rachel wisuri, author at magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地 - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 //www.catharsisit.com/blog/author/rachel/ tue, 20 may 2014 05:28:39 +0000 en-us hourly 1 //www.catharsisit.com/blog/files/2021/04/cropped-magoosh-favicon-32x32.png rachel wisuri, author at magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地 - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 //www.catharsisit.com/blog/author/rachel/ 32 32 more happiness: twitter style //www.catharsisit.com/blog/more-happiness-twitter-style/ //www.catharsisit.com/blog/more-happiness-twitter-style/#respond tue, 20 may 2014 05:28:39 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/?p=1768 we've pulled together some twitter 足球世界杯举办地2022 from students so you can hear just how happy they are.

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we love our twitter friends, and we’re glad to see they love us back. 🙂 just for fun, here’s a roundup of the things people have said about us on twitter in the past few weeks!








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pro-tip: how to manage your business twitter, for beginners //www.catharsisit.com/blog/pro-tip-how-to-manage-your-business-twitter-for-beginners/ //www.catharsisit.com/blog/pro-tip-how-to-manage-your-business-twitter-for-beginners/#respond thu, 07 nov 2013 22:09:08 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/?p=1348 we at magoosh love connecting with students over twitter. here are some pointers on how to make the most of your business twitter account.

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i can’t say that this statement was always true, but after spending a lot of time on the site, i can proudly say that i love twitter. here at magoosh, we use twitter to connect with students and partners, and to show the world what we’re all about.

if your business isn’t on twitter these days, you’re missing out. there are roughly 231 million monthly active users on the site and 33% of those users follow a brand. what does that mean? your customers (and potential customers!) are likely already using twitter, and just waiting for you to show up.

and using twitter doesn’t require that much effort. really! below are some quick and easy tips to help you get started. tweet on!

step 1: follow industry leaders and customers…and things you like!

sounds pretty obvious, right? in order to engage with the right people on twitter, you’re going to need to build up your ‘following’ and not just your ‘follower’ count. there are 3 categories of users you should follow on twitter:

1. industry leaders: these are the ‘big shots’ in your space. as an education company, we follow users like @ucberkeley, @berkstartups, @khanacademy, @udemy, etc. these people will help keep you ‘in the know,’ and provide you with interesting info to retweet to your followers (easy content!). pro-tip: you can also follow the people who follow thought leaders, since these people are more like your peers (ie, you’ll be able to more easily engage with them and put yourself on the map!).

2. your current and potential customers: this is a no-brainer. seek out those who are interested in what you’ve got. you can do this by searching relevant hashtags (for us, an example is #gre) and following those who are tweeting about this hashtag. more to come on this later.

3. things you (as a company) are interested in: this is what gives your company personality! for example, we love playing bananagrams, and so we show that love to the world:

bananagrams twitter convo

step 2: make tweeting easy.

tweeting does not have to take a lot of time, trust me! here’s how to spend only about 20 minutes (or less) on twitter a day:

1. i’m guessing (and hoping!) that you are already on top of the news for your particular industry. great! this makes it easy to find cool stuff to tweet. if you’re not, here are some other places to find tweet-able content:

  • google alerts (ex, “gre,” “education,” etc)
  • retweet content from those you follow
  • retweet when someone mentions you (and says something positive, of course!)
  • industry blogs (an example for us: edsurge)
  • reddit
  • quora
  • your blog, of course!

2. automate, automate, automate. i like to schedule out tweets a month in advance. two great tools for doing so: buffer and hootsuite.

step 3: direct existing customers to twitter

considering how many people use twitter, a lot of your customers might already be active there. the easiest way to build up your follower count in the beginning is to lead your current customers, en masse, to your twitter account. this, too, is easy to do. here’s what we’ve done to spread awareness within our user base:

  • cross promote on other social media channels (ie, facebook) – let your fans know you’re on twitter

  • write a blog post about it

  • include your handle as a ps in your email campaigns (ps. love magoosh? follow us on twitter!).

