magoosh, take a full-length practice test!

be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted focus time. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember that there are no breaks given during the gre.

in your magoosh dashboard, navigate to practice → practice test.

don’t worry about reviewing the test immediately after you finish. that will kick off next week.

day 49 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 🤠

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 8

day 50 – practice test review

open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. for this and the remaining practice tests, pacing should be a priority.

consider the following:

which question types are still giving you the most trouble in terms of timing?

are you able to identify question types that you should skip in order to improve your overall pacing? if not, doing so should become a priority in your practice and review.

can you identify questions on which you should have spent more time?

as always, work through the following:

determine why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

day 51 – geometry i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

lines and angles

assumptions and estimation

geometry strategies part 1


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → clear all→ only check the box next to geometry. do 15 questions timed.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes for an initial review of the cards in the eighth deck, mixed practice ii. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 52 – geometry ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

triangles part 1

triangles part 2

similar triangles


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → clear all→ only check the box next to geometry. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue working with the cards in the eighth deck, mixed practice ii. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 53 – geometry iii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

right triangles

special right triangles


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → clear all→ only check the box next to geometry. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue working with the cards in the eighth deck, mixed practice ii. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 54 – text completion iii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

intro to shift sentences

double shifts

time shifts

shifts in perception

multiple shifts

deviating from the norm

reverse apposition

quiz: text completion – sentence shifts


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion→ select all. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue working with the cards in the eighth deck, mixed practice ii. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 55 – flex day

self-guided practice: use this time to focus on areas of weakness or to dig deeper into more challenging components of topics we’ve already covered.


consider your weaknesses and rewatch the lessons that cover topics you find challenging.

supplement this schedule with additional lessons of your choosing. to do so, head over to the lessons page on your dashboard and dig deeper into the topics we’ve covered by watching lessons that introduce harder concepts that we don’t include in this beginner schedule.

head to custom practice on your dashboard and do additional practice problems. you can choose a specific question type or topic or you can choose to do a random assortment of quant and/or verbal questions–a random mix will more closely mimic the variety you’ll encounter on test day. you also have the option of launching timed sections.

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

day 56 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 😁

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 9

day 57 – geometry iv

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:


area of quadrilaterals


regular polygons


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for geometry. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. start working with the ninth deck, mixed practice iii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 58 – geometry v

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:


circle properties

circles, arcs, and sectors


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for geometry. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue working with the ninth deck, mixed practice iii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 59 – geometry vi

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

volume and surface area

geometry strategies part 2

quiz: geometry


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for geometry. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue working with the ninth deck, mixed practice iii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 60 – geometry review day

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for geometry. do 20 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue working with the ninth deck, mixed practice iii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 61 – text completion iv

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

multiple sentences

relationship between blanks

back to back blanks

other blank is the clue

advanced double blanks

quiz: text completions – double blanks


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion→ clear all → check the box double blanks. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue working with the ninth deck, mixed practice iii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 62 – flex day

self-guided practice: use this time to focus on areas of weakness or to dig deeper into more challenging components of topics we’ve already covered.


consider your weaknesses and rewatch the lessons that cover topics you find challenging.

supplement this schedule with additional lessons of your choosing. to do so, head over to the lessons page on your dashboard and dig deeper into the topics we’ve covered by watching lessons that introduce harder concepts that we don’t include in this beginner schedule.

head to custom practice on your dashboard and do additional practice problems. you can choose a specific question type or topic or you can choose to do a random assortment of quant and/or verbal questions–a random mix will more closely mimic the variety you’ll encounter on test day. you also have the option of launching timed sections.

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

day 63 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 😁

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 10

day 64 – coordinate geometry i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

the coordinate plane

graphing lines

vertical and horizontal lines



navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for coordinate plane. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. start working with the tenth deck, mixed practice iv. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks. don’t forget to review any cards in the previous decks that you haven’t yet mastered.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 65 – coordinate geometry ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:


slope-intercept form

distance between two points

graphs of quadratics

quiz: coordinate geometry


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for coordinate plane. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue working with the tenth deck, mixed practice iv. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 66 – statistics i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

mean, median, mode

more on mean and median

weighted averages 1

weighted averages 2 (advanced)

range and standard deviation


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for statistics. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue working with the tenth deck, mixed practice iv. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 67 – statistics ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

more on standard deviation

quartiles and boxplots

normal distribution


quiz: statistics


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for statistics. do 5 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue working with the tenth deck, mixed practice iv. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 68 – text completion v

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

intro to triple blank sentences

long triple blank sentences

beware of counter intuitive choices

one sentence triple blank

hidden clues

multiple word answers

working backwards

quiz: text completion – triple blanks


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion→ clear all → check the box triple blanks. do 8 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue working with the tenth deck, mixed practice iv. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 69 – practice test

in magoosh, take a full-length practice test!

try to be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember that there are no breaks given during the gre.

in your magoosh dashboard, navigate to practice → practice test.

as always, don’t worry about reviewing the test immediately after you finish. that will kick off next week.

day 70 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 🥳

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 11

day 71 – practice test review

open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. remember, pacing should be a priority.

consider the following:

which question types are still giving you the most trouble in terms of timing?

are you able to identify question types that you should skip in order to improve your overall pacing? if not, doing so should become a priority in your practice and review.

can you identify questions on which you should have spent more time?

as always, work through the following:

determine why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

day 72 – counting

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

fundamental counting principle

fcp with restrictions

factorial notation

when to use combinations

calculating combinations

counting strategies

permutations and combinations


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for counting. do 5 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to start reviewing the eleventh deck, mixed practice v. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 73 – data interpretation

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

intro to data interpretation

data interpretation strategy

types of di graphics


unconventional graphs

quiz: data interpretation


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → data interpretation. do 9 questions.

note: as with some of the reading comprehension questions, the data interpretation questions come in batches, typically 2 or 3 questions, pertaining to the same graph or chart. you should do all the questions in a set at once, which means you may do a few more or less than 9 di questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue reviewing the eleventh deck, mixed practice v. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 74 – sentence equivalence i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

synonymous sentences 1

synonymous sentences 2

beware of the pseudo-synonyms

avoiding pseudo-synonyms: practice activities

“perfect answer”- but no matching pair


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → sentence equivalence → select all categories. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue reviewing the eleventh deck, mixed practice v. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 75 – sentence equivalence ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

opposite-of-correct synonym pairs

read carefully 1

read carefully 2

difficult words in sentence equivalence

quiz: sentence equivalence


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → sentence equivalence → select all categories. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue reviewing the eleventh deck, mixed practice v. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

day 76 – probability

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

probability of event a or event b

examples of the or rule

independent events

examples of the and rule

binomial situation

the “at least” scenario

using counting techniques

listing vs. counting vs. probability rules

general probability strategies

quiz: probability


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for probability. do 5 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add them to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue reviewing the eleventh deck, mixed practice v. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

day 77 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 😎

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 12

day 78 – advanced qc strategies i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

qc questions and inequalities

qc questions and algebra


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → quantitative comparison → select all. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to start reviewing the twelfth deck, mixed practice vi. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 79 – advanced qc strategies ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

qc questions and geometry

qc questions and integer properties

summary of qc strategies

quiz: advanced qc strategies


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → quantitative comparison → select all. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue reviewing the twelfth deck, mixed practice vi. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 80 – dedicated practice day

mixed practice verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue reviewing the twelfth deck, mixed practice vi. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 81 – flex day

self-guided practice: use this time to focus on areas of weakness or to dig deeper into more challenging components of topics we’ve already covered.


consider your weaknesses and rewatch the lessons that cover topics you find challenging.

supplement this schedule with additional lessons of your choosing. to do so, head over to the lessons page on your dashboard and dig deeper into the topics we’ve covered by watching lessons that introduce harder concepts that we don’t include in this beginner schedule.

head to custom practice on your dashboard and do additional practice problems. you can choose a specific question type or topic or you can choose to do a random assortment of quant and/or verbal questions–a random mix will more closely mimic the variety you’ll encounter on test day. you also have the option of launching timed sections.

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

day 82 – dedicated practice day

mixed practice verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

add any words you only sorta know or don’t know to the vocabulary you are learning for the exam.

do any fall into your skip or guess bucket?

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 10 minutes to continue reviewing the twelfth deck, mixed practice vi. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

in the gre vocabulary flashcards or your own flashcards/word list(s)

work on mastering at least 20 words from either the first deck or whatever deck(s) you are working on.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 83 – practice test

in magoosh, take a full-length practice test!

try to be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember that there are no breaks given during the gre.

in your magoosh dashboard, navigate to practice → practice test.

as always, don’t worry about reviewing the test immediately after you finish. that’s for the next session.

day 84 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 🥳

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 12.5

day 85 – practice test review

open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. remember, pacing should be a priority.

consider the following:

reflect on the testing process: are you satisfied with your performance?

if yes, try to articulate the pacing choices etc. that helped you navigate this practice test successfully.

if no, try to determine what went wrong? did you spend too long on a question that you should have skipped or guessed? were you feeling tired or feeling frustrated by distractors?

as always, work through the following:

determine why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

day 86 – dedicated practice day

mixed practice verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

do any fall into your skip or guess bucket?

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

congratulations! if you’ve made vocabulary study a dedicated part of your prep, then you probably know a whole heck of a lot more words than when you started. keep working at it. there are probably a handful of words that just aren’t sticking yet, but you’ll get there!

in the gre math flashcards

at this point, you should have had a chance to review all the cards in all the decks. now is the time to identify and work towards mastery of any of the concepts that are still proving elusive.

day 87 – dedicated practice day

mixed practice verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

did any fall into your skip or guess bucket? did you recognize them immediately and quickly move on? it’s a good idea to train those instincts so they become second nature by test day.

day 88 – dedicated practice day

mixed practice verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

do any fall into your skip or guess bucket? did you recognize them immediately and quickly move on? it’s a good idea to train those instincts so they become second nature by test day.

day 89 – final review day!

you are almost at the finish line!

pick out a few topics that you want to brush up on or questions that you want to review from your error log, or you could even re-watch a few lesson videos. keep it light and easy! today is not the day to overtax your brain.

watch this final lesson: test day

day 90!

day before

focus on feeling your best for test day!

no gre preparation

eat a large, healthy, leisurely dinner—no alcohol

go to bed earlier than usual

day of

absolutely no last minute cramming!

eat a large breakfast, full of protein

do relaxing, fun activities to pass time until the test

if you have any remaining time before your exam, focus on a concentrated review

for whatever days remain before your test, keep up the work on gre math and verbal. some suggestions for what to do:

by selecting question type and difficulty on your “dashboard,” keep doing magoosh problems or do problems you’ve previously attempted over again to see how you do a second time.

keep watching magoosh lesson videos on whatever topics you feel you need to review.

keep reading challenging material to build vocabulary and acclimate to complex sentence structures.

keep drilling your vocab flashcards and your math flashcards.

if you have time for more practice tests, you can check out the free and paid versions of ets power prep. another highly recommended source for practice tests are those produced by manhattan prep.

you have done an incredible amount of work, so be proud of what you’ve accomplished!

good luck! 🙂


do your best to follow this list, and you will improve dramatically in a very short time. again, if you can’t commit the hours to this study plan, you may want to consider postponing your test or choosing one that works on a different timeline.

for more personalized support, you can sign up for a premium magoosh gre prep plan. we have affordable 1 month or 6 month subscriptions, or you can test out the material with a free 1 week trial. happy studying!

the post 90 day gre study plan for advanced students appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

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90 day gre study plan for beginners //www.catharsisit.com/gre/90-day-gre-study-plan-for-beginners/ //www.catharsisit.com/gre/90-day-gre-study-plan-for-beginners/#comments fri, 23 feb 2024 16:00:32 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/gre/?p=9365 need a 90 day gre study plan? magoosh's experts have you covered! check out everything you need to know to prep for the gre in 3 months!

the post 90 day gre study plan for beginners appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

the content in this post applies in 2024 to the new, shorter gre!

if you’re starting more or less from scratch, you may be wondering if 90 days (~3 months) of gre prep is even close to enough time. it is! but there’s a key component to preparing for the gre: you need to be strategic about how you organize your study. luckily, magoosh has an expert-written plan that can help you figure out how to prepare to meet and exceed your gre goals in the next three months!

click here to download a pdf of the study schedule!

this 90-day plan is designed to have you improve as much as you can in a three-month period. we have designed twelve weeks, assuming 1.5-2.5 hours for each of the five weekdays, and one longer stint on the weekend (“day six”). if you would prefer to work on both weekend days, and free up some time during the week, feel free to make those changes.

for gre beginners: starting with the basics

this schedule was designed with beginners in mind, which means that most of the assigned lessons skew towards covering the fundamentals–the basic topics, techniques, and strategies that will give you a solid foundation for how to approach the gre exam.

if you find that you are already comfortable with a lot of the introductory material, you can always modify this schedule to suit your own prep needs. once you have a sense of your personal strengths and weaknesses, you can dig into all the available lessons on the magoosh dashboard, swap out lesson material that you’re well-versed in for more advanced concepts, and set up custom practice sessions that focus on your desired topic of study. this schedule was designed to be easily modified based on the needs of individual users.

curious about other study plan options or how to best modify a schedule depending on your situation? check out this post: gre study plans and guides.

table of contents

essential material
optional material
about the material
week 1
week 2
week 3
week 4
week 5
week 6
week 7
week 8
week 9
week 10
week 11
week 12
week 12.5

essential material

optional material

  • top 5 free gre practice resources: this page includes instructions on where to find good full-length gre practice tests, and how to take practice tests and incorporate them into your studies. this page also has links to magoosh’s free gre diagnostic quizzes.
  • quizlet.com: gives you online access to flashcards, making it easier, say, to quiz yourself on your mobile device
  • vocabulary.com: provides conversational example sentences and a flood of example sentences. if you are really trying to achieve a high verbal score, you can also check out lists of crazy hard gre words that other users have compiled.

about the material

about vocabulary

if you are striving for a top-notch verbal score, daily review of vocab is vital. 30 days is not a lot of time; however, you can certainly memorize a few hundred (maybe more) words in that timeframe.

make use of magoosh’s gre flashcards, but don’t limit yourself to just these words. whenever you encounter a word you don’t know, look it up, make a flashcard, and add it to your own flashcard deck. you can go the old-fashioned route with hand-written, paper cards or opt for a digital version like quizlet.

organizing flashcards

as you work through your flashcards you’ll want to organize them into three piles/categories. one category is for words that are “new” to you and you’re just trying to absorb their definitions/usage. another category is for words that you’ve almost mastered–maybe you still need context clues to grasp their meanings. the final category represents a “done” stack that is only rarely reviewed.

reading material

we cannot stress the importance of reading to build your reading comprehension skills, refine your understanding of grammar and usage, and expand your vocabulary. you have to challenge yourself to read material that is written at the same level as the passages you’ll encounter on test day. check out the links below for reliable sources and advice:

non-fiction, scholarly books, history and social science topics are preferable.

how to practice with recommended sources: scientific americanatlantic monthlythe new yorkernational geographicthe economist, arts and letters daily, or the new york times (a sunday subscription is a great idea!).

error log

a notebook or digital document to keep a written record of the questions that you miss. for each question you enter into your log do the following:

  • try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
  • read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
  • watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)
  • be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  • when you come across vocabulary that you don’t know or only sorta know in a question, be sure to add it to your flashcards. we use words that are trending on the gre to create our content.

not sure how to set up your error log? here’s a free template.

about older ets prep materials

note: ets launched the shorter version of the gre in 2023. so, what does that mean if you have older prep materials? good news!! you do not need to go out and buy new ones. because there were no changes to the content that ets tests, there have been no real changes to the prep books that cover that content. in fact, at the time of this writing, ets hasn’t even released a new edition of its own prep material, the official guide, but does provide the following note:

“the practice tests in this book are for the general test that was administered before september 22, 2023. however, because the shorter gre includes the same question types (except for the analyze an argument essay task which has been removed), this book is a great way to prepare for the shorter gre.”

thus, if you have older versions of prep materials, you should be all set to dive in. just be sure to skip any content related to the analyze an argument part of the awa, and be sure to review the gre’s updated timing and structure.

using this guide without a premium magoosh subscription

without your own magoosh account, you won’t be able to access many of the lessons, practice questions, and practice tests that are linked in the daily tasks; however, there are a number of lessons and practice materials that are publically available, and, of course, you can also follow the daily breakdown of topics and activities using the official guide or any other material(s) you are using for your gre prep.

90 day gre study plan: week 1

day 1 – introduction

1.) go to ets.org/gre, and read about the content of the gre. click on and read each sub-heading link.

2.) watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

intro – general introduction

intro – what’s on the gre?

intro – computer adaptive testing

intro – skipping questions and pacing

intro – stress management

build your error log

if you haven’t done so already, now is the time to be sure you have this essential document at the ready.

