team archives - magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地 - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // mon, 05 feb 2018 10:26:44 +0000 en-us hourly 1 // team archives - magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地 - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // 32 32 magoosh wins happiest company award (again!) // // mon, 05 feb 2018 10:26:44 +0000 // spoiler alert: we’re still really happy. at magoosh, we want our students to prep smart, go far, and enjoy the ride. and we sure are doing the same. we recently got word that we’ve received our second award for being the happiest company in education from tinypulse, and unsurprisingly we are stoked! on a scale […]

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spoiler alert: we’re still really happy.

at magoosh, we want our students to prep smart, go far, and enjoy the ride.

and we sure are doing the same.

we recently got word that we’ve received our second award for being the happiest company in education from tinypulse, and unsurprisingly we are stoked!

on a scale of 1-10, how happy are you at work?

magoosh happiest company team picture 2017 tinypulse

“is this an 11???”

we use the app tinypulse to get an anonymous temperature check on employee engagement and happiness, which helps us improve our workplace. and once a year, tinypulse reveals the companies with the highest average happiness score…and magoosh was awarded top marks in the education category for the second time!

so what exactly makes us so thrilled to come to work each day?

i’ll let a few magooshers tell you themselves:

it’s an absolute honor to help thousands of students study smarter every single day, and to work on this mission with such talented and good-hearted people.

whether we’re mapping out product improvements, making vocabulary rap videos, or good-naturedly arguing over the best way to eat pre-meeting bagel sandwiches (the debate rages on), we’re all in this together.

go team!

(p.s. if you’d like to join us, we’re hiring!)


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how instructors use magoosh to improve their classroom experience // // fri, 12 aug 2016 18:58:04 +0000 // find out how different instructors use magoosh in their classrooms to boost their students' engagement and learning.

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we love working with students, and we also love working directly with their instructors! we have partnerships with organizations in many countries around the world that use magoosh as a resource for their students. some use magoosh as a stand-alone resource, while others integrate magoosh’s product into their test prep program.

in this post, the instructors from four of our partners share how they use magoosh to support their students.



videos 2

this instructor uses magoosh’s gre product with the students of a scholars program at a university in the united states.

how have you integrated magoosh into your program?

“we give [students] videos from magoosh to complete each week in both verbal and quantitative […] and actually show videos in class that we want to be sure everyone watches. they also take a pre-test before they even start any homework […] and they take another test at the end for a post-test. we make up some games to use with them, too.”

what tips do you have for other instructors using magoosh?

“at minimum, make [students] do a 6 month study period. also, having them do a pre-test before any studying is done is a great way to determine where they need to study more. it also gets them used to taking the test. the post-test is useful because you can tell if they were studying on their own (their scores ideally should go up).”

“we’ve found this year that we will likely need to make individually tailored assignments. magoosh offers a lot of videos, and we just don’t have the time as a group to watch them all. [this] spring we chose the most general “review” type videos to have students complete, and then in the summer, we’ll tailor it to the students’ needs. if they are strong in math, they’ll be assigned more verbal and vice versa.”

“our data has showed significant changes in scores from pre- and post-tests using magoosh. our biggest change (increase) was 5 points this year – that could very well mean the difference between grad school funding or not.”



adjust lessons2

barbara works for college track, a non-profit providing academic support to students from underserved communities. college track students use magoosh’s act product.

how have you integrated magoosh into your program?

“1) additional in-class practice, 2) homework, 3) assignments for holidays, 4) a way of making up an absence”

what tips do you have for other instructors using magoosh?

“use it as a means to check for understanding and thus gauge the types of questions students are challenged by per subject. use this information to adjust lessons so they address areas of growth.”



study plans v2

this instructor works for a study abroad consultancy in india, and his students use magoosh’s gre, gmat, and sat products.

how have you integrated magoosh into your program?

“it is prescribed as additional study material. our faculty ask students to complete specific topics/ practice sessions after those are covered during lectures. it is also a good way for students with travelling jobs to keep in touch with studies.”

“we ask students who cannot attend lectures to use magoosh study plan. for regular – classroom based lecture attending students, we use magoosh as supplement to regular studies.”

what tips do you have for other instructors?

“[magoosh] is very effective if used along with group studies and actual lectures.”



dashboard 2

taylor works for the phoenix scholars, a non-profit organization directed by stanford university students to provide college mentoring to low-income, first-generation, minority high school students in california. through a scholarship program, students are provided with magoosh sat test prep.

how have you integrated magoosh into your program?

“this year, we implemented a scholarship program in which 10 students were provided with a 3-month subscription to the magoosh sat test prep services.”

what tips do you have for other instructors?

“utilize the extremely helpful instructor tab in which you are able to monitor student progress within their individual study programs. you are able to easily track their scores and testing improvements.”



photo at top courtesy of flickr user center for teaching vanderbilt university and the creative commons 2.0 license.


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meet dani, our grad product marketing manager // // wed, 14 oct 2015 18:55:28 +0000 // meet our marketing manager for magoosh grad products, dani lichliter, and find out what gets her excited about education.

