catherine, author at magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地 - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // thu, 21 jul 2016 22:34:32 +0000 en-us hourly 1 // catherine, author at magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地 - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // 32 32 how to address the “why x school?” question // // thu, 21 jul 2016 22:34:32 +0000 // find out how to prepare for, and effectively answer, one of the most popular admissions questions.

the post how to address the “why x school?” question appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

whether they ask the question in an admission interview or the prompt for an essay supplement, schools love to know why you’re interested in them. check out our top tips to prepare for one of the most popular questions around during admission season – “why x school?”

1. do your research.

always do in-depth research on a school before trying to answer the “why x school?” question. even if you think you know everything there is to know about a school – and you’re totally familiar with its ranking, program strengths, and research specialties – there’s bound to be more information out there that you can work into your response. looking for ideas? research the school’s culture, the department culture, and the student atmosphere.

2. make the essay about you, not just about the school.

admission committees already know what their schools and programs offer. what they don’t know about is you – your goals, your ambitions, what you’ll contribute on campus. while you should do your research to demonstrate your familiarity with the school’s offerings, don’t make your response all about the school. tell the admission committee about your goals and how the school can help you reach them. show how your background and experiences will positively impact the school community.

3. be specific.

don’t just say that you’re applying to a school because of its reputation in engineering. what specific engineering research projects at the school would you want to contribute to? are there specific faculty members you want to work under? what about their work interests you?

4. show a personal connection to the school.

if you’ve had a chance to visit the school or speak with current students in person, feel free to mention these encounters in your response. schools are looking for applicants to demonstrate interest in their programs, and specifying that you’ve taken the time to interact with a school or its students can help give you a boost in admissions.

5. keep your voice authentic.

be honest and authentic about your interest in specific schools and programs. if you’re having a difficult time telling a school why you’re interested in attending, maybe that school isn’t for you. cross it off your list before you make up reasons that aren’t true – you’ll save yourself a lot of time and effort.


about the author:

catherine blogger photocatherine supports magoosh’s future grad school students by unlocking tricks of the test prep and application trade. catherine spends her free time checking out local farmer’s markets, reading food and lifestyle blogs, and watching bravo. she is forever in search of the best mexican and italian food in any given city.


photo attributions:

1 – photo at top courtesy of startup stock photos under the creative commons license 0.



the post how to address the “why x school?” question appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

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how to find a career mentor in college // // thu, 21 jul 2016 22:34:10 +0000 // a career mentor can be an invaluable source of advice and wisdom throughout your college career – and the good ones will be around afterwards, too.

the post how to find a career mentor in college appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

a career mentor can be an invaluable source of advice and wisdom throughout your college career – and the good ones will be around afterwards, too. mentors can help you recognize the value of grad school, connect you with useful resources, and write your letters of recommendation when you apply to grad school.

where do you find such wonderful people? it’s not too difficult, but it will take some looking. check out our tips below to help you get started!

1. get to know your professors

your professors are likely the best judges of your academic performance and ability, so it makes sense to start your career mentor search with them. if you’re planning on becoming a political scientist, set up a meeting with a political science professor whose course you’re doing well in. share your plans for the future and ask your professor if she has any advice for you. drop by during office hours – and become a regular visitor!

2. reach out to your school’s career services center

your school’s career services center likely has connections with professionals in your intended field. many schools host panels for students interested in specific career paths – and oftentimes, they invite professionals from the nearby community to speak. the career services center might be able to share these people’s contact information, or help introduce you to them.

3. tap into your school’s alumni association

alumni are always willing to help out current students – school ties are the ties that bind! a lot of schools maintain an online alumni database that current students can search, so see if you can use that to find alumni who work in your field. take advantage of any homecoming events and festivities to network with graduates.

4. look up to club and internship advisors

are you a member of engineers anonymous? what about the american society of engineering enthusiasts? your club advisors probably know a lot about engineering – but perhaps even better, they’ll know how to help you navigate engineering internships and graduate programs. don’t forget that you can also find mentors in your internship advisors.

