maizie simpson

meet dani, our grad product marketing manager

meet dani lichliter! she’s the marketing manager for magoosh grad products (think gre and gmat), and a brand new member of our team. we’re very excited to for you to get to know her, so we’ve put together this special q&a so you can find out what this fantastic new magoosher is all about. take it away, dani!


q: what were you doing before becoming a magoosher?

a: before joining magoosh, i worked for nerdwallet, a personal finance startup. my team was focused on helping students and recent grads manage their money and pay for college.


q: what makes you most stoked about education and edtech?

a: a few years ago, i had the opportunity to volunteer at a school in kigali, rwanda. the students i met were so passionate about and committed to learning, but lacked resources and access to higher education. for me, it’s super motivating to help all students gain equal access to education. i love that magoosh is leveling the playing field in regards to test prep and admissions. by offering free and low-cost (but high quality!) resources, more students are able to achieve their educational dreams. how can you not be stoked about that?!




q: what’s one interesting fact we should know about you?

a: i was born in the county of yolo. that wasn’t cool when i was born, but it sure is now! 🙂


q: top 3 items on your bucket list, go!

a: the number one thing on my bucket list is to go to as many countries as i am old. i’m currently there and hoping to maintain that throughout my life. more specifically, at some point in my life i really want to:

1. backpack through south america
2. visit my friends in gaza
3. go to banff national park


q: what has been your favorite part about working at magoosh so far?

a: i think i’m going to have to go with the people! magooshers are nerdy (i fit right in), unique, and truly passionate about education and helping students. this creates a super positive and inclusive work environment, which makes it fun to come to work everyday!



  • maizie simpson

    maizie writes about magoosh and gets others to talk about magoosh. a graduate of the university of arizona (bear down!) with a ba in journalism, she loves nuanced grammar rules, learning strange languages, and traveling to new places. she has an unnatural obsession with middle eastern politics and mexican food.