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meet dani lichliter! she’s the marketing manager for magoosh grad products (think gre and gmat), and a brand new member of our team. we’re very excited to for you to get to know her, so we’ve put together this special q&a so you can find out what this fantastic new magoosher is all about. take it away, dani!


q: what were you doing before becoming a magoosher?

a: before joining magoosh, i worked for nerdwallet, a personal finance startup. my team was focused on helping students and recent grads manage their money and pay for college.


q: what makes you most stoked about education and edtech?

a: a few years ago, i had the opportunity to volunteer at a school in kigali, rwanda. the students i met were so passionate about and committed to learning, but lacked resources and access to higher education. for me, it’s super motivating to help all students gain equal access to education. i love that magoosh is leveling the playing field in regards to test prep and admissions. by offering free and low-cost (but high quality!) resources, more students are able to achieve their educational dreams. how can you not be stoked about that?!




q: what’s one interesting fact we should know about you?

a: i was born in the county of yolo. that wasn’t cool when i was born, but it sure is now! 🙂


q: top 3 items on your bucket list, go!

a: the number one thing on my bucket list is to go to as many countries as i am old. i’m currently there and hoping to maintain that throughout my life. more specifically, at some point in my life i really want to:

1. backpack through south america
2. visit my friends in gaza
3. go to banff national park


q: what has been your favorite part about working at magoosh so far?

a: i think i’m going to have to go with the people! magooshers are nerdy (i fit right in), unique, and truly passionate about education and helping students. this creates a super positive and inclusive work environment, which makes it fun to come to work everyday!


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magoosh student happiness report — april 2014 // // fri, 16 may 2014 21:36:02 +0000 // it's not just because of high test scores, there are many reasons magooshers are happy. find out more reasons here.

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no one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. ―theodore roosevelt

each month, i have the pleasure of aggregating a lot of magoosh stoke. as i cull through the messages, ratings, emails, tweets, and updates, collecting individual euphorions to show our month of euphoria, themes surface.

this month, the theme is best summed up by president roosevelt. the magoosh team flexed it’s most important muscle to help our students succeed. we were empathetic! 🙂


stoke—by the numbers


we saw some growth in april with about 300 more questions than last month. this is just the beginning of our expected rise in questions through october. chris swimmer, an ex-full time magoosher who now is on our remote help team, summed up where we are nicely:

“this is the exciting part of the year where you seriously feel like you’re strapped to a rocket ship being blasted into orbit.”

the jets have ignited, and we feel the rumble and power of the rocket ship, ready to launch into space.

here we come thermosphere of test prep!

gif of rockets firing

student stoke

anytime i can begin student stoke with gorilla-like chest beating, i’m going to do it!


for those who don’t know chris lele, he is our resident logophile. as mike puts it, magoosh’s collective vocabulary knowledge drops about 80% when he is not in the office. 🙂

lead with empathy, end with stoke

nothing seems more important when it comes to teaching. heck! nothing is more important than empathy when it comes to being a good person. the ability to enter into another person’s experience was a profound moment in human history—a crucial step in our ability to plan, coordinate, and coexist.

i am so proud of our team. every magoosher empathizes with our students. for this reason, i believe, our students are so stoked on magoosh. they know we care, so they trust our recommendations. 🙂










being awesome and spreading the love

this is another monthly theme that seems to persist—being awesome and spreading love and joy. i bet you didn’t think that a test prep company could do that. 🙂










mike is a rock star

mike is everywhere on the internet. he is constantly writing blog articles, responding to comments, and answering questions on forums. actually, for the 13 consecutive month, and the 22nd month overall, he was a member-of-the-month on gmat club in april. that’s why students think he is a rockstar.

mike is awesome



magoosh—a friend, colleague, coach, and more

when i left the classroom to join magoosh, one thing i was worried about was losing the one-on-one interaction with students. i enjoyed mentoring and watching them progress. but i’ve been pleasantly surprised to find that my fear was unfounded. at magoosh, we get to be a friend, coach, colleague, peer, and teacher to our students in a very real way.





system is checking!

promptness leads to stoke

we are lucky to have such an awesome remote help team. thank you chris, jonathan, and carolyn for being so prompt and quick with your responses! our students appreciate your constant diligence and commitment.

we are excited to have new tutors join the team too. welcome evan, michael, amy, and andrew! let’s spread the stoke!







magoosh blogs are a treasure

we have a cornucopia of content, tips, strategies, study plans, and information spread across multiple blogs. our flagship blogs are for the gre and gmat, but we are constantly adding articles to our sat and toefl blogs to help students.



riveting blogs


staying stoked

magoosh is not an exception to the rule—things still can go ary. we have magoosh pens that we send to students who write student posts or to students who are awesome. we recently sent a student some pens, but they didn’t arrive. only the empty, torn envelope survived the trip to india.

we found out about it over twitter and you can see the interaction with the student below.


this interaction illustrates two important points about helping students and customers.

first, keep it lighthearted. this doesn’t mean trivialize what’s happened. rather, look for ways to ease the pain. second, if you want to make things lighthearted, you have to empathize with the person. in this case, we thought about how it must have felt to receive an empty envelope. we didn’t hesitate to send more pens (in a more robust envelope), and we found a way to lighten the mood. a perfect recipe for stoke! 🙂

it’s moments like this that make me stoked about magoosh and stoked to work with our students! they truly are awesome!

be excellent to the universe, good people! keep the happiness high and the stoke level at eleven.