3.) take a look at your week ahead and schedule about 2 hours for a full-length practice. it’s planned for day 6 in this schedule, but you can move that around if needed. if you haven’t done so yet, this is a perfect opportunity to take magoosh’s free gre practice test.

additional practice (if needed or time permitting)

if you have a paper or digital copy of ets’s official guide for the gre (and you really should), you can use it to supplement your practice. for example, if you are feeling challenged by basic math concepts, check out the og’s math review and work through the topics and associated exercises. there are also plenty of practice questions for both math and verbal, organized by difficulty, that you can dive into.

day 2 – intro to gre math

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

math section breakdown

intro to gre math

mental math: gre estimation

mental math: dividing by five

mental math: doubling and halving

number sense

learn from your mistakes


if you have a magoosh premium or trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → and launch math quick practice at the top of the screen (you’ll see a lightning bolt icon). work through those 10 mixed practice problems.


today, you are going to start making use of your error log. as you review the results of the mixed math practice set, add each incorrect question to your log and do the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

don’t just skip over the questions you got right! double check that you got them right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to start studying the cards in the first deck, algebra.

day 3 – intro to gre math ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

intro to quantitative comparison

qc strategies: estimation

qc strategies: matching operations


if you have a magoosh premium or trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → quantitative comparison. do 15 qc questions. for now, do not fret about how long you’re spending on the questions. let’s focus on accuracy first. we’ll bring speed into the equation later on.

which difficulty should i choose?

ideally, you should select adaptive difficulty. that setting will most accurately reflect the variety of questions that you’ll encounter on test day. however, you should feel free to select the setting that best fits your current ability level. if you are struggling with some of the basic concepts, you might opt for easy/medium until your accuracy improves. however, by, or before, the ½ way point, you should switch to adaptive difficulty.

if you feel very comfortable with a specific topic or are a more advanced student who wants to focus on higher-level concepts, you might select hard/very hard.

please note, if you frequently only work on questions from one category of difficulty, you could exhaust that particular group, which means that you might start seeing repeat questions during custom practice or during a practice test.


for each question from qc practice that you missed, enter it into your log and do the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards, take 15 minutes to continue studying the cards in the first deck, algebra. review any cards you missed earlier.

day 4 – intro to gre math iii (plugging in)

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

plugging in overview

plugging in for integer properties

plugging in for percents

plugging in for word problems



if you have a magoosh premium or trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → multiple choice → select all. do 15 questions. as you work through this set, try to identify any clues that indicate you can plug in as a solution option.

reminder: for the first ½ of this study plan do not worry about timing. of course, if you have a high rate of accuracy, then shift to a focus on pacing sooner versus later. you have an average of about 1 minute and 45 seconds per math question.

if you’re opting to ignore the amount of time you’re spending on each question for now, that’s fine! keep that up. we’ll let you know when pacing must become a focus in your practice.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

additional practice

in the gre math flashcards, take 15 minutes to continue studying the cards in the first deck, algebra. review any cards you missed earlier.

day 5 – intro to gre verbal

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

verbal section breakdown

intro to reading comprehension

intro to text completions

intro to sentence equivalences

intro to vocabulary


word roots


reading in context

active usage

vocabulary in questions

improving verbal score


if you have a magoosh premium or trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → and launch verbal quick practice at the top of the screen (you’ll see a lightning bolt icon). work through those 10 mixed practice problems.


as you review the results of the mixed verbal practice set, add each incorrect question to your log and do the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanation steps.

additional practice

if you haven’t yet, in the magoosh blog, read: gre reading comprehension practice

download the magoosh complete guide to gre vocabulary pdf

read carefully the section “making words stick,” about learning vocabulary, and the section “vocabulary in context: articles from magazines and newspapers.” skim the rest of the book to get a sense of the layout and style. as you build vocab through this plan, periodically go back to this book to verify your understanding and to make connections to other words. the more ways you have to remember a word, the more likely you are to remember it!

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to continue studying the cards in the first deck, algebra. review any cards you missed earlier.

day 6 – practice test

in magoosh, take a full-length practice test!

be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted time. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember! there are no breaks given during the five sections of the gre.

if this is your first full-length test, this is an important moment! not only will you start to get a sense for how you feel taking the gre but, at the end, you will also find out your all important baseline scores. these will be the scores (math, verbal, awa) you build from as you push towards your goal, the scores you need to reach to feel confident when applying to your chosen graduate programs.

if you’ve already taken a practice or official gre test, that’s great! you already know where you’re at, score wise, and know how close (or far) that score is from where you need it to be.

note: don’t worry about reviewing your test immediately after you complete it unless you have enough gas left in the tank. you’ll kick off the next study session with a deep-dive review.

day 7 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up

if you’re feeling pretty good about where you’re at (both in the schedule and in your overall progress), take a break! you deserve one! but, if you are raring to keep going check out the following options:

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

break out those math and verbal flashcards

90 day gre study plan: week 2

day 8 – practice test review

open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. as always:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

as you review your test, try to recall which question types you struggled with the most. can you find any patterns? are you making careless mistakes? if so, reflect on the reason: working too fast? misreading the question? figure out where you should slow down when testing.

day 9 – arithmetic and fractions

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

properties of real numbers

positive and negative numbers 1

order of operations


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check arithmetic and fractions. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

 work on mastering at least 20 words from the first deck.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. start working with the second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. review any cards you missed earlier.

read 1-3 articles from your reading source of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 10 – arithmetic and fractions ii

1.) watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

into to decimals


intro to fractions

conversions: fractions and decimals


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check arithmetic and fractions. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck).

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. review any cards you missed earlier.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 11 – awa day

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

awa overview

writing tips for the 4 major scoring components

issue essay task overview

issue essay brainstorming

issue essay format

how to practice

score your awa essay–use this link to analyze the issue essay you wrote during the last practice test. it will help you better understand the process and the score your essay was given by the magoosh ai tutor.

note i: score your awa essay above leads you to the scoring rubric that will be used by the official readers when they evaluate your essay. even though the essays you write in your magoosh dashboard will be scored and given detailed feedback on how to improve by the magoosh ai tutor, it’s still important for you to read through and be familiar with the scoring rubric.

note ii: there could still be out-dated content pertaining to the argument essay in the above lessons. you can skip/ignore any references to the now retired argument task.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the  second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. review any cards you missed earlier.

read your chosen reading material (one chapter, or a few articles). again note grammatical structures that prove challenging and how you were able to work around them. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards. 

day 12 – reading comprehension i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

the short passage

active reading

how to answer a gre question


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → reading comprehension → check clear all and then only check the box for short passages. do 10 questions. don’t worry if you don’t end up doing exactly 10 questions. you might do a few more or less depending on the number of questions associated with the passages you are given.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. review any cards you missed earlier.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 13 – arithmetic and fractions iii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

fraction properties 1

comparing fractions 1

operations with fractions

operations with proportions

word problems with fractions

quiz: arithmetic and fractions


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → all math → check clear all and then only check the box for arithmetic and fractions. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above quiz and practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. review any cards you missed earlier.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 14 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 😎

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 3

day 15 – flex day

self-guided practice

use this time to focus on areas of weakness or to dig deeper into more challenging components of topics we’ve already covered.


consider your weaknesses and rewatch the lessons that cover topics you find challenging.

if you feel you’ve been breezing through the content thus far, at this point you might decide to switch to the advanced 3-month schedule. however, you can also just supplement this beginner version with additional lessons of your choosing. to do so, head over to the lessons page on your dashboard and dig deeper into the topics we’ve covered by watching lessons that introduce harder concepts that we don’t include in this beginner schedule.

navigate to custom practice on your dashboard or open up the o.g. to do additional practice problems. you can choose a specific question type or topic or you can choose to do a random assortment of quant and/or verbal questions–a random mix will more closely mimic the variety you’ll encounter on test day.

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

day 16 – percents and ratios

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

intro to percents

working with percents

percent increases and decreases

sequential percent changes


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check percents and ratios. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. start working with the third deck, geometry. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

download and begin to memorize the content in this essential gre math formulas pdf.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 17 – percents and ratios ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

simple and compound interest

intro to ratios

combining ratios

quiz: percents and ratios


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check percents and ratios. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the third deck, geometry. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 18 – integer properties

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:


divisibility rules

prime numbers

prime factorization


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check integer properties. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the third deck, geometry. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 19 – reading comprehension ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

answer traps

primary purpose


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → reading comprehension → check long, medium and short passages. do 15 questions (or around 15, depending on the passages and their associated questions).


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the third deck, geometry. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 20 – integer properties ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

greatest common factor

least common multiple

even and odd integers


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check integer properties. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the  third deck, geometry. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 21 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 🥳

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 4

day 22 – flex day

self-guided practice: use this time to focus on areas of weakness or to dig deeper into more challenging components of topics we’ve already covered.


consider your weaknesses and rewatch the lessons that cover topics you find challenging.

supplement this schedule with additional lessons of your choosing. to do so, head over to the lessons page on your dashboard and dig deeper into the topics we’ve covered by watching lessons that introduce harder concepts that we don’t include in this beginner schedule.

head to custom practice on your dashboard and do additional practice problems. you can choose a specific question type or topic or you can choose to do a random assortment of quant and/or verbal questions–a random mix will more closely mimic the variety you’ll encounter on test day.

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

day 23 – integer properties iii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

testing cases


integer properties strategies

quiz: integer properties


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check integer properties. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. start working with the fourth deck, number properties i. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read your chosen reading material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 24 – algebra

1.) watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

intro to algebra

simplifying expressions

foil method

factoring gcf

factoring: difference of two squares


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check algebra. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the fourth deck, number properties i. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 25 – algebra ii

1.) watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

factoring: quadratics

basic equation solving

eliminating fractions

quadratic equations


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check algebra. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the fourth deck, number properties i. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 26 – reading comprehension iii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

inference questions

detail questions


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → reading comprehension → check long, medium and short passages. do around 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the fourth deck, number properties i. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 27 – practice test

in magoosh, take a full-length practice test!

be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted focus time. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember that there are no breaks given during the gre.

again, don’t worry about reviewing the test immediately after you finish. that will kick off next week.

day 28 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 🥳

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 5

day 29 – practice test review

open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. as always:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

as you review your test, try to recall which question types you struggled with the most. can you find any patterns? are you making careless mistakes? if so, reflect on the reason: working too fast? misreading the question? figure out where you should slow down when testing.

day 30 – algebra iii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

two equations, two unknowns 1

two equations, two unknowns 2

function notation


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → clear all→ check the box next to algebra. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. start working with the fifth deck, number properties ii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 31 – algebra iv

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

strange operators

inequalities 1

quiz: algebra, equations, and inequalities


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → clear all→ check the box next to algebra. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the fifth deck, number properties ii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 32 – reading comprehension iv

1.) watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

vocabulary in context

select the sentence

multiple answer questions

structure questions

quiz: reading comprehension


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → reading comprehension → check the boxes for long, medium, and short passages. do around 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the fifth deck, number properties ii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 33 – dedicated practice

mixed practice verbal and quant


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the fifth deck, number properties ii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 34 – flex day

self-guided practice: use this time to focus on areas of weakness or to dig deeper into more challenging components of topics we’ve already covered.


consider your weaknesses and rewatch the lessons that cover topics you find challenging.

supplement this schedule with additional lessons of your choosing. to do so, head over to the lessons page on your dashboard and dig deeper into the topics we’ve covered by watching lessons that introduce harder concepts that we don’t include in this beginner schedule.

head to custom practice on your dashboard and do additional practice problems. you can choose a specific question type or topic or you can choose to do a random assortment of quant and/or verbal questions–a random mix will more closely mimic the variety you’ll encounter on test day.

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

day 35 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 🥳

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 6

day 36 – word problems

pacing note: this week you are near the ½ way point of the schedule. if you haven’t started to do so already, you should start focusing on the pacing piece of the gre puzzle. an effective pacing and skipping strategy is a major component of success.

thus far, we’ve suggested doing the practice sessions in accordance with your comfort level with the material.

starting this week, we suggest that you transition from accuracy to speed. this might be a bit frustrating at first. increasing your speed while maintaining your accuracy will not come overnight. it is a process. so, take your time with it. imagine that you’re training to be a world class swimmer: technique (or accuracy in this case) will equate to speed.

regardless of how quickly you are answering questions, you should maintain the technique (the accuracy) that you developed before you began working on maximizing your pace.

if this feels like a lot to you, work in stages. set achievable goals as you attempt to improve your pacing! try to answer questions at a pace of three minutes per question. the next day, set a faster pace, like two and half minutes per question.

do this day by day until you are answering questions at the target times:

of course, those target times vary–the greater the question complexity, the longer it will take to solve it.

difficulty: at this point, we also suggest that you switch to adaptive difficulty, if you haven’t already. of course, that’s ultimately up to you, where you’re at in your studies, and how you’ve chosen to modify this schedule. however, it is a good idea for your practice to mimic, as much as possible, what you’ll encounter on test day.

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

intro to word problems

writing equations

age questions

intro to motion questions

average speed


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the boxes for word problems. do 12 questions. remember that timing needs to be a focus of your practice form here on out.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. start working with the sixth deck, statistics and probability. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 37 – word problems ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

multiple traveler question

shrinking and expanding gaps

work questions


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the boxes for word problems. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the sixth deck, statistics and probability. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 38 – word problems iii

1.) watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

intro to sets and venn diagrams

double matrix method

intro to sequences


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the boxes for word problems. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the fifth deck, number properties ii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 39 – word problems iv

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

consecutive integers

quiz: word problems


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for word problems. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the sixth deck, statistics and probability. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 40 – paragraph arguments

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

elements of the argument

weakening the argument

strengthening the argument

assumption questions

wrong answer choices

don’t forget the conclusion

quiz: paragraph argument


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal→ reading comprehension → select clear all→ check the box for paragraph arguments. do 8 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the sixth deck, statistics and probability. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 41 – flex day

self-guided practice: use this time to focus on areas of weakness or to dig deeper into more challenging components of topics we’ve already covered.


consider your weaknesses and rewatch the lessons that cover topics you find challenging.

supplement this schedule with additional lessons of your choosing. to do so, head over to the lessons page on your dashboard and dig deeper into the topics we’ve covered by watching lessons that introduce harder concepts that we don’t include in this beginner schedule.

head to custom practice on your dashboard and do additional practice problems. you can choose a specific question type or topic or you can choose to do a random assortment of quant and/or verbal questions–a random mix will more closely mimic the variety you’ll encounter on test day.

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

day 42 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 🥳

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 7

day 43 – powers and roots

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

intro to exponents

law of exponents 1

negative exponents


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for powers and roots. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. start working with the seventh deck, mixed practice i. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 44 – powers and roots ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

laws of exponents 2

units digit questions

square roots


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for powers and roots. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the seventh deck, mixed practice i. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 45 – powers and roots iii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

properties of roots

simplifying roots

operations with roots

working with formulas

quiz: powers and roots


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for powers and roots. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the seventh deck, mixed practice i. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 46 – text completion ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

elimination method

difficult words

simplifying complex sentences

testing the answer choices

quiz: text completion – overview


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion→ select all. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the seventh deck, mixed practice i. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 47- text completion iii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

intro to no shift sentences

cause and effect

elaboration sentences


quiz: text completion → no shifts


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion→ select all. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the seventh deck, mixed practice i. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 48 – practice test

in magoosh, take a full-length practice test!

be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted focus time. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember that there are no breaks given during the gre.

don’t worry about reviewing the test immediately after you finish. that will kick off next week.

day 49 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 🥳

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 8

day 50 – practice test review

open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. for this and the remaining practice tests, pacing should be a priority.

consider the following:

which question types are still giving you the most trouble in terms of timing?

are you able to identify question types that you should skip in order to improve your overall pacing? if not, doing so should become a priority in your practice and review.

can you identify questions on which you should have spent more time?

as always, work through the following:

determine why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

day 51 – geometry

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

lines and angles

assumptions and estimation

geometry strategies part 1


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → clear all→ only check the box next to geometry. do 15 questions timed.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. start working with the eighth deck, mixed practice ii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards..

day 52 – geometry ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

triangles part 1

triangles part 2

similar triangles


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → clear all→ only check the box next to geometry. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the eighth deck, mixed practice ii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

day 53 – geometry iii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

right triangles

special right triangles


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → clear all→ only check the box next to geometry. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the eighth deck, mixed practice ii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

day 54 – text completion iv

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

intro to shift sentences

double shifts

time shifts

shifts in perception

multiple shifts

reverse apposition

quiz: text completion – sentence shifts


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion→ select all. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the eighth deck, mixed practice ii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 55 – flex day

self-guided practice: use this time to focus on areas of weakness or to dig deeper into more challenging components of topics we’ve already covered.


consider your weaknesses and rewatch the lessons that cover topics you find challenging.

supplement this schedule with additional lessons of your choosing. to do so, head over to the lessons page on your dashboard and dig deeper into the topics we’ve covered by watching lessons that introduce harder concepts that we don’t include in this beginner schedule.

head to custom practice on your dashboard and do additional practice problems. you can choose a specific question type or topic or you can choose to do a random assortment of quant and/or verbal questions–a random mix will more closely mimic the variety you’ll encounter on test day.

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

day 56 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 🥳

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 9

day 57 – geometry iv

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:


area of quadrilaterals


regular polygons


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for geometry. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. start working with the ninth deck, mixed practice iii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 58 – geometry v

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:


circle properties

circles, arcs, and sectors


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for geometry. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the ninth deck, mixed practice iii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 59 – geometry vi

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

volume and surface area

geometry strategies part 2

quiz: geometry


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for geometry. do 12 questions


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the ninth deck, mixed practice iii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 60 – dedicated geometry practice

geometry practice day

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for geometry. do 20 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the ninth deck, mixed practice iii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 61 – text completion vi

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

intro to double blank sentences

multiple sentences

relationship between blanks

back to back blanks

other blank is the clue

quiz: text completions – double blanks


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion→ clear all → check the box double blanks. do 8 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the ninth deck, mixed practice iii. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 62 – flex day

self-guided practice

use this time to focus on areas of weakness or to dig deeper into more challenging components of topics we’ve already covered.


consider your weaknesses and rewatch the lessons that cover topics you find challenging.

supplement this schedule with additional lessons of your choosing. to do so, head over to the lessons page on your dashboard and dig deeper into the topics we’ve covered by watching lessons that introduce harder concepts that we don’t include in this beginner schedule.

head to custom practice on your dashboard and do additional practice problems. you can choose a specific question type or topic or you can choose to do a random assortment of quant and/or verbal questions–a random mix will more closely mimic the variety you’ll encounter on test day.