5. search linkedin

think of linkedin as a database storing all of the professional contacts you’ll ever need. you can search by industry and location to get the best results. you can even search various linkedin professional groups to identify people who are well-established in your field.


about the author:

catherine blogger photocatherine supports magoosh’s future grad school students by unlocking tricks of the test prep and application trade. catherine spends her free time checking out local farmer’s markets, reading food and lifestyle blogs, and watching bravo. she is forever in search of the best mexican and italian food in any given city.

photo attributions:
1 – photo at top courtesy of pixabay user geralt under the creative commons license 0.


the post how to find a career mentor in college appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

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why should you consider a test prep class? // // thu, 21 jul 2016 22:33:48 +0000 // common concerns about test prep classes are cost and time commitment. but for some students, a test prep class might be the way to go. find out why here!

the post why should you consider a test prep class? appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

some students prefer to self-study for standardized tests, for a variety of reasons. the most common concerns about test prep classes are cost and time commitment. students worry that classes are too expensive and that they’re too busy to find time in their schedules for regular class sessions.

at magoosh, we offer test prep courses at a great value – while still giving you the flexibility to study whenever you want, wherever you want. that said, check out our top reasons why we recommend some students consider a test prep class.


1. test score improvement

it can be easier to see your scores improve when you’re following the structure of a class. just check out our 足球世界杯举办地2022 page to hear about why students love us – we deliver results! our students see real score gains, and they love to share their success stories with us.


2. expert guidance

because your test score will be one of the most important parts of your application, you want to look to truly committed, knowledgeable experts for test prep guidance. our team of test prep experts leads the way to answer your most difficult test prep questions. we help you find study plans that match your schedule. we walk you through challenging questions through tutorials and video explanations. you won’t find a better team to go on your test prep journey with!


3. motivation

oftentimes, students who study on their own lack the motivation to stick with their study schedule – or they never create a study schedule to begin with. our online magoosh community provides you support and motivation all the way through test day. it all starts with study planning.


4. resources

self-studiers sometimes don’t know where to begin to find high-quality test prep resources. every time you log into your magoosh account, you’ll find a breadth of materials to kick start and sustain your study plan. you can quiz yourself. you can flip flashcards. you can answer practice questions. a test prep class will make it easier for you to access and organize study resources.


5. positive study skills

a test prep class can also help you develop, refine, and reinforce positive study skills. at magoosh, we make it a priority to help each student optimize his or her study habits for the best test-day result. (just check out any of our 2022年足球世界杯举办地 posts filed under “education” to get started!)


about the author:

catherine blogger photocatherine supports magoosh’s future grad school students by unlocking tricks of the test prep and application trade. catherine spends her free time checking out local farmer’s markets, reading food and lifestyle blogs, and watching bravo. she is forever in search of the best mexican and italian food in any given city.


photo attributions:

1 – photo at top courtesy of pixabay user evanst10000 under the creative commons license 0.


the post why should you consider a test prep class? appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

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you’ve submitted your applications – now what? // // thu, 30 jun 2016 21:36:32 +0000 // you’ve put in months of test prep, spent hours writing the perfect essay, and finally submitted your applications. what's next? check out this checklist of what to do after submitting your applications.

the post you’ve submitted your applications – now what? appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

you’ve put in months of test prep. you’ve earned a great test score. you’ve spent hours writing the perfect essay. you’ve made last-minute edits to your personal statement. and now… you’ve finally submitted your applications. congratulations! what’s next?


1. confirm that schools received all required materials

make sure that all required application materials made it to schools that you applied to. sometimes you can check the status of your application materials online. it is your responsibility to follow up and confirm that your application file is complete with transcripts, letters of recommendation, and test scores. if anything wasn’t received, make sure to send it as soon as possible.


