author: hannah baker

hannah baker
  • the journey ahead for our racial justice work — a letter from the ceo of magoosh

    here at magoosh, we’ve been outraged and heartbroken along with the rest of the world these past few weeks. we’ve been processing this internally as a team, and wanted first to be thoughtful in our support of one another—especially our black colleagues—before drafting a response beyond our initial statement. george floyd. breonna taylor. tony mcdade.…

  • covid-19: working through the new normal

    given that covid-19 is on everyone’s minds right now, especially our extended magoosh family —our prospective candidates, students, employees— we wanted to share how magoosh has responded from an operations perspective during this crisis. we have been lucky enough to be in a financial position to weather this storm and support our communities as we…

  • away they go: introducing paid sabbaticals at magoosh

    although i now work in operations, finance and hr, i started my career as a public school teacher in washington, dc. towards the end of my five-year teaching career, i started to really dread going to work. teaching is a hard and demanding job, and it was taking its toll on me emotionally. (note: this…