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

day 63 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 🥳

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 10

day 64 – coordinate geometry i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

the coordinate plane

graphing lines



navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for coordinate plane. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. start working with the tenth deck, mixed practice iv. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 65 – coordinate geometry ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:


slope-intercept form

distance between two points

graphs of quadratics

quiz: coordinate geometry


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for coordinate plane. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the tenth deck, mixed practice iv. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 66 – statistics i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

mean, median, mode

more on mean and median

weighted averages 1

range and standard deviation


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for statistics. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the tenth deck, mixed practice iv. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 67 – statistics ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

quartiles and boxplots


quiz: statistics


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for statistics. do 12 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the tenth deck, mixed practice iv. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 68

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

intro to triple blank sentences

long triple blank sentences

one sentence triple blank

hidden clues

multiple word answers

working backwards

quiz: text completion – triple blanks


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion→ clear all → check the box triple blanks. do 8 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the tenth deck, mixed practice iv. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 69 – practice test

in magoosh, take a full-length practice test!

try to be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember that there are no breaks given during the gre.

as always, don’t worry about reviewing the test immediately after you finish. that will kick off next week.

day 70 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 🥳

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 11

day 71 – practice test review

open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. remember, pacing should be a priority.

consider the following:

which question types are still giving you the most trouble in terms of timing?

are you able to identify question types that you should skip in order to improve your overall pacing? if not, doing so should become a priority in your practice and review.

can you identify questions on which you should have spent more time?

as always, work through the following:

determine why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

day 72 – counting and probability

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

introduction to counting

fundamental counting principle

intro to probability

complementary events and simple rules

probability of event a or event b

independent events

quiz: probability


1. navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for counting. do 5 questions.

2. navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for probability. do 5 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. start working with the eleventh deck, mixed practice v. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 73 – data interpretation

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

intro to data interpretation

data interpretation strategy

types of di graphics


unconventional graphs

quiz: data interpretation


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → data interpretation. do 9 questions.

note: as with some of the reading comprehension questions, the data interpretation questions come in batches, typically 2 or 3 questions, pertaining to the same graph or chart. you should do all the questions in a set at once, which means you may do a few more or less than 9 di questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the eleventh deck, mixed practice v. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 74 – sentence equivalence i

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

synonymous sentences 1

synonymous sentences 2

beware of the pseudo-synonyms

avoiding pseudo-synonyms: practice activities

“perfect answer”- but no matching pair


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → sentence equivalence → select all categories. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the eleventh deck, mixed practice v. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 75 – sentence equivalence ii

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

opposite-of-correct synonym pairs

read carefully 1

read carefully 2

difficult words in sentence equivalence

quiz: sentence equivalence


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → sentence equivalence → select all categories. do 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the eleventh deck, mixed practice v. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 76 – flex day

self-guided practice: use this time to focus on areas of weakness or to dig deeper into more challenging components of topics we’ve already covered.


consider your weaknesses and rewatch the lessons that cover topics you find challenging.

supplement this schedule with additional lessons of your choosing. to do so, head over to the lessons page on your dashboard and dig deeper into the topics we’ve covered by watching lessons that introduce harder concepts that we don’t include in this beginner schedule.

head to custom practice on your dashboard and do additional practice problems. you can choose a specific question type or topic or you can choose to do a random assortment of quant and/or verbal questions–a random mix will more closely mimic the variety you’ll encounter on test day.

spend some quality time with your error log. revisit (maybe redo a few) missed questions and review their associated lessons.

day 77 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 🥳

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 12

day 78 – advanced qc strategies

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

qc questions and inequalities

qc strategies – picking numbers

qc questions and algebra


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → quantitative comparison → select all. do 8 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. start working with the twelfth deck, mixed practice vi. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 79 – advanced quantitative comparison

watch the following magoosh lesson videos:

qc questions and geometry

qc questions and integer properties

summary of qc strategies

quiz: advanced qc strategies


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → quantitative comparison → select all. do 8 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the twelfth deck, mixed practice vi. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read 1-3 articles or a chapter from your material(s) of choice, noting grammatical structures that prove challenging. be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

day 80 – dedicated practice

as we approach the end of this study schedule, we are going to make practice the priority. this is especially true when it comes to refining your pacing strategy. you want to be able to complete each test section. in order to do so, you may need to skip or guess on certain problem types (hopefully, you’ve been able to identify those) that are the most difficult or time-consuming for you.

mixed practice verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.
navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

did any fall into your skip or guess bucket? did you recognize them immediately and quickly move on? it’s a good idea to train those instincts so they become second nature by test day.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the twelfth deck, mixed practice vi. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 81 – dedicated practice

mixed practice verbal and quant

1. navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

2. navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

did any fall into your skip or guess bucket? did you recognize them immediately and quickly move on? it’s a good idea to train those instincts so they become second nature by test day.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the twelfth deck, mixed practice vi. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 82 – dedicated practice

mixed practice verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the twelfth deck, mixed practice vi. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 83 – practice test

in magoosh, take a full-length practice test!

try to be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember that there are no breaks given during the gre.

as always, don’t worry about reviewing the test immediately after you finish. that’s for the next session.

day 84 – rest

rest, review, practice or catch-up: use this time in whatever capacity best suits where you are in your prep journey. consider these options:

let yourself take a well-deserved break. enjoy 🥳

do more practice and review in the og

if you are feeling a bit behind schedule, use this as an opportunity to get caught up or closer to caught up.

90 day gre study plan: week 12.5

day 85 – practice test review

open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. remember, pacing should be a priority.

consider the following:

reflect on the testing process: are you satisfied with your performance?

if yes, try to articulate the pacing choices etc. that helped you navigate this practice test successfully.

if no, try to determine what went wrong? did you spend too long on a question that you should have skipped or guessed? were you feeling tired or feeling frustrated by distractors?

as always, work through the following:

determine why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

day 86 – dedicated practice

mixed practice verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the twelfth deck, mixed practice vi. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 87 – dedicated practice

mixed practice verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the twelfth deck, mixed practice vi. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 88 – dedicated practice

mixed practice verbal and quant

1. navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

2. navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, add it to your error log and analyze what went wrong.

additional practice

in the gre vocabulary flashcards

master 20 more words (a bit less than half a deck). spend 10-30 minutes reviewing previous decks.

in the gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards. continue working with the twelfth deck, mixed practice vi. review any cards you missed from this or previous decks.

read your chosen material (one chapter, or a few articles), noting complicated grammatical structures and looking up any words you don’t know. add them to your flashcards.

day 89 – final review day!

you are almost at the finish line!

pick out a few topics that you want to brush up on or questions that you want to review from your error log, or you could even re-watch a few lesson videos. keep it light and easy! today is not the day to overtax your brain.

watch this final lesson: test day

day 90!

day before

focus on feeling your best for test day!

no gre preparation

eat a large, healthy, leisurely dinner—no alcohol

go to bed earlier than usual

day of

absolutely no last minute cramming!

eat a large breakfast, full of protein

do relaxing, fun activities to pass time until the test

if you have any remaining time before your exam, focus on a concentrated review

for whatever days remain before your test, keep up the work on gre math and verbal. some suggestions for what to do:

by selecting question type and difficulty on your “dashboard,” keep doing magoosh problems or do problems you’ve previously attempted over again to see how you do a second time.

keep watching magoosh lesson videos on whatever topics you feel you need to review.

keep reading challenging material to build vocabulary and acclimate to complex sentence structures.

keep drilling your vocab flashcards and your math flashcards.

if you have time for more practice tests, you can check out the free and paid versions of ets power prep. another highly recommended source for practice tests are those produced by manhattan prep.

you have done an incredible amount of work, so be proud of what you’ve accomplished!

good luck! 🙂


do your best to follow this list, and you will improve dramatically in a very short time. again, if you can’t commit the hours to this study plan, you may want to consider postponing your test or choosing one that works on a different timeline.

for more personalized support, you can sign up for a premium magoosh gre prep plan. we have affordable 1 month or 6 month subscriptions, or you can test out the material with a free 1 week trial. happy studying!

the post 90 day gre study plan for beginners appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

//www.catharsisit.com/gre/90-day-gre-study-plan-for-beginners/feed/ 104 30 day gre study guide
gre geometry formulas //www.catharsisit.com/gre/gre-geometry-formulas/ //www.catharsisit.com/gre/gre-geometry-formulas/#comments tue, 08 dec 2020 03:00:50 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/gre/?p=9561 perhaps you recall with more than a little dread your high school geometry class: fifteen-step proofs and the law of cosines were two things you were certain you’d never see again. well, if you are taking the gre, you were by no means mistaken—proofs and indeed all of trig are nowhere to be found on […]

the post gre geometry formulas appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

gre geometry formulas - image by magoosh
perhaps you recall with more than a little dread your high school geometry class: fifteen-step proofs and the law of cosines were two things you were certain you’d never see again. well, if you are taking the gre, you were by no means mistaken—proofs and indeed all of trig are nowhere to be found on gre math.

that doesn’t mean that the gre is void of geometry. below are the gre geometry rules and geometry formulas you have to know. this list is by no means exhaustive, but for must-know concepts you’ve come to the right place.

gre geometry formulas

if you’re interested in more than geometry, try our more general gre math formula ebook!


gre geometry formulas at a glance

need to see the key geometry formulas in one place? you’re in luck! here’s a list of geometry formulas you’ll need on test day. bookmark this page, and read on for more in-depth explanations of each geometry formula.

category rule/formula
click here for all rules

  • a right angle is made up of 90 degrees.
  • a straight line is made up of 180 degrees.
  • if two lines intersect, the sum of the resulting four angles equals 360.

click here for all rules and formulas

  • \(\text{area}=\frac{1}{2}\times\text{bh} \)
  • an isosceles right triangle (45-45-90) has sides in a ratio of \(\text{x}:\text{x}:\text{x}\sqrt{2}\).
  • a 30-60-90 triangle has sides in a ratio of \(\text{x}:\text{x}\sqrt{3}:\text{2x}\), with the 1x side opposite the 30 degree angle.
  • an equilateral triangle has three equal sides. each angle is equal to 60 degrees.
  • any given angle of a triangle corresponds to the length of the opposite side. the larger the degree measure of the angle, the larger the length of the opposite side.
  • a right triangle has a right angle (a 90 degree angle); the side opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse, and is always the longest side.
  • for a right triangle with legs a and b and hypotenuse c: \({c^2}={a^2}+{b^2}\). this is called the pythagorean theorem.
  • each side of certain right triangles are integers. these sets of numbers are called pythagorean triples: 3-4-5, 5-12-13, 8-15-17, 7-24-25. a multiple of a pythagorean triple is a pythagorean triple (e.g., 6-8-10).
  • the length of the longest side can never be greater than the sum of the two other sides.
  • the length of the shortest side can never be less than the positive difference of the other two sides.

click here for all rules and formulas

  • \(\text{area}=π\text{r}^2\)
  • \(\text{circumference}={2}{π}\text{r}\)
  • a circle has 360 degrees. an arc is the portion of the circumference of a circle in x degrees of the circle.
  • \(\text{arc length}=\frac{x}{360}\times{2}{π}\text{r}\)
  • \(\text{area of sector}=\frac{x}{360}\times{π}{r^2}\)
  • a fraction of the circumference of a circle is called an arc. to find the degree measure of an arc, look at the central angle.
  • a chord is a line segment between two points on a circle. a chord that passes through the middle of the circle is a diameter.
  • if two inscribed angles hold the same chord, the two inscribed angles are equal.
  • an inscribed angle holding the diameter is a right angle (90 degrees).
  • inscribed angles holding chords/arcs of equal length are equal.

click here for all rules and formulas

  • the area of a parallelogram can be found multiplying base × height (the base always forms a right angle with the height).
  • the diagonals of a rhombus bisect one another, forming four 90 degree angles.
  • the perimeter of a rectangle is twice its height plus twice its length (or, the sum of all its sides).
  • \(\text{area of a rectangle} = lw\), where l = length and w = width
  • \(\text{perimeter of a rectangle} = 2l+2w\)
  • the diagonals of a square bisect one another, forming four 90 degree angles.
  • \(\text{area of a square} = s^2\)
  • \(\text{perimeter of a square}=\text{4}\times\text{s}\), where s = side

click here for all rules and formulas

  • a polygon is any figure with three or more sides (e.g., triangles, squares, octagons, etc.).
  • \(\text{total degrees}=180(\text{n}-2)\), where n = # of sides
  • average degrees per side or degree measure of congruent polygon = \(180(n-2)/n\)

3-d shapes
click here for all formulas

  • \(\text{cube volume} = s^3\)
  • \(\text{cube surface area} = 6s^2\)
  • the volume of a cube and the surface area of a cube are equal when s = 6
  • volumes of rectangular solids (including cubes): height × depth × width
  • surface area of rectangular solids (including cubes): 2 × height × width + 2 × depth × width + 2 × depth × height
  • \(\text{volume of cylinders} = πr^2\text{h}\)
  • \(\text{surface area of cylinders} = 2πr^2+2πrh=2πr (r+h)\)


sample gre geometry formula practice questions

those are it in a nutshell—the gre geometry formulas you’ll need on test day! however, memorizing formulas and putting them into practice are two very different things.

so that you can see the difference, we’ve pulled two problems from the magoosh gre prep course so you can try your hand at them.

question 1: multiple choice
1. the hypotenuse of a right triangle is 16 ft longer than the length of the shorter leg. if the area of this triangle is exactly 120 ft2, what is the length of the hypotenuse in feet?

a. 26
b. 32
c. 40
d. 64
e. 80

check your answer and view the video explanation here!

question 2: numeric entry

2. in the diagram, point d is the center of the medium-sized circle that passes through c and e, and it is also the center of the largest circle that passes through a and g. each of the diameters of the small circles with centers b and f equals the radius of the medium-sized circle with center d. the shaded area is what fraction of the largest circle?

check your answer and view the video explanation here!


gre geometry formulas in depth

geometry rules: angles and lines

a right angle is made up of 90 degrees. a straight line is made up of 180 degrees.

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click here to learn more about angles and lines

in this diagram, adc is a straight line. btw, make sure you don’t confuse “straight” lines with “horizontal” lines. any line that doesn’t bend or curve is “straight,” regardless of direction. by contrast, a “horizontal” line is parallel to the top or bottom of the page, parallel to the distant horizon. line adc is “straight” but not “horizontal.”

notice, also, that “straightness” is one of the very few things we can assume on the gre. if it looks like there’s no bend in the line, then there’s no bend: i.e. if it looks straight, it is straight. by contrast, we cannot assume perpendicularity: if we didn’t have that special little blue square guaranteeing that the lines were perpendicular, we could not assume that either angle adb or angle bcd were right angles. that is something we must be told, in one form or another.

if two lines intersect, the sum of the resulting four angles equals 360°. furthermore, the angles opposite each other have to be equal. these angles meet at just a vertex, so they are called “vertical” angles (a term you may remember but don’t need to know).

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if we were told, say, that angle aed equals 40°, then immediately we would know the measures of the other three angles: angle bec would have to equal aed, so that would also be 40°, and the other two angles would have to be the supplements of 40°. the supplement of an angle is 180° minus the angle. thus, angle aeb = angle dec = 140°; two angles that add up to 180° are supplementary. this way, all four angles add up to 360°.

when a line intersects a set of parallel lines, we get many more angles. we get eight angles: four “big” angles and four “small” angles. there are a number of technical names (“alternate interior angles”) that we don’t have to know for gre geometry. we just have to know that every big angle is equal, every small angle is equal, and any big angle and any small angle are supplementary.

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in the diagram, ac is parallel to df: we could write that fact as ac // df. that we cannot assume: we would have to be told that two angles are parallel. once we are told that, and a third line intersects them, we get all the equal angles. here, all the small angles are called x, and all the big angles are called y, and of course, x + y = 180°.

geometry rules: all triangles

a triangle is a shape with three line segment sides.

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facts about all triangles:

in any triangle, the sum of the three angles is 180°.

that’s a big idea that mr. euclid (c. 300 bce), the great geometer, first proved. here’s another important geometry equation:

\(\text{area}=\frac{1}{2}\times\text{bh} \)

click here to learn more about triangles

there’s more to that simple formula than means the eye. the letter b stands for the base: what’s the base of a triangle? naïvely, folks will say the “bottom,” the horizontal side, is the base, but that’s not the whole story. in fact, any of the three sides can be the base. similarly, the letter h is height: by “height,” we mean the length of a segment known as an altitude. an altitude is a line that passes through a vertex and is perpendicular to the side we are considering the base. thus, for any triangle, we potentially have three different b & h combinations that would allow us to calculate the area.
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now, of course, the gre is unlikely to give you all that information, three side lengths and three altitudes, in the course of a geometry problem. if a gre geometry question ask for the area of the triangle, it will provide a way to find at least one base and the corresponding height. keep in mind that the altitude divides the triangle into two little right triangles, so the pythagorean theorem (below) may be involved in finding some of the necessary lengths.

the sum of any two sides is greater than the third. if one side is 3 and one side is 5, call the third side x. we know that x + 3 > 5, which means that x > 2—this means that x could be 2.01, because it doesn’t have to be an integer. we also know that 3 + 5 > x, or 8 > x; again, x could be 7.999, as long as it’s less than 8. thus, x has to be between 2 and 8, so it could be an integer {3, 4, 5, 6, 7} or it could be any fraction or decimal in that range. remember that numbers are not necessarily integers on the gre.

the largest side is always opposite the largest angle, and the smallest side is always opposite the smallest angle.

