{"id":4626,"date":"2017-03-15t09:00:56","date_gmt":"2017-03-15t09:00:56","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.catharsisit.com\/?p=4626"},"modified":"2017-03-15t09:00:56","modified_gmt":"2017-03-15t09:00:56","slug":"silver-bullet-diversity-progress","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.catharsisit.com\/blog\/silver-bullet-diversity-progress\/","title":{"rendered":"there\u2019s no \u2018silver bullet\u2019 to increasing diversity, but here\u2019s how we\u2019re making progress."},"content":{"rendered":"

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writing about diversity and inclusion (d&i) makes me uncomfortable. i\u2019ve been told a compelling article should be bold and opinionated, but the truth is, my beliefs are oftentimes loosely-held and nuanced. the topic of diversity is no exception. yet here i am writing an article about it. <\/p>\n

why? because i believe it\u2019s important for myself and other ceos to frequently step back and take a hard look at how we run our companies and to share how we\u2019ve failed, how we\u2019re working to improve, and what we\u2019ve learned in the process.<\/p>\n

i\u2019m the first to admit our company is still very early in its diversity journey. in fact, the more i look into d&i initiatives, the more i realize there\u2019s a lot we don\u2019t know and a lot of work we still need to do. that said, i still want to share with you how we think about d&i at magoosh and what we\u2019re doing to create a more diverse and inclusive team\u2014even if it\u2019s uncomfortable to talk about. i hope it might support another team\u2019s roadmap to diversity, that it communicates to magoosh jobseekers that we value d&i, and that it inspires more open conversations in the tech industry about our journeys, struggles, and failures in striving toward a more diverse workforce.<\/p>\n


i started actively thinking about diversity in early 2015 after attending a panel at the lean startup conference about diversity in tech led by eric ries<\/span><\/a> (founder of the lean startup movement), <\/span>freada kapor<\/span><\/a> (one of our investors) and a few others. about 15 minutes into the panel, eric shared a story about his <\/span>aha<\/span><\/i> moment in d&i. his company had been failing in the \u201cdiversity department,\u201d he told the audience, but he attributed it to a pipeline issue. to challenge this assumption, he and his team decided to run blind application reviews (in which he couldn\u2019t see the name of applicants) and the results surprised eric. he realized he would move different candidates forward when doing a blind application review compared to traditional application review. in other words, bias was largely creeping into his hiring process and he hadn\u2019t even realized it. his anecdote hit hard. sitting there listening quietly, i was overcome with a sinking feeling. i realized bias\u2014<\/span>my bias<\/span><\/i>\u2014 was likely creeping into our process.<\/span><\/p>\n

i went back to magoosh with a plan to change our hiring methods. we would implement new strategies and seek out diverse recruiting channels. <\/span>no problem<\/span><\/i>, i told myself, <\/span>we have this diversity thing figured out<\/span><\/i>. i no longer had to feel like my company was one of <\/span>those<\/span><\/i> companies, blinded by its own biases. \u00a0that\u2019s when\u2014confident i was close to solving our own diversity issues\u2014i reached out to freada and asked where we should start posting our new open positions. she responded the same day.<\/span><\/p>\n


\u201cbhavin–i guess i don’t understand the disconnect here. \u00a0you seem to be asking for a simple list (i.e. silver bullet) of where to recruit so that you’d end up with more diversity. \u00a0if the issue were simply about recruiting somewhere differently, everyone would know about it and every tech company would be more diverse\u2026.<\/span><\/i>
<\/br>instead this is a much more complicated and nuanced problem.<\/i>
<\/br>there are dozens of methodologically rigorous studies that document even well-intentioned people harbor all kinds of racial, ethnic and gender bias, especially when it comes to stem fields. \u00a0if i just send you a list of schools (which are easy enough to find without my help), none of these biases will be addressed. \u00a0resumes with african american or women’s names will be unconsciously judged differently.<\/i>
<\/br>a real commitment to diversity is not a check-the-box exercise. \u00a0there are things to do on the recruiting side (e.g. what’s the language in the job description?), hiring side (e.g. where you post or do in-person recruiting), interviewing (e.g. do you do structured interviews or free form and how do they each stack up if you care about diversity?), evaluating candidates (e.g. does rank of school matter?) then onboarding.<\/i>
<\/br>this is not one email or one meeting\u2026it’s a decision to evaluate your practices and your work environment so that you can recruit and retain diversity.\u201d<\/i><\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n

in other words, i <\/span>didn\u2019t<\/span><\/i> have diversity figured out. i was asking for a simple solution to a complex problem\u2014a problem that would require me to start rethinking magoosh\u2019s hiring initiatives from every angle, not by doing a quick check-the-box exercise.<\/span><\/p>\n

freada graciously offered to come chat with me and our leadership team. she answered our questions, shared some research, and identified strategies that we could implement. after the meeting, we began holistically evaluating our hiring process. our team took a long, hard look at our process and saw we were doing some things well and some things poorly. we came to realize committing to diversity and inclusion would be an ongoing process that would require quite a bit of effort.<\/span><\/p>\n


since then, we\u2019ve committed to continuous improvement of our hiring process, and i want to share what we\u2019re doing today to keep getting better. each item below is a work in progress\u2014we know there\u2019s more we can do, and we continue to think about how to create a fairer and better hiring process and a more inclusive culture. in aggregate, here\u2019s what we\u2019d aim to accomplish with the practices outline below: 1) to encourage candidates from diverse networks to apply to magoosh; 2) to decrease our own unconscious bias; and 3) to create a fair system for hiring and growth at magoosh. take a look and i welcome you to share your thoughts and questions at the end. <\/span><\/p>\n


what we’re doing to encourage candidates from diverse networks to apply to magoosh<\/i><\/h4>\n

\"pink-magoosh-geo\"diversifying our applicant pool<\/b><\/p>\n

many of our hiring managers, myself included, don\u2019t have diverse networks. we\u2019re currently working on building our networks, so we can share open positions, details about our company, and more to people from diverse backgrounds. for a few positions, we also experimented with the <\/span>rooney rule<\/span><\/a>, holding off on phone interviews until we hit certain target percentages for applicant pool, and we hope to use the rooney rule for all positions in the future. <\/span><\/p>\n

\"pink-magoosh-geo\"creating inclusive job descriptions<\/b><\/p>\n

when freada visited magoosh, she shared that <\/span>women are less likely than men to apply to positions in which they don\u2019t meet all the criteria<\/span><\/a>. she also told us both women or men may be discouraged from applying based on certain words in the job description. we made a few changes:<\/span><\/p>\n