  • for that matter, send an entire email that lets people know about your twitter. we send an email to users who use twitter (and find this out via our messaging system intercom- link), since they will be more likely to follow.


step 4: engage new customers

now that you have tweets and followers, it’s time to find potential new customers. our favorite way to do this? read on.

search relevant hashtags and engage with those people. for example, when i search #gre, this is what i get:


bam. people i can talk with. i like to jump right into the conversation–as a company with a lot of gre know-how, we’re able to offer advice, resources, etc to students who are discussing the gre on twitter. and besides that, even just a “good luck!” tweeted at someone who mentions that their test is tomorrow goes a long way.


step 5: start small.

this is a less of a ‘tip’ and more of an ‘anti-tip.’ in the beginning, it’s most important to build a targeted following and engage with those followers. running contests, ads, and huge campaigns are great, but it’s necessary to first get a handle on your voice and your positioning in the ‘twitterverse.’ 🙂

more tips to come!



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happiness report, may 2013: how to keep ’em satisfied //www.catharsisit.com/blog/happiness-report-may-2013-how-to-keep-em-satisfied/ //www.catharsisit.com/blog/happiness-report-may-2013-how-to-keep-em-satisfied/#respond mon, 03 jun 2013 23:23:29 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/?p=1252 learn what steps magoosh took to keep students so happy and engaged with their test prep.

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“happiness is not something ready made. it comes from your own actions.” – dalai lama xiv

very true, dalai lama, very true. this past month, our “own actions” have kept our customer satisfaction rating at 98%. we’ve also seen a 49% increase in the volume of support requests from april to may (!). so, what actions did we take to achieve this?

1. add more cooks to the kitchen (but only if they’re already great at cooking)! this month, we added lucas to the team, and he arrived just in time. lucas is a natural, and he’s already off to a great start:

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2. response time matters to customers (and to everyone, i suppose, because who likes to wait for things these days?). our average response time this month was 9 hours. although it’s not our best response time ever, we’d call it a success considering the number of questions we received from users this month:

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3. understand the problem, don’t just try to fix it. customers (like all of us) like to be understood, and not lectured.

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(good job, margarette!)

all in all, our customers’ happiness is certainly not “ready made.” but with some hard work, understanding, and patience, we were able to keep ’em satisfied in the month of may.

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good luck, delanie! //www.catharsisit.com/blog/good-luck-delanie/ //www.catharsisit.com/blog/good-luck-delanie/#respond fri, 17 may 2013 21:01:03 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/?p=1230 it’s a sad day at magoosh–our intern delanie’s last day. she’s off to help with a distance learning program in uganda (ie, save the world), so i guess we’ll have to deal. delanie has been working here for the past 8 months (almost as long as 2 of our full-time employees–myself included!). so of  course, […]

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it’s a sad day at magoosh–our intern delanie’s last day. she’s off to help with a distance learning program in uganda (ie, save the world), so i guess we’ll have to deal.

delanie has been working here for the past 8 months (almost as long as 2 of our full-time employees–myself included!). so of  course, she’s an integral part of the magoosh family. in her time here, delanie wore many hats–she dabbled in social media, product development, customer service, marketing, seo, and outreach. phew, that’s a lot! in this post, i’d like to highlight some of the awesome things delanie accomplished!

before delanie took over our sat twitter, it was in sad shape. i think it’s safe to say that pretty much no one was looking at it. but, delanie increased our followers by a whopping 142% in the last month:

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she did this by making it fun to read. this is a particular favorite of mine (so creative!):

screen shot 2013-05-17 at 1.16.30 pm

next accomplishment (this is a big one!): lesson video faqs. delanie went through all of the questions we’ve received on our 200+ lesson videos, and added faqs to the most challenging ones. this was no small feat. not only do these faqs help students better understand the concepts, they’ve also helped to decrease the amount of questions we receive about the videos, which saves us a lot of time!

last but not least, delanie helped us with our customer support (ie, actually responding to all of those questions mentioned above). when we answer a question, customers are allowed to rate our responses as either ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ in her time here, delanie received this many bad ratings:

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that is a huge success!

these are only a few of the many, many, many things delanie has accomplished. oh yeah, she also wrote an awesome blog post about her internship, which you can find here.

delanie, we wish you the best of luck in everything you do, and hope you’ll come back to see us (or work for us?) whenever you get the chance 🙂 wewe ni kukosa kwangu! (apparently this is “we’ll miss you!” in swahili, but you get the idea!).