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in this diagram, pq is clearly the shortest side, so angle r has to be the smallest angle. similarly, pr is longest side, so angle q must be the largest angle.

geometry rules: isosceles triangles

one geometry rule related to this last fact concerns one elite category of triangles: the isosceles triangles. these are triangles with two equal sides.

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the angle between the two equal sides may be

(a) an acute angle (less than 90°), as in triangle abd

(b) a right angle, as in triangle def, or

(c) an obtuse angle (greater than 90°) as in triangle klm

click here to learn more about isosceles triangles

if two sides are equal, then we know the opposite angles are also equal: in triangle abc, angle a = angle c; in triangle def, angle e = angle f; and in triangle klm, angle k = angle m. in fact, mr. euclid pointed out that this geometry rule works both ways: if we are told two sides are equal, then we know two angles are equal, and if we are told two angles are equal, we know two sides are equal.

the line down the middle of an isosceles triangle is special:

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as long as we are told that jkl and pqr are isosceles triangles, then this midline has some special properties:

(a) it is perpendicular to the base: angle kml = angle qsr = 90°

(b) its lower point bisects the base: jm = ml and ps = sr

(c) it bisects the upper angle: angle jkm = angle mkl, and angle pqs = angle sqr

these are all good geometry equations to associate with isosceles triangles.

super-technically, an isosceles triangle is one that has at least two equal sides. this means that a very special case of isosceles is the equilateral triangle.

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all three sides have equal length and each angle equals 60°. this is the most symmetrical triangle. be careful not to assume that a triangle is equilateral: you cannot assume one is equilateral just because it appears as one. you would have to be told about either three equal lengths or all 60° angles.

geometry rules: right triangles

any right triangle has two sides touching the right angle: these are called legs. the longest side, always opposite the right angle, is called the hypotenuse.

one geometry rule that applies to all right triangles is theorem named for mr. pythagoras (570 – 495 bce), whom some scholars consider the first mathematician.

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click here to learn more about right triangles, the 30-60-90 triangle, and isosceles right triangle

notice that the side we call “c,” the side alone on one side of the equation, has to be the hypotenuse. also, notice that we can apply this formula unless we know a triangle is a right triangle, and that is not something we can assume simply from looks. if we get the litter perpendicular square, as we have here, then we know it’s a right triangle and we can apply this geometry equation.

of course, some or all of the sides of a right triangle can be decimals, but it is possible, in special cases, for all three sides to be integers. these are sets of three integers that satisfy the pythagorean theorem. the most common is {3, 4, 5} and its multiples, but other good ones to recognize are {5, 12, 13}, {8, 15, 17}, and {7, 24, 25}.

there are two very special triangles that you have to understand for gre geometry. the first is the 30-60-90 triangle:

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we can multiply these lengths by any multiple, but they are always in this ratio. the short side, opposite the 30° angle, is always half the hypotenuse. the longer leg is always the square root of 3 times longer than the shorter leg. the ratios and angles in this triangle come direction from an equilateral triangle that was cut in half.

the other triangle is the 45-45-90 triangle, also known as the isosceles right triangle.

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again, the ratios always are the same and we can multiply by any number. the two legs are always equal because this is an isosceles triangle, and the hypotenuse is always the square-root of two times any leg. gre loves all the geometry formulas associated with these two triangles.

geometry formulas: circles

pi describes the ratio of any circle’s circumference (c) to its diameter (d). this number, pi, can be approximated by the decimal 3.14 or by the fraction 22/7, but it is a really a decimal that goes on forever with no repeating pattern.

the distance from the center out to the circle in any direction is called the radius (r). here are the first few geometry formulas associated with the circle:


the first is just the fact that any diameter can be thought of as two radii in 180° opposite directions. the second is just a restatement of the definition of pi, given above. the third results from plugging the first into the second, and it’s actually the most useful formula for circumference, as we shall see.

then, there’s another famous geometry equation, the formula for the area of a circle:


click here to learn more about circles

archimedes (287 – 212 bce), one of the greatest mathematicians of all times, gave us this remarkable formula.

we can divide a circle or its area up into pieces. either a piece of the circle or a piece of the area would depend on the central angle, which is a part of the 360° all the way around the circle.

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the curvy line from a to b, the path along the curve of the circle, is called an arc: this is a “piece” of the circumference. an arc is like the crust of a slice of pizza. the shaded area, which is like the whole slice of pizza, is called a sector. a sector is a piece of the whole area. we calculate either by setting up a geometry formula that compares two part-to-whole ratios, one of which involves the central angle, aob.

\(\frac{∠aob}{360°}=\frac{;\text{length of arc ab}}{2πr}\)
\(\frac{∠aob}{360°}=\frac{;\text{area of sector aob}}{π\text{r}^2}\)
these are two geometry formulas that you should not need to memorize: you should be able to figure them out by setting up part-to-whole ratios.

geometry formulas: quadrilaterals

a quadrilateral is a shape with four line segment sides.

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in the first, an irregular quadrilateral, we are given that two angles are right angles. the last one looks like a square, but of course, we can’t assume either equal sides or 90° unless we are told.

the only geometry rule that applies to all quadrilateral is the fact that the sum of the four angles in any quadrilateral is 360°.

geometry formulas: parallelograms

a parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides.

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any parallelogram has four amazing properties that always go together

(1) opposites sides are parallel: ad // bc and ab // cd

(2) opposites sides are equal: ad = bc and ab = cd

(3) opposite angles are equal: angle bad = angle bcd and angle abc = angle cda

(4) diagonals bisect each other: ae = ec and be = ed

the diagonals of any quadrilaterals are the lines connecting opposite vertices: here ac and bd are the diagonals.

those four are the “big four” parallelogram properties. if any of them is true, all the others automatically have to be true. once you know it’s a parallelogram, you get a boatload of geometry formulas you can use.

click here to learn more about parallelograms

the area of a parallelogram can be tricky. it’s just a = bh, but we have to be careful: the base b is a side, but the height h is the distance between two parallel bases.

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in the diagram, we could consider either ad or bc the base (they are equal!) and be would be the height. what if we are not given the height? well, notice that abe is a right triangle, in which the pythagorean theorem would apply: for example, if we knew ae and ab, we could find be with the pythagorean theorem.

as a general rule, whenever a diagram has some vertical lines, some horizontal lines, and some slanted lines, and you have to find a particular length, chances are very good that there’s a right triangle somewhere in the diagram you can use to find the length you need! the pythagorean theorem is a truly remarkable geometry formula: it shows up all over the place!

geometry formulas: special parallelograms

there are three categories of special parallelograms: rhombuses, rectangles, and squares. the big four parallelogram properties above apply to all of them.

click here to learn about rhombuses

a rhombus is an equilateral quadrilateral, that is, a quadrilateral with four equal sides.

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most “diamond” shapes, such as those on playing cards, are simply rhombuses turned sideways, like the one on the right above. if the side is s, then the perimeter is always just 4s. the diagonals of a rhombus are always perpendicular. in fact, any rhombus can be subdivided into four congruent right triangles.

as with a general parallelogram, a = bh, where the b is any side and the h is the length of a perpendicular segment: as with a general parallelogram, the pythagorean theorem may play a role in finding one of the lengths that you need.

(a pedantic note: the correct plural of “rhombus” is “rhombuses.” you see, words that end in –us from latin can take the latin ending –i in the plural: these would be words such as “syllabus/syllabi,” “focus/foci,” etc. words with the –us ending from greek do not use the latin plural: hence “rhombus/rhombuses,” “octopus/octopuses“, “hippopotamus/hippopotamuses,” etc. obviously, much confusion circulates in colloquial speech about these finer points.)

click here to learn about rectangles

a rectangle is an equiangular quadrilateral, that is, a quadrilateral with four 90° angles.

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each angle is 90° and the two diagonals are always equal in length: it’s an old carpenter’s trick to verify that a doorframe has four right angles simply by checking the lengths of the two diagonals. of course, it’s usually easy to find the length of a diagonal using the pythagorean theorem.

the area of a rectangle is simply a =bh, where the base & height are simply lengths of any two adjacent sides. the perimeter is p = 2b + 2h.

click here to learn about squares

finally, we get the square. the fact that the square is one of the most familiar shapes, one of the first shapes learned in one’s early years, profoundly obscures how elite and sophisticated a shape it is. a square is a quadrilateral, a parallelogram, a rhombus, and a rectangle—and it has all the properties of all those categories, including four equal sides and four 90° angles. if the side is s, then

\(\text{area} = s^2\)
\(\text{length of diagonal}=\text{s}sqrt{2}\)

if we know a shape is a square, if we are told that it is a square, then all these geometry rules apply to the shape. but, just because something looks close to a square doesn’t mean that it is a square! remember, no gre geometry diagram is guaranteed drawn to scale, so if we are not given some explicit guarantee, something drawn to look like a square might be any quadrilateral!

geometry formulas: higher polygons

a polygon is any closed figure with three or more line-segment sides. we have already discussed triangles and quadrilaterals. here is a handy chart for the names:

number of sides name
3 triangle
4 quadrilateral
5 pentagon
6 hexagon
8 octagon
10 decagon

for any n-sided polygon, the sum of all the angles in the polygon is given by sum = (n – 2)(180°). any triangle has a sum of 180°, any quadrilateral has a sum of 360°, any pentagon has a sum of 540°, etc.

click here to learn more about higher polygons

another important idea is the idea of a regular polygon. this is a particularly tricky word: in ordinary speech, “regular” means ordinary, commonplace. in geometry, it has almost the opposite meaning. the regular polygons are the most elite and symmetrical shapes. a regular polygon is one that has all equal sides and all equal angles. the “regular triangle” is the equilateral triangle, and the “regular quadrilateral” is the square. in a regular polygon, because we can compute the sum of the angles, we can divide this by the number of angles to get the individual angle measure.

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the regular octagon, of course, is the stop sign shape in many countries around the world.

as we saw above, quadrilaterals have two diagonals. pentagons have five, and higher polygons have many more. see this post about the diagonals of a regular octagon. the diagonals of the regular pentagon trace out the standard five-pointed star, such as the stars on the flag of the united states of america.

geometry formulas: three-dimensional shapes

a rectangular solid is a box-shape: it has six faces that are rectangles, and all the faces meet at right angles. let’s say that it has a height of h, a length of l, and width of w. then the volume and surface area would be:


the surface area is simply the sum of the areas of the six rectangular faces.

click here to learn about cubes, cylinders, cones, and spheres

if all the lengths of a rectangle solid are equal, then it’s a cube. a cube has six congruent square faces that all meet at right angles to each other. if the edge length is s, then

\(\text{v} = s^3\)
\(\text{sa} = 6s^2\)
all the 3d shapes that involve a circle were figured out by archimedes (287 – 212 bce), including the cylinder and the sphere. the volume of a cylinder can be thought of as base times height, where the “base” is the area of the circular base.

\(\text{v} = πr^2\text{h}\)
the gre does not expect you to memorize the formulas for cones and spheres. if the gre were to ask about these shapes at all, it would have to give you the formula and then expect you to do some calculation or algebraic manipulation with it. it’s good to be generally familiar with those formulas, enough so that they are not strange and intimidating, but you do not need to memorize them. if you’re curious, here they are:


\(\text{v} = \frac{1}{3}πr^2\text{h}\)

\(\text{v} = \frac{4}{3}πr^3\)
\(\text{sa} = 4πr^2\)

geometry formulas: coordinate geometry

a line in the coordinate plane can be represented in a few ways: the most common is slope-intercept form:

y = mx + b

the b is the y-intercept, the place where the line intersects the y-axis. the m is the slope. slope is an indication of how tilted a line is. the slope of a horizontal line is zero. a vertical line has infinite slope. a 45° line has a slope of m = 1. to find the slope between two points a & b, draw a slope triangle:

aaaa 5

if you do even a rough sketch, you should be able to read the rise and run off the graph, and then slope is just rise over run. keep in mind, there are a few ways to think about any slope.

click here to learn more about coordinate geometry

a slope of m = +3 means any of the following:
(a) to the right one unit, up 3 units

(b) any multiple of (a) (e.g. right 7 units, up 21 units)

(c) to the left one unit, down 3 units

(d) any multiple of (b) (e.g. left 5 units, down 15 units)

a slope of m = – 5/3 means any of the following:

(a) to the right 1 unit, down 5/3 of a unit

(b) to the right 3 units, down 5 units

(c) any multiple of (b) (e.g. right 9 units, down 15 units)

(d) to the left 1 unit, up 5/3 of a unit

(e) to the left 3 units, up 5 units

(f) any multiple of (e) (e.g. left 18 units, up 30 units)

the geometry rules concerning slope are very important to remember.

to find the y-intercept, set x equal to 0 and solve for y.

to find the x-intercept, set y equal to 0 and solve for x.

parallel lines have equal slopes. perpendicular lines have slopes that are opposite-signed reciprocals: for example, if the slope of one line is – 3, the slope of the perpendicular line is + 1/3; if the slope of one line is +4/7, the slope of the perpendicular line is – 7/4.

finally, there is a thing out there called the “distance formula” for coordinate geometry, but we are not going to state it here, because it is an abomination before god and man. it makes monstrously difficult something that is quite straightforward. here’s how to find distance between any two points. again, draw or sketch the slope triangle:

aaaa 6

even if you sketch this, you should be able to read the “rise” and “run” directly from the graph. those are the legs of a right triangle, shown in green in this diagram. the distance between a & b is simply the hypotenuse of the slope triangle, so use the pythagorean theorem. that’s all you have to do to find distance in the coordinate plane.

gre geometry equations & formulas are good, but . . .

finally, a word of caution. knowledge of a formula, by itself, does not equal mathematical understanding. the gre quant doesn’t care about your memorization of formulas: instead, it designs problems specifically to probe your understanding. yes, it’s important to be conversant in the formulas, but knowledge of these formulas is less than 10% of what you need to understand on the gre quant. for more on this, see this gmat blog: even if you skip the three hard practice problems at the beginning, the rest of the discussion is quite pertinent to the gre quant as well as the gmat.


gre geometry formulas faq

what are the formulas in geometry?

put very simply, geometry formulas are basic principles you can use to solve questions.

of course (as we’ve seen in this post!), it’s not quite as simple as just plugging numbers blindly into a formula. the key to using geometry formulas is knowing when to use them: what kinds of questions they apply to and where to find the key numbers in the questions themselves.

the best way to master gre geometry formulas? practice, practice, practice!

how can i learn geometry easily?

the best way to truly master geometry painlessly isn’t rote memorization: it’s looking at principles in practice.

it can be tempting to sit down with a basic list of geometry formulas, memorize them, and brush off your hands. however, to really master geometry, it’s not just about learning the formulas—it’s about putting them into practice.

with that said, the easiest way to learn geometry is to see how formulas apply to a wide variety of question types. the key to this is to use high-quality materials to do a lot of geometry questions, then reading the answers and explanations after you’ve answered them—even if you’ve answered them correctly!

why would you want to read question explanations if you’ve answered a question correctly? because there may be a way to answer the question more quickly and efficiently than you did—and yes, this includes the use of geometry formulas!

p.s. if you’re looking for a shortcut for solving geometry equations, click here!

how important is geometry in the gre as a whole?

two-dimensional geometry appears in approximately 15% of gre quant questions, while coordinate geometry accounts for around 4.4% of the section and three-dimensional geometry rounds this off, comprising 2.2% of questions. overall, geometry questions account for around 21.6% of your gre math score, or about 1 in 5 questions.

for more on where geometry sits in the “big picture” of gre quant, and what other quant concepts you should study, check out our post what kind of math is on the gre? breakdown of quant concepts by frequency.

lastly, here is a full-length, free practice test from magoosh that includes a detailed score report with a topic-by-topic breakdown of your performance. you can choose to do just the quant section or a full length exam. happy studying!

the post gre geometry formulas appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

//www.catharsisit.com/gre/gre-geometry-formulas/feed/ 42 %%title%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% have you forgotten your high school geometry rules? learn these gre geometry formulas before taking the test! time to brush up on triangles. geometry formulas image-gre-header-geometryformulas screen shot 2020-12-04 at 11.25.11 am aaaa 1 aaaa 2 aaaa 3 aaaa 4 aaaa 6 aaaa 7 aaaa 1 aaaa 2 aaaa 3 aaaa 4 aaaa 5 aaaa 6 aaaa 3 aaaa 5 aaaa 6 aaaa 7 aaaa 1 aaaa 2 aaaa 5 aaaa 5 aaaa 6
6 month gre study schedule //www.catharsisit.com/gre/6-month-gre-study-schedule/ //www.catharsisit.com/gre/6-month-gre-study-schedule/#comments sun, 18 oct 2020 21:00:32 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/gre/?p=9488 need a gre study plan (6 months), but concerned about math? this gre study plan: 6 months will help math beginners master all gre sections!

the post 6 month gre study schedule appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

the content in this post applies in 2024 to the new, shorter gre!

the magoosh 6 month study plan moves at a relaxed pace that should still be followed diligently, lest procrastination leads to things getting out of hand. it’s designed to expose you to everything that the gre might throw at you on test day as well as equip you with strategies and techniques to help you achieve your dream score.

click here to download a pdf of the study schedule!

time commitment

students should assume each session will take somewhere between 1.5-2.5 hours. earlier in the schedule, most of the work is assigned across 4 days, with days 5-6 used in whatever way will best suit your prep needs. day 7 is a rest day. later in the schedule, day 5 is allocated to verbal practice. why does verbal get its own day? well, based on the number of concepts tested, math topics far outweigh verbal topics. therefore, to ensure that verbal doesn’t slip by the wayside once its lessons are complete, starting in the second half of the schedule, you’ll see dedicated time for verbal practice.

designed to be flexible

now, how you approach the schedule is really up to you. you can opt for a monday-saturday routine. you can combine days if you want more study-free days during the week. you can work two, long weekend days to free up time on the weekdays. feel free to make any changes that best suit the unique demands of your daily life. one of our goals was to make this schedule easy to modify because we know that balancing responsibilities is tough and a study schedule is rarely “one-size fits all.”

