kevin rocci

student happiness report — november 2015

the best way to begin this report is with a stoked student.

screen shot 2015-11-18 at 2.02.43 pm

i love this message for two reasons.

first, this student is like many magoosh students. he’s a husband and a father. he’s working full-time, finding time to study for a test that will unlock his dream. he’s aspiring for more; more for himself and more for his family, and he knows that more education will help him achieve his dream. english is not even his native language, but that’s not stopping him.

the second reason and perhaps the best reason—this student never paid for magoosh. he was able to achieve all of this success, and stoke, because of the free material we produce. he was watching youtube videos and reading our toefl and gre blog—all free and all stellar. yes, it is stellar prep material that will benefit any student. before you pigeonhole me as a biased braggart, let me explain.

if you spent a week with our content creators, you’d be cornered into the same opinion. step into magoosh and you’ll see chris and mike eviscerate each other’s content with grins and smiles knowing they are going to end with something excellent. you’ll watch as kristin pours over our question pool, finding little gaps and inconsistencies that need correcting. stop by around 8pm on a tuesday and you’ll hear lucas recording video explanations.

spend a week with us and you’ll quickly learn that this group is wicked smart, and they care deeply about students. they are teachers. they are magooshers. they aren’t going to put anything into the world that is not excellent. the demands they place on quality are strict, and i am confident your arrive at the same conclusion as me—magoosh material, whether free or premium, is always stellar!