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magoosh student happiness report — january 2014 // // sat, 08 feb 2014 00:44:36 +0000 // learn why magoosh students continue to be impressed with our materials, online lectures, and study guides.

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i don’t know if people are feeling this, but magooshers are stoked about 2014! this is going to be a great year! changes are afoot and happiness reigns. with numbers like these, how could it be anything but a great year? 🙂



stoke—by the numbers

in past happiness reports, numbers and data weighed heavy on the report, and last month, i realized that i was sacrificing student stoke for data, charts, and tables. that’s not the point of the report. we want to showcase the happiness we feel from our students’ happiness.


to this end, i intend to keep the discussion of data shorter moving forward, only presenting what is essential and related to stoke (perhaps, we’ll begin a support round-up that could dive deeper into the numbers).




we are incredibly stoked to have such a great satisfaction rating over the past 30 days. only 3 unsatisfied ratings in a month is a tremendous accomplishment. in addition, we had our longest streak of consecutive days with 100% ratings—13 days!




in the november report, i mentioned that we don’t have one goal for response time to all questions. some questions need to be answered quickly and with little delay while other questions require thought and care that can only be given over a longer period of time. since then, we have been thinking of ways to improve.


just last month, we averaged over 15 hours for our first reply. after some low-effort tweaks, like adding an “urgent” tag that triggers an email to be sent to magooshers who can resolve the issue and creating a view to see all tickets that have been open for more than 24 hours, we’ve cut our response time by a third!


faster responses, lead to happier students—more students can study and progress toward dominating the gmat, gre, and sat.


this really speaks to the team of people at magoosh. bhavin, our ceo, has pointed this out before: when we collectively focus on something, honing our skills, with a singular purpose, we are an unstoppable force, overcoming any challenge!


stoke—from the students

now for the good stuff! this month the messages are organized around different themes. also, these messages come in through multiple channels, so everyone on the team helps to identify these favorite messages to include in the report. thanks magooshers! 🙂


it takes a village

this was such a great message to receive not only because this student said we were “the great elixir for gre,” but also because this student knew so many people on our team! the student mentions 8 of us by name, showing how many people on our team are in contact with our students. it takes a village to stoke out students!

screen shot 2014-02-06 at 11.10.11 am


exceeding expectations

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helping students everywhere

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genuine personal touch

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stoked on support

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score improvement stoke

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staying stoked

feels good to wake up in the morning and go to a place where everything you do is awesome! 🙂


screen shot 2014-02-06 at 11.15.13 am


be excellent to the universe, good people! keep the happiness high and the stoke level at eleven.


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good luck, delanie! // // fri, 17 may 2013 21:01:03 +0000 // it’s a sad day at magoosh–our intern delanie’s last day. she’s off to help with a distance learning program in uganda (ie, save the world), so i guess we’ll have to deal. delanie has been working here for the past 8 months (almost as long as 2 of our full-time employees–myself included!). so of  course, […]

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it’s a sad day at magoosh–our intern delanie’s last day. she’s off to help with a distance learning program in uganda (ie, save the world), so i guess we’ll have to deal.

delanie has been working here for the past 8 months (almost as long as 2 of our full-time employees–myself included!). so of  course, she’s an integral part of the magoosh family. in her time here, delanie wore many hats–she dabbled in social media, product development, customer service, marketing, seo, and outreach. phew, that’s a lot! in this post, i’d like to highlight some of the awesome things delanie accomplished!

before delanie took over our sat twitter, it was in sad shape. i think it’s safe to say that pretty much no one was looking at it. but, delanie increased our followers by a whopping 142% in the last month:

screen shot 2013-05-17 at 1.09.44 pm

she did this by making it fun to read. this is a particular favorite of mine (so creative!):

screen shot 2013-05-17 at 1.16.30 pm

next accomplishment (this is a big one!): lesson video faqs. delanie went through all of the questions we’ve received on our 200+ lesson videos, and added faqs to the most challenging ones. this was no small feat. not only do these faqs help students better understand the concepts, they’ve also helped to decrease the amount of questions we receive about the videos, which saves us a lot of time!

last but not least, delanie helped us with our customer support (ie, actually responding to all of those questions mentioned above). when we answer a question, customers are allowed to rate our responses as either ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ in her time here, delanie received this many bad ratings:

screen shot 2013-05-17 at 12.33.09 pm

that is a huge success!

these are only a few of the many, many, many things delanie has accomplished. oh yeah, she also wrote an awesome blog post about her internship, which you can find here.

delanie, we wish you the best of luck in everything you do, and hope you’ll come back to see us (or work for us?) whenever you get the chance 🙂 wewe ni kukosa kwangu! (apparently this is “we’ll miss you!” in swahili, but you get the idea!).

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