another thing to note, this schedule was designed for those who have the time to become gre experts in mind. this means that the lessons cover everything from test-taking fundamentals to the most advanced, rarely tested content.

if you find that you are already comfortable with a lot of the introductory material, you can always make changes to suit your unique prep needs. once you have a sense of your personal strengths and weaknesses, you can swap out lesson material that you’re well-versed in for more advanced concepts, and set up custom practice sessions that focus on your individual priorities.

curious about other study plan options or how to best modify a schedule depending on your situation? check out this post: gre study plans and guides.

feeling like just getting started is a challenge? check out how other students were able to balance the demands of work, life, and gre preparation in our post how to study for the gre.

table of contents

essential material
optional material
about the material
month 1
month 2
month 3
month 4
month 5
month 6

essential material

optional material

  • top 5 free gre practice resources: this page includes instructions on where to find good full-length gre practice tests, and how to take practice tests and incorporate them into your studies. this page also has links to magoosh’s free gre diagnostic quizzes.
  • quizlet.com: gives you online access to flashcards, making it easier, say, to quiz yourself on your mobile device
  • vocabulary.com: provides conversational example sentences and a flood of example sentences. if you are really trying to achieve a high verbal score, you can also check out lists of crazy hard gre words that other users have compiled.
  • manhattan’s 5lb book of gre practice problems is not absolutely necessary, but if you are in need of even more practice material, this is a quality source. don’t feel like you need the latest version. the content of the gre has not changed significantly, so an older edition will suit your practice needs just fine. full disclosure: we find the math content to be very test-like. the verbal content, on the other hand, tends to veer a bit harder than what you’d see on the gre, especially for text completions and sentence equivalence.

about the material

about vocabulary

if you are striving for a top-notch verbal score, daily review of vocab is vital. 30 days is not a lot of time; however, you can certainly memorize a few hundred (maybe more) words in that timeframe.

make use of magoosh’s gre flashcards, but don’t limit yourself to just these words. whenever you encounter a word you don’t know, look it up, make a flashcard, and add it to your own flashcard deck. you can go the old-fashioned route with hand-written, paper cards or opt for a digital version like quizlet.

organizing flashcards

as you work through your flashcards you’ll want to organize them into three piles/categories. one category is for words that are “new” to you and you’re just trying to absorb their definitions/usage. another category is for words that you’ve almost mastered–maybe you still need context clues to grasp their meanings. the final category represents a “done” stack that is only rarely reviewed.

reading material

we cannot stress the importance of reading to build your reading comprehension skills, refine your understanding of grammar and usage, and expand your vocabulary. you have to challenge yourself to read material that is written at the same level as the passages you’ll encounter on test day. check out the links below for reliable sources and advice:

non-fiction, scholarly books, history and social science topics are preferable.

how to practice with recommended sources: scientific americanatlantic monthlythe new yorkernational geographicthe economist, arts and letters daily, or the new york times (a sunday subscription is a great idea!).

error log

a notebook or digital document to keep a written record of the questions that you miss. for each question you enter into your log do the following:

  • try to determine and make note of why you missed the question
  • read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations
  • watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)
  • be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  • when you come across vocabulary that you don’t know or only sorta know in a question, be sure to add it to your flashcards. we use words that are trending on the gre to create our content.

not sure how to set up your error log? here’s a free template.

about older ets prep materials

note: ets launched the shorter version of the gre in 2023. so, what does that mean if you have older prep materials? good news!! you do not need to go out and buy new ones. because there were no changes to the content that ets tests, there have been no real changes to the prep books that cover that content. in fact, at the time of this writing, ets hasn’t even released a new edition of its own prep material, the official guide, but does provide the following note:

“the practice tests in this book are for the general test that was administered before september 22, 2023. however, because the shorter gre includes the same question types (except for the analyze an argument essay task which has been removed), this book is a great way to prepare for the shorter gre.”

thus, if you have older versions of prep materials, you should be all set to dive in. just be sure to skip any content related to the analyze an argument part of the awa, and be sure to review the gre’s updated timing and structure.

using this guide without a premium magoosh subscription

without your own magoosh account, you won’t be able to access many of the lessons, practice questions, and practice tests that are linked in the daily tasks; however, there are a number of lessons and practice materials that are publically available, and, of course, you can also follow the daily breakdown of topics and activities using the official guide or any other material(s) you are using for your gre prep.

6 month gre study plan: month 1

week 1

day 1 – gre basics

go to ets.org/gre, and learn about the content of the gre. click on and read all the information under each sub-heading link.

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

note: many lessons are only available to those with a magoosh premium gre subscription—sign up here for a free trial!

intro – general introduction

intro – what’s on the gre?

intro – computer adaptive testing

scoring range

intro – skipping questions and pacing

intro – stress management

math section breakdown

verbal section breakdown

day 2 – diagnostic test

take magoosh’s free gre practice test. when you are done, note your score, then check your answers. don’t worry about reviewing your work just yet. save that for tomorrow.

faq: why are we diving in with a practice test?

here’s the reasoning: how you interact with the gre is unique to you. it’s incredibly important to know, sooner rather than later, where your strengths and weaknesses lie. empowered with that knowledge from the outset, you’ll know how to prioritize your study. with your first practice test under your belt, you’ll start to get a sense for how you feel taking the gre, have context for overarching strategies and techniques, and have those all important baseline scores squared away. these will be the scores (math, verbal, awa) that you’ll build from as you push towards your goal: the scores you need to feel confident when applying to your chosen graduate programs.

day 3 – practice test review

if you haven’t done so already, build your error log and add questions from the diagnostic you took yesterday. you’ll be using your error log throughout this study plan. today, you are going to do your first in-depth review. for each question you entered into your log do the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read the related text explanations and watch the related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

day 4 – quantitative reasoning basics i

note: you might find some of the content in magoosh videos super easy or incredibly challenging. some folks will find the verbal information obvious and the math hard-going; other folks will have the reverse experience. if the material is relatively easy for you, feel free to click to the end and simply read the summary. if the material is new to you, take notes on what you are learning, and if possible, watch that video a second time.

there are a lot of lesson videos in the magoosh library, and this 6-month schedule includes all of them. but! that doesn’t mean you have to include all of them in your study. use your knowledge of your strengths, weaknesses, and priorities to choose which lessons (if any) to forego.

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

intro to gre math

mental math: gre estimation

mental math: dividing by five

mental math: doubling and halving

mental math: squaring shortcuts

number sense

the use and abuse of formulas

learn from your mistakes


if you have a magoosh premium or trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → and launch math quick practice at the top of the screen (you’ll see a lightning bolt icon). work through those 10 mixed practice problems. for now, do not fret about how long you’re spending on the questions. let’s focus on accuracy first. we’ll bring speed into the equation later on.

note ii: in the above quick practice, you’ll be encountering all topics from the get-go, whether you’ve already studied them or not. this means that you will make mistakes at the beginning. that’s fine! that’s a good thing even. mistakes tell you what you still have left to learn. this schedule will provide you with opportunities for both targeted and mixed practice. the former will give you some control over difficulty, the latter is really meant to prepare you for what you’ll encounter on the gre. you are only truly gre-ready when you can solve problems as they arise in mixed-topic practice: cold and with no particular preparation on that topic. that’s what the test will demand, so it’s important to prepare to be constantly on your toes.

additional practice

*you should devote at least 15-30 minutes each day to flashcard review.

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

take 15 minutes to review the cards in the first deck, algebra. if you are 100% confident that you know the concepts therein, awesome! if not, be sure to devote time to memorizing any that you don’t have down pat. feel free to explore other decks ahead of where they appear in this schedule. you might find it helpful to be exposed to concepts before diving into lessons that will explore them more fully.

day 5-6 – supplemental practice and review

days 5-6 for most of the weeks in this schedule will be of the choose-your-own-adventure variety. there is a lot of content to get through in days 1-4, so you can use days 5-6 to catch up. if you don’t need to use them to complete the rest of the week’s activities, you can use them for other supplemental study.

here are some ideas:

1.) if you have a paper or digital copy of ets’s official guide for the gre (and you really should), you can use it to supplement your practice. for example, if you are feeling challenged by basic math concepts, check out the og’s math review and work through the topics and associated exercises. there are also plenty of practice questions for both math and verbal, organized by difficulty, that you can dive into.

2.) another resource to check out if you discover that you’re struggling with fundamental math concepts are the lessons that ets and kahn academy partnered to make.

3.) read to build essential gre verbal skills

read a few articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. as you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

if you haven’t chosen something to read yet, check out arts and letters daily. this is a great resource for links to gre-level reading material.

4.) if you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.

5.) dig into magoosh’s gre blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.

day 7 – day off!

rest – it’s an essential part of the process

take a break! you deserve one!

week 2

day 8 – quantitative reasoning basics ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

intro to quantitative comparison

qc strategies: estimation

qc strategies: matching operations


if you have a magoosh premium or trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → quantitative comparison. do 10 qc questions. for now, do not fret about how long you’re spending on the questions. let’s focus on accuracy first. we’ll bring speed into the equation later on.

which difficulty should i choose?

ideally, you should select adaptive difficulty. that setting will most accurately reflect the variety of questions that you’ll encounter on test day. however, you should feel free to select the setting that best fits your current ability level. if you are struggling with some of the basic concepts, you might opt for easy/medium until your accuracy improves. however, by, or before, the ½ way point, you should switch to adaptive difficulty.

if you feel very comfortable with a specific topic or are a more advanced student who wants to focus on higher-level concepts, you might select hard/very hard.

please note, if you frequently only work on questions from one category of difficulty, you could exhaust that particular group, which means that you might start seeing repeat questions during custom practice or during a practice test.


for each question from qc practice that you missed, enter it into your log and do the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the first deck, algebra.

day 9 – quantitative reasoning basics iii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

plugging in overview

plugging in for integer properties

plugging in for percents

plugging in for word problems


picking numbers


if you have a magoosh premium or trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → multiple choice → select all. do 10 questions. as you work through this set, try to identify any clues that indicate you can plug in as a solution option.

reminder: for the first ½ of this study plan do not worry about timing. of course, if you have a high rate of accuracy, then shift to a focus on pacing sooner versus later. you have an average of about 1 minute and 45 seconds per math question.

if you’re opting to ignore the amount of time you’re spending on each question for now, that’s fine! keep that up. we’ll let you know when pacing must become a focus in your practice.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the first deck, algebra.

day 10 – verbal reasoning basics i

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

intro to vocabulary


word roots


reading in context

active usage

the thesaurus

vocabulary in questions

obscure vocabulary

improving verbal score

if you haven’t yet, in the magoosh blog, read: gre reading comprehension practice

download the magoosh gre vocabulary word list pdf

read carefully the section “making words stick,” about learning vocabulary, and the section “vocabulary in context: articles from magazines and newspapers.” skim the rest of the book to get a sense of the layout and style. as you build vocab through this plan, periodically go back to this book to verify your understanding and to make connections to other words. the more ways you have to remember a word, the more likely you are to remember it!


in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on studying at least 10 words from the first deck, common words i. of course, if you already know most of the 51 words in this deck, feel free to check out the other decks in any of the categories: common, basic, and advanced. if you already have a vocabulary that would rival those of most literature professors, then you will most likely need to rely on your personal reading and curated lists of the most esoteric gre words (a quick internet search will produce quite a few list options) to push your vocabulary to new heights.

we’ll remind you to try to memorize 10-20 words each day; however, where those words come from will be driven by you and finding the words you don’t know in the flashcard decks and adding words you don’t know from your reading.

day 11 – verbal reasoning basics ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

intro to reading comprehension

intro to text completions

intro to sentence equivalences

additional practice

if you have a magoosh premium or trial subscription, navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → and launch verbal quick practice at the top of the screen (you’ll see a lightning bolt icon). work through those 10 mixed practice problems.


as you review the results of the mixed verbal practice set, add each incorrect question to your log and do the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanation steps.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the first deck, algebra.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 12-13 – additional practice and review

how you might spend this time:

1.) supplemental review of content or practice in the og or manhattan’s 5lb.

2.) review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ets and kahn academy partnered to make.

3.) read to build essential gre verbal skills

read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. as you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

again, if you haven’t chosen something to read yet, check out arts and letters daily.

4.) if you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.

5.) dig into magoosh’s gre blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.

day 14 – day off!

rest – it’s an essential part of the process

take a break! you deserve one!

week 3

day 15 – arithmetic and fractions i

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

properties of real numbers

positive and negative numbers i

mental math, addition, and subtraction

positive and negative numbers ii

order of operations


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check arithmetic and fractions. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

begin to review the cards in the second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. continue to review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous deck.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 16 – arithmetic and fractions ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

into to decimals


multiples of 10

intro to fractions

conversions: fractions and decimals


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check arithmetic and fractions. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous deck.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 17 – arithmetic and fractions iii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

fraction properties i

comparing fractions i

comparing fractions ii (adv.)

operations with fractions

fraction properties ii


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → all math → check clear all and then only check the box for arithmetic and fractions. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous deck.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 18 – reading comprehension i

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

the short passage

active reading

how to answer a gre question

answer traps


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → reading comprehension → check clear all and then only check the box for short passages. do 10 questions. don’t worry if you don’t end up doing exactly 10 questions. you might do a few more or less depending on the number of questions associated with the passages you are given.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous deck.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

19-20 – additional practice and review

how you might spend this time:

1.) supplemental review of content or practice in the og or manhattan’s 5lb.

2.) review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ets and kahn academy partnered to make.

3.) read to build essential gre verbal skills

read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. as you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

4.) if you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.

5.) dig into magoosh’s gre blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.

day 21 – day off!

rest – it’s an essential part of the process

take a break! you deserve one!

week 4

day 22 – arithmetic and fractions iv

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

mixed numbers and improper fractions

operations with proportions

word problems with fractions

quiz: arithmetic and fractions


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → all math → check clear all and then only check the box for arithmetic and fractions. do 5 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous deck.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 23 – awa day

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

awa overview

writing tips for the 4 major scoring components

issue essay task overview

issue essay brainstorming

issue essay format

how to practice

score your awa essay–use this link to analyze the issue essay you wrote during the last practice test. it will help you better understand the process and the score your essay was given by the magoosh ai tutor.

note i: score your awa essay above leads you to the scoring rubric that will be used by the official readers when they evaluate your essay. even though the essays you write in your magoosh dashboard will be scored and given detailed feedback on how to improve by the magoosh ai tutor, it’s still important for you to read through and be familiar with the scoring rubric.

note ii: there could still be out-dated content pertaining to the argument essay in the above lessons. you can skip/ignore any references to the now retired argument task.


verbal drill: navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous deck.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 24 – percents and ratios i

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

intro to percents

working with percents

number sense and percents

percent increases and decreases

sequential percent changes


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check percents and ratios. do 10 questions.


for each question from the above practice that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous deck.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 25 – percents and ratios ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

simple and compound interest

intro to ratios

combining ratios

ratios and rates

quiz: percents and ratios


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check percents and ratios. do 5 questions.


for each question from the above practice and quiz that you missed, log the following:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the second deck, fractions, ratios, and percents. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous deck.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 26-27 – additional practice and review

1.) supplemental review of content or practice in the og or manhattan’s 5lb.

2.) review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ets and kahn academy partnered to make.

3.) read to build essential gre verbal skills

read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. as you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

4.) if you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.

5.) dig into magoosh’s gre blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.

day 28 – day off!

rest – it’s an essential part of the process

take a break! you deserve one!

6 month gre study plan: month 2

week 5

day 29 – reading comprehension ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos

primary purpose

inference questions

detail questions



navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → reading comprehension → check long, medium and short passages. do 12 questions (or around 12, depending on the passages and their associated questions).


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

begin to review the cards in the third deck, geometry. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 30 – integer properties i

in magoosh, watch the following videos:


divisibility rules


prime numbers

prime factorization


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check integer properties. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the third deck, geometry. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 31 – integer properties ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

counting factors of large numbers

squares of integers

greatest common factor

least common multiple

even and odd integers


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check integer properties. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the third deck, geometry. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 32 – reading comprehension iii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

select the sentence

multiple answer questions

multiple answer questions – inference

structure questions

advanced question types

quiz: reading comprehension


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → reading comprehension → check long, medium and short passages. do 10 questions (or around 10, depending on the passages and their associated questions).


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the third deck, geometry. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 33 – additional practice and review

1.) supplemental review of content or practice in the og or manhattan’s 5lb.

2.) review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ets and kahn academy partnered to make.

3.) read to build essential gre verbal skills

read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. as you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

4.) if you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.

5.) dig into magoosh’s gre blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.

day 34 – day off!

rest – it’s an essential part of the process

take a break! you deserve one!

week 6

day 35 – practice test

in magoosh, take a full-length practice test!

be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted focus time. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember that there are no breaks given during the gre.

in your magoosh dashboard, navigate to practice → practice test.

again, don’t worry about reviewing the test immediately after you finish. that will kick off the next session.

day 36 – practice test review

as you review your test, try to recall which question types you struggled with the most. can you find any patterns? are you making careless mistakes? if so, reflect on the reason: working too fast? misreading the question? figure out where you should slow down when testing.

open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test

as always:

try to determine and make note of why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos (don’t worry about watching them out of order. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.)

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

add any words from the questions that you only sorta know or don’t know to your vocabulary flashcards.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the third deck, geometry. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 37 – integer properties iii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

gcd lcm formula

even and odd integers

testing cases


integer properties strategies

quiz: integer properties


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check integer properties. do 5 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the third deck, geometry. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 38 – text completion i – overview

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

elimination method

understanding the sentence

difficult words

simplifying complex sentences

testing the answer choices

quiz: text completions – overview


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion→ select all. do 15 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the third deck, geometry. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 39-40 – additional practice and review

1.) supplemental review of content or practice in the og or manhattan’s 5lb.

