kevin rocci

magoosh student happiness report — february 2014

shirley jackson wrote about last month, “february, when the days of winter seem endless and no amount of wistful recollecting can bring back any air of summer.” i’d have to respectfully disagree. here at magoosh, the shortest month of the year was a deluge of toasty, vibrant stoke! 🙂


stoke—by the numbers


with only 28 days in the month and with the effects of seasonality, we had a relatively small number of questions to answer from students. we know that the numbers will start to grow from now until the fall, and are projecting a very busy summer, as you can see in the graph below. we’ve enjoyed this slight lull and are ready to roll up our sleeves and spread the stoke to even more students! 🙂


one data point of note is that our response rate shot up in the past month. from 31% last month, and just above 25% in december, more and more students are rating our responses to their questions. of students who reached out to magoosh for help, 41% of them rated our responses, and of those ratings, 99% were good ratings.


i just find this amazing. last month only 350 magoosh responses received a rating. we nearly doubled that in february—the shortest month of the year. looks like the stoke karma just keeps on giving!

enough with the numbers. let’s bathe in the warm glow of magoosher stoke.

student stoke

this first comment says it all! we are awesome goodness! i am not quite sure what that is but i know it’s good, and i know i will be saying it a lot now around magoosh.

awsome goodness

magoosh = awesome!




students are stoked on mike!

mike is an experienced teacher and an expert purveyor of the stoke. he brings a smile to everyone here at magoosh as well as makes students smile around the web. he’s an active blogger and an active contributor on beat the gmat and gmat club. this is just a small sampling of his stoke exploits.

love mike

joined because of mike

nail gmat


scored 760

spreading the magoosh stoke to friends!

when it comes to stoke, the best thing to do is pass it on. and students seem to know this. the stoke karma is contagious. when you pass it along to friends and family, it ends up back in your lap.

telling friends

telling friends1

students stoked on magoosh’s questions


love magoosh

students stoked on magoosh the company


all the answers

doing what we do


happiness, joy, & stoke—oh my!

how happy!

joyful toefl


staying stoked

at magoosh, the stoke is so pervasive that sometimes even our negative ratings are positive. 🙂

bad is good

i am pretty certain that this student meant to give us a good rating, but accidentally hit the wrong button. but i think it is an appropriate place to end. i spend a lot of time stoking and talking about all the magoosh goodness. but that doesn’t mean that we are perfect. we are far from done and always investigate our negative ratings to see how we can improve.

we tell our students that they have to dive into their mistakes. if they want to be ready on test day, they have to spend more time looking into the mistakes than the successes. if we want to continue passing the stoke torch, we have to do the same. and we will! 🙂

be excellent to the universe, good people! keep the happiness high and the stoke level at eleven.
