kevin rocci

student happiness report – august 2015

historically, the happiness report has focused solely on student stoke from interacting with our student help team. well, that’s only part of the reason that magoosh students are so happy and improve so much from working with us.

our students are also stoked because they learn from exceptional test prep experts. we have a team of teachers who know these tests, and the concepts on each test, like an elephant matriarch knows how to find the closest water in a 100 mile radius.

i’d like to take a moment and reflect on how stellar our test prep experts are, how they lay the foundation for our students and their success, and make our lives in student help that much easier.

in lieu of posting screenshots of all the amazing things that our students say about our content team, i’ve chosen just one for each expert.
chris-lele_avatar_14291259881chris lele was magoosh’s first test prep expert and one of the first employees. he’s been here from the beginning helping our students dominate test prep. the running joke in the office is that when he is out, our collective vocabulary knowledge drops by 80%.


mike-mcgarry_avatar_14291271611the next expert at magoosh is mike mcgarry. he not only knows a whole lot about the gmat and every math fact, but also, he has an encyclopedic knowledge of world religions, classical music, and baseball. actually, he has encyclopedic knowledge of many other things too.


lucas-fink_avatar_14291268901any time i have a question about grammar usage, lucas fink is definitely the man to consult. he makes short work of idiomatic phrases and esoteric syntax, which is great. i came to magoosh thinking i knew a lot about grammar and quickly realized i knew very little.


kristin-keating_avatar_14291263121our newest test prep expert, and no slouch, is kristin fracchia. she joined magoosh to build out our act content and has done so with ease. she has the distinct honor of being the only magoosher with a phd and the only magoosher who’s completed a marathon.



our student’s happiness begins with our instructors. student help works hard to make sure students are stoked, but we wouldn’t be even close to successful without our great instructors.

be excellent to the universe until next time!