2.) review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ets and kahn academy partnered to make.

3.) read to build essential gre verbal skills

read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. as you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

4.) if you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.

5.) dig into magoosh’s gre blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.

day 41 – day off!

rest – it’s an essential part of the process

take a break! you deserve one!

week 7

day 42 – algebra i

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

intro to algebra

simplifying expressions

multiplying expressions

foil method

factoring gcf

factoring: difference of two squares


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check algebra. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

begin to review the cards in the fourth deck, number properties i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 43 – algebra ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos

factoring: quadratics

factoring: combined

advanced numerical factoring

factoring: rational expressions

basic equation solving


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check algebra. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the fourth deck, number properties i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 44 – algebra iii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

eliminating fractions

quadratic equations

two equations, two unknowns i

two equations, two unknowns ii

system – number of solutions


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check algebra. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the fourth deck, number properties i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 45 – timed practice and review

verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the fourth deck, number properties i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 46-47 – additional practice and review

1.) supplemental review of content or practice in the og or manhattan’s 5lb.

2.) review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ets and kahn academy partnered to make.

3.) read to build essential gre verbal skills

read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. as you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

4.) if you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.

5.) dig into magoosh’s gre blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.

day 48 – day off!

rest – it’s an essential part of the process

take a break! you deserve one!

week 8

day 49 – paragraph arguments

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

elements of the argument

weakening the argument

strengthening the argument

assumption questions

wrong answer choices


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal→ reading comprehension → select clear all→ check the box for paragraph arguments. do 8 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the fourth deck, number properties i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 50 – text completion ii – no shifts

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

intro to no shift sentences

cause and effect

elaboration sentences


quiz: text completion – no shifts


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion→ select all. do 15 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the fourth deck, number properties i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 51 – algebra iv

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

three equations, three unknowns

absolute value equations

function notation

strange operators


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check algebra. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the fourth deck, number properties i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 52 – algebra v

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

inequalities – i

inequalities – ii

absolute value inequalities

simplifying with substitutions

quiz: algebra, equations, and inequalities


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all and then only check algebra. do 5 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the fourth deck, number properties i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 53-54 – additional practice and review

1.) supplemental review of content or practice in the og or manhattan’s 5lb.

2.) review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ets and kahn academy partnered to make.

3.) read to build essential gre verbal skills

read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. as you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

4.) if you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.

5.) dig into magoosh’s gre blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.

day 55 – day off!

rest – it’s an essential part of the process

take a break! you deserve one!

6 month gre study plan: month 3

week 9

day 56 – sentence equivalence i

pacing note: this week you are near the ½ way point of the schedule. if you haven’t started to do so already, you should start focusing on the pacing piece of the gre puzzle. an effective pacing and skipping strategy is a major component of success.

thus far, we’ve suggested doing the practice sessions in accordance with your comfort level with the material. starting this week, we suggest that you transition from accuracy to speed. this might be a bit frustrating at first. increasing your speed while maintaining your accuracy will not come overnight. it is a process. so, take your time with it. imagine that you’re training to be a world class swimmer: technique (or accuracy in this case) will eventually equate to speed. regardless of how quickly you are answering questions, you should maintain the technique (the accuracy) that you developed before you began working on maximizing your pace.

if this feels like a lot to you, work in stages. set achievable goals as you attempt to improve your pacing! try to answer questions at a pace of three minutes per question. the next day, set a faster pace, like two and half minutes per question.

do this day by day until you are answering questions at the target times:

math ≈ 1:45 per question

verbal ≈ 1:30 per question

of course, those target times vary–the greater the question complexity, the longer it will take to solve it.

difficulty: at this point, we also suggest that you switch to adaptive difficulty, if you haven’t already. of course, that’s ultimately up to you, where you’re at in your studies, and how you’ve chosen to modify this schedule. however, it is a good idea for your practice to mimic, as much as possible, what you’ll encounter on test day.

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

intro to sentence equivalence

synonymous sentences – i

synonymous sentences – ii

beware of the pseudo-synonyms

avoiding pseudo-synonyms: practice activities

“perfect answer”- but no matching pair 3:02


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → sentence equivalence → select all categories. do 15 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

begin to review the cards in the fifth deck, number properties ii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

feeling like you’d benefit from mixing up the way you approach vocabulary? if you haven’t already, check out the vocabulary games lesson.

day 57 – sentence equivalence ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

more than one pair of synonyms in the answer choices

se questions with only two synonyms

opposite-of-correct synonym pairs

read carefully 1

read carefully 2

difficult words in sentence equivalence

quiz: sentence equivalence


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → sentence equivalence → select all categories. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the fifth deck, number properties ii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 58 – word problems i

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

intro to word problems

assigning variables

writing equations

number of variables

age questions

intro to motion questions

average speed


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the boxes for word problems. do 10 questions. remember that timing needs to be a focus of your practice form here on out.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the fifth deck, number properties ii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 59 – timed practice and review

verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the fifth deck, number properties ii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 60-61 – additional practice and review

1.) supplemental review of content or practice in the og or manhattan’s 5lb.

2.) review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ets and kahn academy partnered to make.

3.) read to build essential gre verbal skills

read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. as you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

4.) if you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.

5.) dig into magoosh’s gre blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.

6.) through your dashboard, launch custom practice sessions to focus on your weaker subject areas/question types or launch quantitative or verbal practice sections for more timed practice with various question types.

day 62 – day off!

rest – it’s an essential part of the process

take a break! you deserve one!

week 10

day 63 – practice test

in magoosh, take a full-length practice test!

be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted focus time. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember that there are no breaks given during the gre.

in your magoosh dashboard, navigate to practice → practice test.

don’t worry about reviewing the test immediately after you finish. that will kick off the next session.

day 64 – practice test review

open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. for this and the remaining practice tests, pacing should be a priority.

consider the following:

which question types are still giving you the most trouble in terms of timing?

are you able to identify question types that you should skip in order to improve your overall pacing? if not, doing so should become a priority in your practice and review.

can you identify questions on which you should have spent more time?

as always, work through the following:

determine why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again.

be aware of any trends (especially regarding pacing) that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the fifth deck, number properties ii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 65 – word problems ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

multiple traveler question

shrinking and expanding gaps

work questions

growth and decay

mixture questions


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the boxes for word problems. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the fifth deck, number properties ii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 66 – word problems iii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

intro to sets and venn diagrams

double matrix method

three criteria venn diagrams

intro to sequences

arithmetic sequences


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the boxes for word problems. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the fifth deck, number properties ii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 67 – timed practice and review

verbal and quant

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the fifth deck, number properties ii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 68 – additional practice and review

1.) supplemental review of content or practice in the og or manhattan’s 5lb.

2.) review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ets and kahn academy partnered to make.

3.) read to build essential gre verbal skills

read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. as you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

4.) if you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.

5.) dig into magoosh’s gre blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.

6.) through your dashboard, launch custom practice sessions to focus on your weaker subject areas/question types or launch quantitative or verbal practice sections for more timed practice with various question types.

day 69 – day off!

rest – it’s an essential part of the process

take a break! you deserve one!

week 11

day 70 – word problems iv

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

recursive sequences

inclusive counting

sums of sequences

consecutive integers

quiz: word problems


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the boxes for word problems. do 5 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

begin to review the cards in the sixth deck, statistics & probability. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 71 – text completion iii – sentence shifts

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

intro to sentence shifts

more reversers

double shifts

time shifts

shifts in perception

multiple shifts

false contrast

deviating from the norm

reverse apposition

quiz: text completion – sentence shifts


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion→ select all. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, statistics & probability. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 72 – powers and roots i

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

intro to exponents

exponential growth

law of exponents – i

negative exponents


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for powers and roots. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, statistics & probability. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 73 – powers and roots ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

law of exponents – ii

units digit questions

square roots

other roots


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for powers and roots. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, statistics & probability. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 74 – verbal practice & review


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, statistics & probability. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 75 – additional practice and review

1.) supplemental review of content or practice in the og or manhattan’s 5lb.

2.) review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ets and kahn academy partnered to make.

3.) read to build essential gre verbal skills

read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. as you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

4.) if you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.

5.) dig into magoosh’s gre blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.

6.) through your dashboard, launch custom practice sessions to focus on your weaker subject areas/question types or launch quantitative or verbal practice sections for more timed practice with various question types.

day 76 – day off!

rest – it’s an essential part of the process

take a break! you deserve one!

week 12

day 77 – powers and roots iii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

properties of roots

simplifying roots

operations with roots

equations with square roots

fractional exponents


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for powers and roots. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, statistics & probability. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 78 – powers and roots iv

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

exponential equations


working with formulas

quiz: powers and roots


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for powers and roots. do 5 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, statistics & probability. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 79 – paragraph arguments ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

the paradox argument

bold-faced arguments

don’t forget the conclusion

eliminating all the answers

numbers vs. percents

quiz: paragraph argument


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal→ reading comprehension → select clear all→ check the box for paragraph arguments. do 5 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, statistics & probability. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 80 – text completion iv – double blanks

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

intro to double blank sentences

multiple sentences

relationship between blanks

back to back blanks

other blank is the clue

advanced double blanks


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion→ clear all → check the box double blanks. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, statistics & probability. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 81 – verbal practice & review


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the sixth deck, statistics & probability. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 82 – additional practice and review

1.) supplemental review of content or practice in the og or manhattan’s 5lb.

2.) review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ets and kahn academy partnered to make.

3.) read to build essential gre verbal skills

read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. as you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

4.) if you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.

5.) dig into magoosh’s gre blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.

6.) through your dashboard, launch custom practice sessions to focus on your weaker subject areas/question types or launch quantitative or verbal practice sections for more timed practice with various question types.

day 83 – day off!

rest – it’s an essential part of the process

take a break! you deserve one!

6 month gre study plan: month 4

week 13

day 84 – geometry i

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

lines and angles

triangles part i

assumptions and estimation

geometry strategies

triangles part ii


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → clear all→ only check the box next to geometry. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

begin to review the cards in the seventh deck, mixed practice i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 85 – geometry ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

right triangles

similar triangles

special right triangles


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → clear all→ only check the box next to geometry. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, mixed practice i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 86 – geometry iii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:


area of quadrilaterals


regular polygons


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → clear all→ only check the box next to geometry. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, mixed practice i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 87 – geometry iv

in magoosh, watch the following videos:


circle properties

circles, arcs, and sectors

volume and surface area

scale factor and scaling

units of measurement

geometry strategies – part ii

quiz: geometry


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → clear all→ only check the box next to geometry. do 5 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, mixed practice i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 88 – verbal practice and review


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, mixed practice i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 89 – additional practice and review

1.) supplemental review of content or practice in the og or manhattan’s 5lb.

2.) review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ets and kahn academy partnered to make.

3.) read to build essential gre verbal skills

read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. as you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

4.) if you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.

5.) dig into magoosh’s gre blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.

6.) through your dashboard, launch custom practice sessions to focus on your weaker subject areas/question types or launch quantitative or verbal practice sections for more timed practice with various question types.

day 90 – day off!

rest – it’s an essential part of the process

take a break! you deserve one!

week 14

day 91 – coordinate geometry

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

the coordinate plane

graphing lines

vertical and horizontal lines



slope-intercept form


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for coordinate plane. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, mixed practice i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 92 – coordinate geometry ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

writing equations of lines

distance between two points

reflections in the x-y plane

graphs of quadratics

quiz: coordinate geometry


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for coordinate plane. do 5 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, mixed practice i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 93 – statistics i

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

mean, median, mode

more on mean and median

weighted averages i

weighted averages ii (advanced)

range and standard deviation


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for statistics. do 8 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, mixed practice i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 94 – text completions v – triple blanks

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

intro to triple blank sentences

long triple blank sentences

beware of counter intuitive choices

one sentence triple blank

advanced triple blanks

hidden clues

multiple word answers

working backwards

quiz: text completion – triple blanks


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → text completion→ select all. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, mixed practice i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 95 – verbal practice & review



navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the seventh deck, mixed practice i. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 96 – additional practice and review

1.) supplemental review of content or practice in the og or manhattan’s 5lb.

2.) review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ets and kahn academy partnered to make.

3.) read to build essential gre verbal skills

read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. as you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

4.) if you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.

5.) dig into magoosh’s gre blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.

6.) through your dashboard, launch custom practice sessions to focus on your weaker subject areas/question types or launch quantitative or verbal practice sections for more timed practice with various question types.

day 97 – day off!

rest – it’s an essential part of the process

take a break! you deserve one!

week 15

day 98 – statistics ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

more standard deviation

normal distribution

quartiles and boxplots

more on boxplots


quiz: statistics


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for statistics. do 5 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

begin to review the cards in the eighth deck, mixed practice ii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 99 – counting i

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

introduction to counting

fundamental counting principle

fcp with restrictions

factorial notation

counting what you don’t want

counting with identical items

eliminating repetition


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for counting. do 5 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the eighth deck, mixed practice ii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 100 – counting ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:


when to use combinations

calculating combinations

permutations and combinations

counting strategies 3:17

quiz: counting 5 questions


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for counting. do 5 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the eighth deck, mixed practice ii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 101 – practice test

in magoosh, take a full-length practice test!

be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted focus time. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember that there are no breaks given during the gre.

in your magoosh dashboard, navigate to practice → practice test.

don’t worry about reviewing the test immediately after you finish. that will kick off the next session.

day 102 – practice test review

open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. for this and the remaining practice tests, pacing should be a priority.

consider the following:

which question types are still giving you the most trouble in terms of timing?

are you able to identify question types that you should skip in order to improve your overall pacing? if not, doing so should become a priority in your practice and review.

can you identify questions on which you should have spent more time?

as always, work through the following:

determine why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the eighth deck, mixed practice ii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 103 – additional practice and review

1.) supplemental review of content or practice in the og or manhattan’s 5lb.

2.) review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ets and kahn academy partnered to make.

3.) read to build essential gre verbal skills

read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. as you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

4.) if you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.

5.) dig into magoosh’s gre blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.

6.) through your dashboard, launch custom practice sessions to focus on your weaker subject areas/question types or launch quantitative or verbal practice sections for more timed practice with various question types.

day 104 – day off!

rest – it’s an essential part of the process

take a break! you deserve one!

week 16

day 105 – probability i

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

intro to probability

complementary events and simple rules

probability of event a or event b

examples of the or rule

independent events

examples of the and rule

generalized and rule

examples of generalized and rule


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for probability. do 5 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the eighth deck, mixed practice ii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 106 – probability ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

binomial situation

the “at least” scenario

analyzing questions

using counting techniques

listing vs counting vs probability rules

general probability strategies

guessing strategies

quiz: probability


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → all math → select clear all→ check the box for probability. do 5 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the eighth deck, mixed practice ii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 107 – data interpretation

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

intro to data interpretation

data interpretation strategy

types of di graphics

scatter plots

unconventional graphs

quiz: data interpretation


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → data interpretation. do 5 questions.

note: as with some of the reading comprehension questions, the data interpretation questions come in batches, typically 2 or 3 questions, pertaining to the same graph or chart. you should do all the questions in a set at once, which means you may do a few more or less than 5 di questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the eighth deck, mixed practice ii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 108 – advanced quant comp strategies i

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

qc questions & inequalities

qc strategies – picking numbers

qc questions & algebra


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → quantitative comparison → select all. do 10 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the eighth deck, mixed practice ii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

day 109 – advanced quant comp strategies ii

in magoosh, watch the following videos:

qc questions & geometry

qc questions & integer properties

summary of qc strategies

quiz: advanced qc strategies


navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → quantitative comparison → select all. do 5 questions.


error log analysis of today’s practice questions.

congratulations! 🥳 at this point, you should have seen all of the magoosh lessons at least once. now the focus is going to be on a whole lot of practice and applying everything that you’ve learned from the lesson videos. but! you aren’t done with the lesson videos.

they are a resource you should return to, maybe even multiple times. for example, if there are areas in which you are still weak, you should rewatch those videos. when you miss questions during practice, you should rewatch the video(s) that covers that topic and any related videos that are recommended on the question review screen. remember that full comprehension comes in several stages: always push yourself to reach a deeper understanding with each and every topic.

if you have exhausted or are near to exhausting magoosh’s gre question bank, you should feel free to supplement your practice with questions from the og or manhattan’s 5lb book of practice questions.

110 – additional practice and review

1.) supplemental review of content or practice in the og or manhattan’s 5lb.

2.) review fundamental math concepts in the lessons that ets and kahn academy partnered to make.

3.) read to build essential gre verbal skills

read 1-3 articles or a chapter (or more) from your material(s) of choice. as you read, note grammatical structures that prove challenging, and try to rephrase them in simpler terms. also, be sure to look up and write down any words you don’t know–they should be added to your flashcards.

4.) if you weren’t able to incorporate the recommended daily study of your flashcards (math or verbal), now’s the time to do so.

5.) dig into magoosh’s gre blog for all kinds of advice from focused study tips to general advice about the admissions process.

6.) through your dashboard, launch custom practice sessions to focus on your weaker subject areas/question types or launch quantitative or verbal practice sections for more timed practice with various question types.

day 111 – day off!

rest – it’s an essential part of the process

take a break! you deserve one!

