{"id":2912,"date":"2015-06-24t17:56:24","date_gmt":"2015-06-24t17:56:24","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.catharsisit.com\/?p=2912"},"modified":"2015-06-24t17:56:24","modified_gmt":"2015-06-24t17:56:24","slug":"7-tricks-to-help-you-study-more-effectively","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.catharsisit.com\/blog\/7-tricks-to-help-you-study-more-effectively\/","title":{"rendered":"7 tricks to help you study more effectively"},"content":{"rendered":"
7 tricks to study more effectively<\/a> <\/strong> from magoosh<\/a><\/strong><\/div>\n


this post is for all you students out there. if you\u2019re currently studying for a standardized test (or any test for that matter), we know the struggle is real…<\/p>\n

your phone is constantly buzzing off the desk with texts. that buzzfeed quiz seems like it was made especially for you (but seriously, how long would<\/i> you survive if you lived in westeros?). and no matter how hard you try to ignore it, that little (1) keeps popping up on your facebook tab, and the need to click on it consumes your every being until you break down and check it \u2014 just to see it was another useless update from that group you joined a year ago. sigh … *unfollow group*.<\/p>\n

by the time you\u2019re done responding and scrolling and quizzing, an entire hour of valuable study time has passed you by.<\/p>\n

see, we get it. that\u2019s why we\u2019ve made this list of tips and tricks for you \u2014 to help you buckle down, get focused, and study as smart and effectively as possible so that test day is a breeze. here we go!<\/p>\n


1. change the way you think about studying<\/b><\/h2>\n


a little change of attitude can go a long way. many people think of studying as a necessary evil \u2014 a horrible thing they need to get through in order to get to the greener grass on the other side. it doesn\u2019t have to be that way, though.<\/p>\n

researchers have found that how you approach<\/i> a task is just as important as how you do the task. if you can flip that switch in your brain that takes you from \u201cugh, studying\u2026\u201d to \u201chey, look at all this stuff i get to learn!\u201d you\u2019ll set yourself up for studying success.<\/p>\n

but it\u2019s not always as simple as that, is it? so here\u2019s some advice on how to improve your mindset before studying.<\/p>\n