hannah baker

meet the test prep experts!

have you ever wondered what was up with that green help tab that quietly follows you around the magoosh website while you’re studying? maybe you never even saw it there. or perhaps you thought it was only for technical problems. but i have news for you! behind that tab lies an incredibly diverse team of test prep experts who reside in all corners of the world, ready to help magoosh students dominate their tests.

sometimes you’ve read the explanation, watched all the videos, perused the blogs, and something is still just not making sense. enter our team of pros! when you click the help tab and explain what you’re struggling with, they are the ones who get back to you with exactly the insightful, in-depth answer you were looking for.

while all of the test prep experts are absolute ninja masters of standardized tests, their backgrounds and interests are as varied as a box of see’s candies. since all their great personality and talent tends to be hidden behind that small green tab, i convinced a few of them to give us a little insight into their lives. here’s what they had to say. 😀


jonathan name
how do you start your mornings?
i have a goal of starting my days with a half-hour of deep meditation, but for now my days start with a glass of water, an aeropress, and a really strong americano.

what is your spirit animal (with accessory)?
an okapi with an awesome multi-color designer beanie.


sam name
what do you do outside of magoosh?
at the moment i’m learning as much as i can about photography! and i also teach recreational freediving courses.

what’s the most surprising message you have ever received from a magoosh student?
a student wrote to me asking about how the us presidential election works. unfortunately i had to explain to him that our area of expertise is test prep!


sarah name
what is your spirit animal (with accessory)?
i’m currently really fond of the bush viper. it has amazing colors and texture. if that’s me, i would definitely need it to be drinking tea and listening to a podcast.

what’s the most surprising message you have ever received from a magoosh student?
once, i explained a math concept that was really causing trouble for a student and (jokingly!) got a marriage proposal in thanks for my help. 🙂


adam name
what do you do outside of magoosh?
i play jazz (saxophone)! i also like to read, go rock climbing, and play pool in my spare time.

how do you start your mornings?
with coffee. obligatorily.

what’s your favorite meal?
something new mexican (with green chiles!), new york pizza, or greek food.


bertrand name
as a student, what was your most challenging test prep experience?
i had fortunately found magoosh and was using it to study for the gre. none of my habits conformed to good test taking practices, so the biggest challenge was actually trying to impose structure on myself.

who inspires you and how/why?
christopher hitchens. he possessed great wit and personal integrity. i aspire to that sort of creative and ethical life…and to being a shark [which answers the spirit animal question!].


kevin name
what do you do outside of magoosh?
i work as a research assistant at the boston redevelopment authority. i do lots of statistics on boston’s demographics and economy. magoosh students should know that people really do use “gre/gmat math” outside of the tests!

how do you start your mornings?
with magoosh! seriously. i’m a “morning person” anyway, but answering students’ gre and gmat questions first thing in the morning really helps get my brain juices flowing for the day. i think i provide better answers in the morning than in the evening. 🙂


cydney name
as a student, what was your most challenging test prep experience?
taking the exam to earn my mastery level diploma of spanish as a foreign language. because i was studying by myself, i wasn’t sure which prep books to use, how long to study, or exactly what level of vocabulary i needed, so i had to come up with my own study plan.

what do you do outside of magoosh?
i am studying at the theater school la lavandería in madrid, spain.


harsh name
who inspires you and how/why?
my biggest inspiration has to be rafael nadal. he has faced a handful of potentially career-ending injuries, but he’s always come back as a stronger tennis player because of his passion, determination, and resiliency!

what is your spirit animal (with accessory)?
meerkat with gandalf’s staff.


tyler name
as a student, what was your most challenging test prep experience?
preparing for the antonym section of the old gre. i had a huge piece of butcher paper plastered to my bedroom wall, covered with synonym and antonym “clusters.” all of the words were color-coded to represent graduated degrees of positive, negative, or neutral connotations. i used bubbles, symbols, and scribbles to link hundreds of words together on this poster. my bedroom wall looked like the delirious work of a mad scientist!


niloufar name
what do you do outside of magoosh?
currently i’m in between standardized tests; this is my first year in law school.

what does no one ever ask you, but you always wish you could tell?
the etymology of the word “cummerbund.” it comes from farsi/hindi (“kamarband”), and it literally means a band for wrapping around the waist.

what is your spirit animal (with accessory)?
baby gargoyle. so far it’s refused accessories.


david name
what’s the most surprising message you have ever received from a magoosh student?
i once had a student ask me for advice on how she could maintain good study habits, even while she was recovering from surgery. it helped me realize how important wellness is in test prep.

what does no one ever ask you, but you always wish you could tell?
i wish more people would ask me about my favorite animated cartoons from my childhood. i love talking about those!


chikara name
what’s the most surprising message you have ever received from a magoosh student?
a question about the categorical distinctions between methods and methodology. i was surprised by how fluent the student was in philosophy.

what’s your favorite meal?
it’s hard to choose one favorite meal, but i think i would say cold soba or warm udon. 🙂


amy name
as a student, what was your most challenging test prep experience?
studying for a test i wasn’t sure i’d even use (the gmat).  i wasn’t sure if i wanted to go to business school but i thought i should take the test to see what realistic potential options were.

what is your spirit animal (with accessory)?
a piglet with racing goggles.


kevin g name
what do you do outside of magoosh?
when i’m not working for magoosh, i’m usually thinking about philosophy or riding my bike (or both!). i’m writing my dissertation in the history of philosophy at uc riverside.

what does no one ever ask you but you always wish you could tell?
for some strange reason, nobody ever seems to ask me how many species of north american birds i’ve seen in a calendar year. (my personal record is 501).




  • hannah baker

    hannah helps build and manage the team of expert remote tutors who tackle all of students’ toughest questions. she has both b.a. and m.a. degrees in chinese from williams college and san francisco state university, respectively, and has worked in test prep since 2010. she can rarely be found at home, but often on a rock face, singletrack, or mountain top.