6 month gre study plan: month 5

**note on daily vs. weekly: starting with the fifth month, this schedule will switch from daily to weekly tasks. this is because at this point in your study journey, we’re switching away from daily tasks for learning to weekly thematic drilling and review that will repeat at the daily level. as always, you should feel at liberty to modify this schedule to suit your needs in terms of topic prioritization and life demands.

week 17

focus on mixed practice and review: during this week, you should do two rounds of the verbal and two rounds of the quantitative practice sessions listed below, and the daily additional practice described at the end.

verbal practice

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

verbal error log deep dive: analyze the entirety of your verbal error log to determine whether there is a particular type of passage or type of question that most challenges you. if so, in terms of pacing, consider whether to leave that passage type for the end, or whether skipping/guessing is appropriate for the question types that you consistently miss. if you don’t identify any weaknesses, great!

if you are completing the verbal sections on time, keep doing what you’re doing. if not, consider the questions that are taking you a long time to slog through–those are questions that should be marked, skipped, and returned to after you’ve answered all the questions that are easier for you to navigate.

once you’ve identified your weak points in the verbal section. rather than practice more of these questions, go back and review the lessons associated with them and then reattempt a few questions that you missed in previous practice sessions.

quantitative practice

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

quantitative error log deep dive: analyze the entirety of your quant error log to determine whether there are particular subject areas or question types that most challenge you. if so, in terms of pacing, consider whether skipping/guessing is appropriate for the question types that you consistently miss. if you don’t identify any weaknesses, great! if you are completing the quantitative sections on time, keep doing what you’re doing. if not, consider the questions that are taking you a long time to slog through–those are questions that should be marked, skipped, and returned to after you’ve answered all the questions that are easier for you to navigate.

once you’ve identified your weak points in the quantitative section. rather than practice more of these questions, go back and review the lessons associated with them and then reattempt a few questions that you missed in previous practice sessions.

daily additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

begin to review the cards in the ninth deck, mixed practice iii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

week 18

focus on mixed practice and review: during this week, you should do two rounds of the verbal and two rounds of the quantitative practice sessions listed below, and the daily additional practice described at the end.

verbal practice

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

quantitative practice

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


error log analysis of any questions you’ve missed this week.

daily additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the ninth deck, mixed practice iii. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

week 19

official practice test and review

through ets, take powerprep test 1!

be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted focus time. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember that there are no breaks given during the gre.

practice test review

open your error log for a deep-dive review of your practice test. remember that pacing should be a priority during this review.

consider the following:

which question types are still giving you the most trouble in terms of timing?

are you able to identify question types that you should skip in order to improve your overall pacing? if not, doing so should become a priority in your practice and review.

can you identify questions on which you should have spent more time?

as always, work through the following:

determine why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

be aware of any trends that help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

daily additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

begin to review the cards in the tenth deck, mixed practice iv. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

week 20

flex week

you earned it! spend the time you would have spent studying for the gre doing something enjoyable! or if you can’t help yourself, spend some time reviewing your error log or working through targeted practice drills and review through your magoosh dashboard or supplementary materials.

but….you should still incorporate:

flashcard review: (at least 15-30 minutes/day)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the tenth deck, mixed practice iv. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

6 month gre study plan: month 6

week 21

focus on mixed practice and review: during this week, you should do two rounds of the verbal and two rounds of the quantitative practice sessions listed below, and the daily additional practice described at the end.

verbal practice

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

quantitative practice

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


error log analysis of any questions you’ve missed this week.

daily additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

begin to review the cards in the eleventh deck, mixed practice v. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

week 22

focus on mixed practice and review: during this week, you should do two rounds of the verbal and two rounds of the quantitative practice sessions listed below, and the daily additional practice described at the end.

verbal practice

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

quantitative practice

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


error log analysis of any questions you’ve missed this week.

daily additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the eleventh deck, mixed practice v. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

week 23

focus on mixed practice and review: during this week, you should do two rounds of the verbal and two rounds of the quantitative practice sessions listed below, and the daily additional practice described at the end.

verbal practice

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

last verbal error log deep dive: analyze the entirety of your verbal error log to determine whether there is a particular type of passage or type of question that most challenges you. if so, in terms of pacing, consider whether to leave that passage type for the end, or whether skipping/guessing is appropriate for the question types that you consistently miss. if you don’t identify any weaknesses, great!

if you are completing the verbal sections on time, keep doing what you’re doing. if not, consider the questions that are taking you a long time to slog through–those are questions that should be marked, skipped, and returned to after you’ve answered all the questions that are easier for you to navigate.

once you’ve identified your weak points in the verbal section. rather than practice more of these questions, go back and review the lessons associated with them and then reattempt a few questions that you missed in previous practice sessions.

quantitative practice

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

last quantitative error log deep dive: analyze the entirety of your quant error log to determine whether there are particular subject areas or question types that most challenge you. if so, in terms of pacing, consider whether skipping/guessing is appropriate for the question types that you consistently miss. if you don’t identify any weaknesses, great!

if you are completing the quantitative sections on time, keep doing what you’re doing. if not, consider the questions that are taking you a long time to slog through–those are questions that should be marked, skipped, and returned to after you’ve answered all the questions that are easier for you to navigate.

once you’ve identified your weak points in the quantitative section. rather than practice more of these questions, go back and review the lessons associated with them and then reattempt a few questions that you missed in previous practice sessions.

daily additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

begin to review the cards in the last deck, mixed practice vi. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

week 24 – the final week!

first ½ of the week: focus on mixed practice and review.

focus on mixed practice and review: during the first few days, you should do two rounds of the verbal and two rounds of the quantitative practice sessions listed below, and the daily additional practice described at the end.

verbal practice

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → verbal → launch a verbal gre section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 23 minutes to complete the 15 questions.

quantitative practice

navigate to your dashboard and select practice → custom practice → math → select all math. launch a math section (look for the book icon near the top of the screen). you’ll have 26 minutes to complete the 15 questions.


error log analysis of any questions you’ve missed this week.

daily additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

continue to review the cards in the last deck, mixed practice vi. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

second ½ of the week: official practice test and review

through ets, take powerprep test 2! be sure that you have around 2 hours of uninterrupted focus time. you want your practice test experience to be as realistic as possible. remember that there are no breaks given during the gre.

final practice test review

open your error log for a deep-dive review of your final (maybe) practice test.

consider the following:

reflect on the testing process: are you satisfied with your performance? do you feel ready to take the gre?

if yes, try to articulate the pacing choices etc. that helped you navigate this practice test successfully.

if no, try to determine what went wrong? did you spend too long on a question that you should have skipped or guessed? were you feeling tired or feeling frustrated by distractors?

as always, work through the following:

determine why you missed the question

read any related text explanations and watch any related video explanations

watch any recommended lesson videos. don’t worry about watching them out of order or watching them again. you’ll likely be watching the videos a few times, especially those that relate to your weaker areas.

double check that you got the correct ones right for the right reasons. if you guessed or just weren’t all that sure how you arrived at the correct answer, devote time to reviewing the explanations and absorbing the underlying concepts and solution steps.

daily additional practice (at least 15-30 minutes)

in magoosh’s gre math flashcards

begin to review the cards in the last deck, mixed practice vi. also, review any cards you haven’t mastered in the previous decks.

in magoosh’s gre vocabulary flashcards

work on mastering 10-20 more cards from the magoosh flashcard decks or your own flashcards/wordlists.

last lesson

watch this final lesson: test day

day before

focus on feeling your best for test day!

no gre preparation

eat a large, healthy, leisurely dinner—no alcohol

go to bed earlier than usual

day of

absolutely no last minute cramming!

eat a large breakfast, full of protein

do relaxing, fun activities to pass time until the test

if you have any remaining time before your exam, focus on a concentrated review

for whatever days remain before your test, keep up the work on gre math and verbal. some suggestions for what to do:

by selecting question type and difficulty on your “dashboard,” keep doing magoosh problems or do problems you’ve previously attempted over again to see how you do a second time.

keep watching magoosh lesson videos on whatever topics you feel you need to review.

keep reading challenging material to build vocabulary and acclimate to complex sentence structures.

keep drilling your vocab flashcards and your math flashcards.

if you have time for more practice tests, you can check out the free and paid versions of ets power prep. another highly recommended source for practice tests are those produced by manhattan prep.

you have done an incredible amount of work, so be proud of what you’ve accomplished!

good luck! 🙂


do your best to follow this list, and you will improve dramatically over time. for more personalized support, you can sign up for a premium magoosh gre prep plan. we have affordable 1 month or 6 month subscriptions, or you can test out the material with a free 1 week trial. happy studying!

the post 6 month gre study schedule appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

//www.catharsisit.com/gre/6-month-gre-study-schedule/feed/ 24 30 day gre study guide
positive and negative square roots on the gre //www.catharsisit.com/gre/positive-and-negative-square-roots-on-the-gre/ //www.catharsisit.com/gre/positive-and-negative-square-roots-on-the-gre/#comments wed, 07 sep 2016 22:52:50 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/gre/?p=11133 some questions to start: can a square root be negative? yes, there is such a thing as a negative square root. how would you deal with negative roots on the gre? this question is actually fairly complicated, because it depends on how the gre words the question. let’s start with some gre math practice problems […]

the post positive and negative square roots on the gre appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

some questions to start: can a square root be negative? yes, there is such a thing as a negative square root. how would you deal with negative roots on the gre? this question is actually fairly complicated, because it depends on how the gre words the question. let’s start with some gre math practice problems before i explain.

negative square root, negative roots, can a square root be negative

negative square root practice problems

first of all, consider these two similar, but not identical, quantitative comparison questions.  these are a bit easier than you would see on the gre, but they illustrate an important distinction about possible negative square roots.


qc #1


qc #2

all i will say right now is: despite apparent similarities, those two questions about whether roots are positive or negative, have two completely different answers.  the distinction between them is the subject of this article.

explanations to these practice problems will appear at the end of this blog article. jump ahead by clicking here.

do i include the negative roots?

often, students are confused about this question.  for example, in the questions above, we know +4 is a square root of 16, but can’t -4 be one as well? or can it?  can a square root be negative?  do we include the negative square root as part of column b or not?  does it matter how the question is framed?  all of these questions about possible negative square roots are resolved by understanding the following two cases.

case i: the symbol appears

in case one, the test-maker, in writing the question, uses this symbol.  this symbol appears printed on the page in the question itself.


what is this symbol?  well, the most folks call this simply a “square-root” symbol, but the proper name is the “principal square root” symbol.  here, “principal” (in the sense of “main” or “most important”) means: you take one and only one root, the most important, or principal, one — the positive root only.  that is the deep meaning of this symbol.

thus, in all cases in which this symbol appears as part of the question itself, you never consider the negative square root, and only take the positive square root.

case ii: the symbol doesn’t appear

in this case, that special symbol does not appear as part of the problem.  what does appear is, for instance, a variable squared, or some other combination of algebra that leads to a variable squared, and you yourself, in your process of solving the problem, have to take the square root of something in order to solve it.  the act of “square rooting” is not initiated by the test maker in the act of writing the question; rather, it is you who initiated the square-rooting.

in this case, 100% of the time, you always have to consider both the positive and negative square roots.

summary: can a square root be negative?

can a square root be negative?  well, the answer is: it depends on what was printed in the problem.  the principal square root symbol never has a negative output, so if the test maker printed that symbol, it’s restrictions have to be respected: all square roots then are positive.  on the other hand, if the problem contains a variable squared, or some other algebra that leads to a variable squared, and you yourself take a square root as part of the act of solving, then you always have to consider all possible solutions, both the positive square roots and the negative square roots.

if you master that distinction, you will always understand when to consider both positive and negative roots vs. when to consider only the positive root.  you may want to go back to those two qcs at the beginning and think them through again before reading the solutions below.

additional resources

if you’re having trouble with quantitative comparison questions on the gre, i would recommend taking a look at some of these additional resources. they may help clear up some of the concepts that you’re struggling with, and can provide some extra practice.

quantitative comparison tips

quantitative comparison strategies

quantitative comparison practice

gre math help

practice problem solutions

1) here, the principal square root symbol appears as part of the problem itself.  we are in case i.  of course, that symbol means: take the positive square root only.  so column b can only equal +4.  of course, that’s always bigger than 3. answer = (b).

2) here, there’s no square root symbol printed as part of the problem itself.  we are in case ii.  for any square roots we take as part of our solution, we are liable to account for both the positive and negative roots.

sure enough, the very first thing we encounter in the prompt is a variable squared, and when we solve for x, we have to account for both roots: x = ±4.  the variable x could equal well have either one of those values.

now, when we proceed to the qc, we see that the different values of x would give different answers.  if x = +4, then column b is greater, but if x = -4, then column a is greater.  different values lead to different conclusions, and this situation means we don’t have enough information to establish a definitive relationship. answer = (d)

special note:

to find out where roots sit in the “big picture” of gre quant, and what other quant concepts you should study, check out our post entitled:

what kind of math is on the gre? breakdown of quant concepts by frequency

editor’s note: this post was originally published in september, 2012, and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.


the post positive and negative square roots on the gre appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

//www.catharsisit.com/gre/positive-and-negative-square-roots-on-the-gre/feed/ 58 positive & negative square roots on the gre qc #1 qc #2 pnsr_img2
diagonals of a polygon in gre geometry //www.catharsisit.com/gre/diagonals-of-a-regular-octagon-in-gre-geometry/ //www.catharsisit.com/gre/diagonals-of-a-regular-octagon-in-gre-geometry/#comments wed, 07 sep 2016 22:32:36 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/gre/?p=14436 students love to skip over the basics, asking questions like: how many vertices does an octagon have? how many diagonals does an octagon have? what’s the difference between a regular octagon and, well, an octagon? and gre geometry does delve into some complex polygon math. but before we get to that, i will begin with […]

the post diagonals of a polygon in gre geometry appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

students love to skip over the basics, asking questions like: how many vertices does an octagon have? how many diagonals does an octagon have? what’s the difference between a regular octagon and, well, an octagon? and gre geometry does delve into some complex polygon math.

but before we get to that, i will begin with two challenging gre math problems.

gre polygon geometry - image by magoosh

gre geometry: polygon problems

1) regular pentagon p has all five diagonals drawn.  what is the angle between two of these diagonals where they meet at a vertex of the pentagon?

(a) 12°

(b) 36°

(c) 54°

(d) 60°

(e) 72°


2) how many diagonals does a regular 20-sided polygon have?

(a) 60

(b) 120

(c) 170

(d) 240

(e) 400


explanations to these practice problems will appear at the end of this blog article. jump ahead by clicking here.


first, some basic terminology to begin this discussion.  a polygon is any geometric shape all of whose sides are straight line-segments.   any triangle is a polygon.  any quadrilateral (including trapezoids, parallelograms, rhombuses, rectangles and squares) are polygons.  a pentagon is a 5-sided polygon.  a hexagon is a 6-sided polygon.  an octagon is an eight-sided polygon.  a circle or parabola or anything with a curved side is not a polygon.

a point where two of the sides of a polygon meet is called a vertex.  the number of vertices a polygon has is always equal to the number of sides it has.

another important polygon fact concerns the sum of angles.  you may know that the sum of the three angles in any triangle is 180°.  you may even know that the sum of the four angles in any quadrilateral is 360°.  this pattern generalizes.  the sum of all n angle in any n-sided polygon is:

sum of angles = (n – 2)*180°

thus, any pentagon (n = 5) would have angles that add up to 3*180 = 540°.  any hexagon (n = 6) would have angles that add up to 4*180 = 720°.  any octagon (n = 8) would have angles that add up to 6*180 = 1080°.  (see the blog on gre geometric formulas)

finally, there is this paradoxical word “regular.”  in everyday language, “regular” means “ordinary, unexceptional, commonplace.”  in geometry, it connotes the exact opposite!  a shape is regular if and only if it is both equilateral and equiangular—that is, if and only if all the sides have the same length and all the angles are equal.  the “regular” version of any polygon is the most elite, most symmetrical version possible of that polygon.  the “regular triangle” would be what we known as an equilateral triangle.  the “regular quadrilateral” is the square.   for higher polygons, you are most likely to see the regular version on the gre, because the test (like all mathematicians) loves symmetry.

diagonals of a polygon

now, we can talk about diagonals.   a diagonal is any line through the interior of a polygon that connects two non-adjacent vertices.  what does this mean?  well, first of all, starting from any vertex, an adjacent vertex is either vertex connected to the starting vertex by one side of the polygon.

consider an irregular quadrilateral:

irr quadrilateral, without diagonals

let’s start at vertex a.  starting from vertex a, we are connected by sides of this quadrilateral to both b and d; vertices b & d are the ones that are adjacent to vertex a.  the only vertex not connected to a by a side of the quadrilateral is c.  c is a’s only non-adjacent vertex, and a is c’s.  thus, one diagonal goes from a to c.  it’s not hard to see that the other goes from b to d.  any quadrilateral has just two diagonals.

irr quadrilateral, with diagonals

notice that triangles never have diagonals: if we start from any vertex in a triangle, the other two vertices are adjacent.   there simply are no non-adjacent vertices in a triangle, so diagonals are not possible.  among quadrilaterals, there are special rules for the diagonals of a parallelogram and the categories within parallelograms:

special quadrilaterals with diagonals

the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other: that is to say, the intersection point of the two diagonals is the midpoint of each one.

a rhombus is a parallelogram with four equal sides.  the diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other and are perpendicular.

a rectangle is a parallelogram with four 90° angles.  the rectangle of a rhombus bisect each other and have equal length.   this is related to an old trick among carpenters.  when a carpenter cuts two pairs of equal lengths to make the sides of a door or window frame, he knows he has a parallelogram because of the equal lengths, but how does he know whether he has a rectangle?  without precise equipment, it’s very hard to measure the difference between, say, an 89° or 90° angle.  well, all the carpenter has to do is measure the two diagonals: if these two easy-to-measure lengths are equal, then it’s guaranteed that he has four right angles!

a square is a parallelogram, a rectangle, and a rhombus.  it is a regular quadrilateral with four equal sides and four 90° angles.  the diagonals of a square bisect each other, have equal length, and are perpendicular.

diagonals of a regular pentagon

a pentagon is any five-sided polygon, and the sum of its angles is 540°, as we saw above.  the only pentagon you are likely to meet on the gre is the most symmetrical, the regular pentagon.  since the angles are equal, we can divide the sum of the angles by five.