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happiness report: 98% happy in april 2013 //www.catharsisit.com/blog/happiness-report-98-happy-in-april-2013/ //www.catharsisit.com/blog/happiness-report-98-happy-in-april-2013/#comments fri, 03 may 2013 20:42:24 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/?p=1222 learn just exactly why students are so happy with magoosh.

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just like last month, our customer satisfaction rating remains at 98%.  i could make this our shortest blog post ever and end it there, but i won’t (lucky you!). instead, i’ll show you some of the lovely things you guys said about us–we’d say lovely things about you too, if we could 🙂

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my concluding thoughts: we appreciate the gre vocab (pellucid) and yes, we’re real people!

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magoosh students: an international bunch //www.catharsisit.com/blog/magoosh-students-an-international-bunch/ //www.catharsisit.com/blog/magoosh-students-an-international-bunch/#respond wed, 01 may 2013 23:15:48 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/?p=1217 find out how many countries have students using magoosh to increase their test scores and get into their dream schools!

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who uses magoosh? people all over the world–that’s who! we now have students in 163 countries. that’s only 33(ish) left to go!


map of magoosh users

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magoosh happiness report: march 2013 //www.catharsisit.com/blog/magoosh-happiness-report-march-2013/ //www.catharsisit.com/blog/magoosh-happiness-report-march-2013/#respond tue, 02 apr 2013 23:36:03 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/?p=1205 learn why our student satisfaction rate continues to be high!

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last month, our satisfaction rating was at 99%. that’d be pretty hard to beat, huh? well…we didn’t beat it. but, 98% say they’re still happy with our customer support. not too shabby. and after all, a 98% is still an a+, right? 🙂

screen shot 2013-04-01 at 4.18.27 pm

from march 1st to march 31st, we received 920 questions from our current and prospective students. that’s 196 more than last month (but still just 8 of us!).  our average first response time was 9.6 hours, up from 8.7 in february. however, 91% of our emails (or 837!) were answered in less than 24 hours. here’s how we compare to the rest of the education industry:

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even though we get about 600 more requests than the average company, our response time is on average 20 hours less, and our satisfaction rating 5% higher. i’d call that a success, and here’s hoping april is just as great!

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how happy were magoosh students in february 2013? //www.catharsisit.com/blog/how-happy-were-magoosh-students-in-february-2013/ //www.catharsisit.com/blog/how-happy-were-magoosh-students-in-february-2013/#respond fri, 01 mar 2013 06:01:39 +0000 //www.catharsisit.com/?p=1176 learn why magoosh students are raving about their test prep experience.

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welcome to the first magoosh happiness report! each month, i’ll give you an update of how happy magoosh students are, based on the ratings you give our responses to your questions. when you send us an email (either by using the ‘help’ tab or support@www.catharsisit.com), you’re given the option to rate our responses as “good” or “bad.” so, how happy are you guys? read on to find out!

in february 2013, we had an overall satisfaction rating of 99% (thanks, guys!) 🙂

screen shot 2013-02-28 at 1.06.31 pm

from february 1st to the 28th, we had just one day that you weren’t 100% happy–february 6th, which had a satisfaction rating of 86%. maybe it was a full moon, or maybe we were just off our game, but all in all, we’d consider that a success.

of the 724 emails we received, 61% were answered in less than 8 hours and 94% in less than 24 (not too bad for a team of 8):

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here’s how we stack up against the competition:

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i hope these numbers don’t lie and you guys are really as happy as our charts say. let us know what you think! 🙂

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