540°/5 = 108°

that’s the angle of each of the five angles in the pentagon.

here’s a regular pentagon with the five diagonals drawn.

regular pentagon with diagonals

how many diagonals does a pentagon have? any pentagon has exactly five diagonals.  these diagonals trace out the shape of a classic five-pointed star, such as that those on the flag of the united states of america.  the lengths and divisions of this star are intimately related to that magical and mystical number, the golden ratio; sacred geometry is purported to give insight into the meaning of life, but you don’t need to know any of that for the gre!

how would we find any angles in this shape?  well, we know each big angle of the pentagon is 108°.  look, for example, triangle abc.  this triangle is an isosceles triangle, because ab = bc, and we know that angle abc = 108°.  the other two angles must be equal: call them x.

108° + x + x = 180*

2x = 180° – 108° = 72°

x = 36°

this means that angle bac = angle bca = 36°, and so do many other symmetrically related angles around the shape.  we could subtract (angle bac) from (angle bae) to get (angle cae)

angle cae = (angle bae) – (angle bac) = 108° – 36° = 72°

from that, we could find many other angles inside the shape.   we could use analogous means to find angles involving the diagonals of any higher polygon.

diagonals of a regular hexagon

a hexagon is any six-sided polygon, and the sum of its angles is 720°, as we saw above.  in a regular hexagon,

each angle = 720°/6 = 120°

how many diagonals does a hexagon have? starting from one vertex, two other vertices are adjacent, so 3 vertices are non-adjacent, making possible three diagonals from one vertex.  from a, we can draw diagonals to c, d, and e.

regular hexagon with diagonals from a vertex

from each vertex, there are three diagonals.  since there are six vertices, you might think there would be a total of 3*6 = 18 diagonals, but that counting method double-counts everything.  you see, the diagonal from a to c would get counted once as a diagonal from a and again as a diagonal from c to a.  thus, the number of diagonals in a hexagon is 18/2 = 9.   these can be groups into two kinds.  the six shorter diagonals together make a six-sided star, the magen david.  the three longer diagonals form just three symmetrically criss-crossing segments, what is called in mathematics a “degenerate six-pointed star.”

regular hexagon with stars

these two diagrams show the nine diagonals of a regular hexagon.  of course, the six-pointed star simply consists of two overlapping equilateral triangles, pointing in opposite directions.  (that geometric fact led to extensive mystical speculation in about the star of david in the kabbalah,  but again, you don’t need to understand any mysticism for the gre!)

diagonals of a regular heptagon

a heptagon is any seven-sided polygon (n = 7).  sometimes it is called a “septagon,” but “heptagon” is the preferred mathematical name.  the sum of its angles would be

(n – 2)*180° = 5*180° = 900°

this means that each of the seven angles in a regular heptagon would have a measure of

each angle = 900°/7 = 128.5714286…°

the angle measures are not integers!  this is why the gre is exceptionally unlikely to ask you anything about the regular heptagon, and it’s also why you probably never talked much about regular heptagons in high school geometry.  it’s why most people aren’t even clear on the proper name for this beast!  their non-integer angle measure makes them the first “black sheep” in the regular polygon family!  i won’t say anything else about them, because they almost never make an appearance on the gre, but i will show you the two possible seven pointed stars from their diagonals: these stars are hauntingly beautiful, because of their idiosyncratic symmetry.

seven pointed stars

diagonals of a regular octagon

an octagon is any eight-sided polygon, and the sum of its angles is 1080°, as we saw above.  in a regular octagon,

each angle = 1080°/8 = 135°

that angle is the supplement of a 45° angle.  the regular octagon is the typical stop sign shape in many parts of the world.

how many diagonals does an octagon have? how many vertices does an octagon have?

starting from one vertex, two other vertices are adjacent, so five vertices are non-adjacent, making possible five diagonals from one vertex.  from a, b & h are the symmetrical vertices, so we can draw diagonals to c, d, e, f, and g.

regular octagon with diagonals from a vertex

similar logic as with the hexagon: five at each vertex, eight vertices, but that counts each diagonal twice, so the total number is 5*8/2 = 20.  ac and ag are what we might call “3 vertex diagonals”: there are eight of these, which form a star.  af and ad, each parallel to two sides, are what we might call “4 vertex diagonals”: eight of these form another star.  finally, ae is like a diameter of the whole octagon, cutting across its center: there are four such lines, and they form a degenerate eight-pointed star.

regular octagon with stars

just as the six-pointed star consisted of two overlapping equilateral triangles, the first eight-pointed star on the left consists of two separate overlapping squares: square aceg and square bdfg.  (the names of these squares are reminiscent of the lines at w. 4th street!)  between these three stars (counting the degenerate thing on the right as a “star”) we have all 20 of the regular octagon’s diagonals.


onward and upward!  the methods discussed in this blog can be extended to apply to a nonagon (n = 9), a decagon (n = 10), or any higher polygon.   armed with this information, you should be able to answer anything the gre asks you about a diagonal of a polygon!  if you had any “aha” moments while reading this blog, you might want to give the practice problems on the top another peek before reading the explanations below.

seven seventeen-pointed stars

practice problem explanations

1) let’s take a look at the pentagon with its five diagonals.

regular pentagon with diagonals

an example of the angle between two diagonals at a vertex would be angle ebd, where diagonals bd and be meet at vertex b.

we will follow the logic outlined above.

triangle bcd is isosceles with bc = cd, and angle bcd = 108°.  the other two angles are equal: call them each x.

108° + x + x = 180*

2x = 180° – 108° = 72°

x = 36°

so, angle cbd = 36°.  well, triangle abe is in every way equal to triangle bcd, so angle abe must also equal 36°.  thus, we can subtract from the big angle at vertex b.

(angle ebd) = (angle abc) – (angle cbd) – (angle abe)

(angle ebd) = 108° – 36° – 36° = 36°

answer = (b)


2) if we start at one vertex of the 20-sided polygon, then there’s an adjacent vertex on each side.  not counting these three vertices, there would be 17 non-adjacent vertices, so 17 possible diagonals could be drawn from any vertex.  twenty vertices, 17 diagonals from each vertex, but this method double-counts the diagonals, as pointed out above.

# of diagonals = (17*20)/2 = 17*10 = 170

answer = (c)

editor’s note: this post was originally published in january 2014 but has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.

lastly, if you are looking for more gre practice material, here is a full-length, free practice test from magoosh that includes a detailed score report with a topic-by-topic breakdown of your performance. you can choose to do just the quant section or a full length exam. happy studying!


the post diagonals of a polygon in gre geometry appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

//www.catharsisit.com/gre/diagonals-of-a-regular-octagon-in-gre-geometry/feed/ 34 image-gre-header-geometrypolygon irr quadrilateral, without diagonals irr quadrilateral, with diagonals special quadrilaterals with diagonals regular pentagon with diagonals regular hexagon with diagonals from a vertex regular hexagon with stars seven pointed stars regular octagon with diagonals from a vertex regular octagon with stars seven seventeen-pointed stars regular pentagon with diagonals
challenging gre qc problems on number properties //www.catharsisit.com/gre/challenging-gre-qc-problems-on-number-properties/ //www.catharsisit.com/gre/challenging-gre-qc-problems-on-number-properties/#comments mon, 11 may 2015 16:00:01 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/gre/?p=15888 get your gre math practice in with these nine gre quantitative comparison questions, ranging in difficulty from moderate to quite hard (arguably as hard as, or perhaps harder than, anything you would see on the gre quant section).  solutions will come at the end of the article.  remember: don’t touch a calculator! 1)     […]

the post challenging gre qc problems on number properties appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

get your gre math practice in with these nine gre quantitative comparison questions, ranging in difficulty from moderate to quite hard (arguably as hard as, or perhaps harder than, anything you would see on the gre quant section).  solutions will come at the end of the article.  remember: don’t touch a calculator!













4) k is the set of perfect squares between 1 and 10000.




5) when 900 is divided by positive integer d, the remainder is 1.  if n > 5000, then when n is divided by 23, the remainder is r.




6) f is the prime factorization of 17!








8) n is a large integer, not divisible by 7.  when n is divided by 35, the quotient is q1 and the remainder is r1. when n is divided by 7, the quotient is q2 and the remainder is r2, and q2 > 5q1.




9) the number n is any non-negative integer, and


integer properties and fractions on the gre qc

it’s important to remember that the gre is not particularly interested in your ability to perform long detailed calculations.  in fact, if you find yourself getting sucked into a long detailed calculation anywhere on the gre quant section, you are probably doing something the hard way.  the gre doesn’t care about long calculations, but it does care about your ability to use logic and number sense to simplify calculations.  it is interested in the test taker’s ability to re-frame the question in a way that leads to significant simplification.

nowhere is this truer than it is on the quantitative comparisons.  your job on the gre qcs is to compare, not to calculate.  as a general rule, a gre qc question is designed for a quite straightforward comparison or simplification.  it may appear to demand a long tedious calculation, but don’t be fooled: that is not the real issue.  the real issue is finding the way to look at the problem, the way to interpret it or reframe it, so that the pertinent comparison becomes much easier to see.

with fractions, think about simplifying comparisons: for example, bigger numerator makes the fraction bigger, but bigger denominator makes the fraction smaller.

with integer properties, there are a number of important distinctions that could come into play.  you should know what is what isn’t a prime number, as well as everything it means to be a prime number.  you should understand factors, multiples, prime factorizations, and remainders.

for difficult problems, as some of these are, it’s very important to read the solutions carefully.  notice how the problem is framed in the solution, and notice what important observations were used to simplify it.



practice problem solutions

1) this one isn’t too hard, but it can be simplified.  notice that 6 is a multiple of 3 and 14 is a multiple of 7.  it’s much easier to find common denominators if one denominator is a multiple of the other, so group the fractions together accordingly.


answer = (c)

2) for this one, do not find common denominators.  it would be a nightmare to try to perform this exact calculation.  instead, consider this perspective.  look at the two fractions in quantity a.  first, look at 10/23.  we know 10/20 = 1/2, so 10/23 is less than 1/2.  we also know that 19/38 = 1/2, so 19/37 is more than 1/2.  in quantity a, we have
(something less than 1/2) minus (something greater than 1/2)

that has to be negative!  quantity a is negative.  meanwhile, we are adding two positive things in quantity b, so that must be positive.  any positive is greater than any negative.

answer = (b)

3) these numbers are probably a little bit bigger than what you would be likely to see on the gre, but notice that even for this, we don’t need a calculator!  notice that both denominators are multiples of 25.

900 = 9*100 = 9*(4*25) = 36*25

500 = 5*100 = 5*(4*25) = 20*25

and, of course, 525 is just one more factor of 25, so

525 = 21*25

we can express both denominators in that factored form, and multiply both quantities by 25.


remember that cross-multiplying is a perfectly legitimate move in gre qcs, as long as all the concerned numbers are positive.

answer = (b)

4) think about the numbers in k.  the first 10 perfect squares go from 1 to 100.  we know that 20 squared is 400 and 30 squared is 900, so the second set of ten perfect squares goes from 100 to 400, and the third set, from 400 to 900.  the spread is getting bigger.  we know that 90 squared is 8100 and 100 squared is 10,000, so the last set of ten is spread out between 8100 and 10000, a spread of almost 2000.

in other words, this set is clumped together at the low end and very spread out at the upper end.  the outliers are toward the high end.  the median is not affected by outliers, but the mean is pulled in the direction of outliers.   therefore, the mean must be higher than the median.

answer = (a)

that’s all you need to do to answer the question.  if you are interested in additional information:


the median is the average of those two numbers

median = 2550.5

i calculated the mean:

mean = 3383.5

there’s no particularly easy way to get that number without a calculator or computer.

5) let’s think about integer d first.  d must be a factor of 900 – 1 = 899.  what are the factors of that number.  well, we can think about this using the advanced numerical factoring, discussed in this gmat blog.


thus, 899 is the product of two prime numbers and, as such, has four factors: {1, 29, 31, 899}.  well, if d = 1, then dividing any positive integer by it would never yield a remainder, so d can’t be 1.  d could be either 29 or 31 or 899.

now, think about r.  when we divide by 23, the remainder must be less than 23.   well, any number less than 23 will be less than any of the possibilities for d, so d is always bigger.

answer = (a)

6) consider the prime factorization of 17!—it must have many factors of 2 and 3.  it has a factor of 2 for every even number from 1 to 17, plus a second factor of 2 for every number divisible by 4, plus another for every number divisible by 8, etc.

by contrast, there are only three factors in 17! that contain factors of 5: {5, 10, 15}.  each one contains exactly one factor of 5, so there are just three factors of 5 in 17! quantity a = 3

the factors less than 5 have many more factors that 5 does.  the next prime number up is 7, which has two factors, from its multiples {7, 14}.  the next three prime factors are {11, 13, 17}, and each one of those is big enough no other multiples would be part of 17!  thus, these three prime number, {11, 13, 17}, each have an exponent of one in f.  quantity b = 3

answer = (c)

7) to get started, think about smaller numbers.  how many multiples of 5 between 45 and 200?  well, 45 = 5*9 and 200 = 5*40.  the number of multiples of 5 between these two is equivalent to the number of integers between 9 and 40.  if we subtract, 40 – 9 = 31, that excludes 9 but includes 40.  if we truly want the number of multiples between the two end points, i have to subtract one.  there are 30 multiples of 5 between 45 and 200.  notice that, to find the number of multiples of 5, we simply divided the top and bottom number by 5 and subtracted then, then subtracted 1.  follow this pattern.


we will add 1 to both quantities, because it’s the same in both and it’s in the way.  in each quantity, we will factor out the lower power.


now, we can compare these part-wise.  first of all, of course 7 to the power of 10 must be larger than 3 to the power of 10, and subtracting 1 from both will not make a difference, so the expression in the parentheses in quantity b is larger than the corresponding expression in quantity a.

then, look at the factors in front:


so, every piece of quantity b is bigger than the corresponding piece of quantity a.

answer = (b)

8) this is a tricky one about remainders.  let’s think about this.  suppose the first remainder is something less than 7, say 3.  then


now, if we divide this n by 7, it will go evenly into the first term, and also have a remainder of 3.  in this case, the quotient when dividing by 7 would be


because that’s exactly how many times 7 would go into that first term above.  this doesn’t obey the condition in our problem, because the second quotient is supposed to be more than five times the first quotient.  in order to do that, we would need the first remainder to be bigger than 7, say, 23.


i’ve written it like that to show what happens when we divide this same number by 7.  when we divide by 7, it will go five times the first quotient into that first terms, but then there are three more sevens.  thus:


in order for the second quotient to be more than five times the first quotient, the first quotient must have a remainder bigger than 7, so that 7 divides into it at least once, thus increasing the second quotient.   thus, the first remainder is always bigger than 7, and the second remainder, the remainder when dividing by 7, absolutely has to be less than 7.


answer = (a)

that was an explanation that involving thinking about the numbers.  here, also, is a more algebraic approach.  for more detailed information, see this gmat blog on remainders.  we will use the “rebuilding the dividend equation” from that blog; this can be a handy equation to know.  this is the equation:

n = d*q + r

n is the original number divided, known as the “dividend.”  d is the divisor, the number by which we divided.  q is the integer quotient, how many times the whole of d goes into n.  r is the remainder.   here


save that equation.  now, go to the inequality


notice that the left side of this inequality is equal to the left side of the equation above.  substitute the right side of the equation into the inequality:


answer = (a)

9) this is a hard problem, probably harder than anything that conceivably could appear on the gre.  first of all, you should appreciate the significance of quantity a.  if j is a prime number, it would have two factors.  if j is the square of a prime number, it would have exactly three factors.  a product of two primes has four factors, and products of non-primes have many more factors.

we notice that for n = 0, j = 41, a prime number, and for n = 1, j = 43, another prime number.  clearly, in those two cases, the number of factors of j is two, less than 4, and quantity b is bigger.  the question is: will j always be prime?

well, if you rely only on plugging numbers, this problem is particular devious.  you see, this particular polynomial expression was discovered by the great mathematician leonard euler in 1772, and for all integer values from n = 0 to n = 39, this gives prime values of j.  you could plug in a lot of numbers, and get a prime number every time.  but, of course, plug-in alone does not establish a pattern.

here’s the big idea that could help you on the gre: it is mathematically impossible to produce any algebraic rule that consistently outputs nothing but prime numbers.  the pattern of prime numbers is the hardest pattern in mathematics to map.  no single formula will do the job.  no single formula will always, always, always give us prime numbers without exception: that is absolutely impossible.  this particular formula is famous because it happens to give a lot of prime numbers at the beginning, but some of those values will not be prime numbers.  for example, when n = 41, j = 41*41 + 41 + 41 = 43*41, which has four factors.  there is not a consistent pattern.

answer = (d)

more information for the mathematically curious: there is no algebraic pattern for the prime numbers.  the pattern of prime numbers is part and parcel of the hardest unsolved problem in modern mathematics, known as the riemann hypothesis.  bernard riemann proposed this hypothesis in 1859, and since then, it has been a tantalizing problem that the finest mathematical minds in the world have been unable to solve.  there’s a $1m prize on solving it, and it would have major implication in both theoretical and practical mathematics, possibly including public-key cryptography.  all you need to know is that the pattern is prime numbers is not easy!!  no simple algebraic formula is going to cut the mustard!


the post challenging gre qc problems on number properties appeared first on magoosh blog — gre® test.

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