2. stop stressing out about your applications

submitted-applications-1now that you’ve finally finished your applications, there’s no reason to continue stressing over them! put all of your application materials out of sight. don’t revisit essays and worry over whether you could have done anything else to improve them. stay away from admission forums if they’re just going to cost you mental energy. you can’t do anything to change the admission outcome now, so it’s best to keep your mind off of your applications.


3. keep up with your studies, work, and extracurricular activities

just because you’ve submitted your applications doesn’t mean you should drop everything in your schedule. keep your grades up. continue to put effort in at work. maintain your memberships in clubs and sports. you might not need to build your resume for applications anymore, but trust us – schools want to see your commitment to performing well extend past the application deadline.


4. thank the people who helped you along the way

if you think about all the people who supported you along your application journey, you’ll probably come up with a long list of names. professors, supervisors, mentors, tutors, family members, and friends are just some examples of people who likely stood by your side to help you with academics, test prep, letters of recommendation, and career advice. show your gratitude. be appreciative. thank them! it only takes a plate of cookies, a card, or a personalized note.


5. do something fun to celebrate!

submitted-applications-2submitting applications is a real milestone. go out and celebrate your accomplishment by going out to dinner with friends, heading to the beach, or checking out a nearby concert. you might not have had a lot of free time while preparing your applications, so this is your chance to have some fun!


about the author:

catherine blogger photocatherine supports magoosh’s future grad school students by unlocking tricks of the test prep and application trade. catherine spends her free time checking out local farmer’s markets, reading food and lifestyle blogs, and watching bravo. she is forever in search of the best mexican and italian food in any given city.


photo attributions:

1 – photo at top courtesy of flickr user jirka matousek under the creative commons license 2.0.

2 – photo of reading courtesy of flickr user chantelle fritz under the creative commons license 2.0.

3 – photo of celebrating courtesy of flickr user amberley under the creative commons license 2.0.


the post you’ve submitted your applications – now what? appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

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5 ways to make your college or grad school application more competitive // // mon, 20 jun 2016 22:34:14 +0000 // learn how to edge out the competition by effectively showing your personality and real world experience in your applications.

the post 5 ways to make your college or grad school application more competitive appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

it’s a tough world out there when it comes to school admissions. every year, the admissions process seems to get more and more ultra-competitive. check out our top tips to help your application keep up with the rest of the pack!

1. get competitive and practice your pitch

admissions officers will all want to know why you want to attend their school, why school is the logical next step for you, and how your studies will benefit your master career plan. practice telling your story to family members, friends, mentors, professors, and career counselors. ask for help to refine your pitch, and look out for any parts that people find particularly engaging. be sure to highlight those parts for admissions officers!

2. remember: quality over quantity

meaningful involvement in one or two activities is better than scraping the surface of twenty activities. you could split your time as a general member of the m&m appreciation club, jay-z fan club, endangered species friend group, and the cactus growers’ society. but at the end of the day, you’ll probably be tired of running from one meeting to the next – and you won’t have many accomplishments to show for all your time as a general member.

instead of joining everything you see, identify an extracurricular activity or two that you’ll commit the majority of your time to. take on extra responsibilities for these groups. rise up to a leadership position. learn how to be a valuable team member versus one who just attends meetings.

3. demonstrate real-world experience

every school is looking for you to apply your knowledge and skills in a real-world setting. you can find real-world experience through volunteer work, internships, or undergraduate research. show that you’re capable of working with both maturity and professionalism.

4. enter competitions for awards and fellowships

awards and fellowships are a great way to distinguish yourself from the pack. they provide recognition for your strengths and help show admissions officers that you’ve excelled in a certain area. do some research to find awards and fellowships that you’d be eligible for, and start applying. some of them even come with financial assistance!

5. show your personality

there’s only one of you in the world. no one else has your exact same sense of humor or set of values. the best way to distinguish yourself from other people is to let your personality shine through. make sure your personal statement and essays reflect your authentic voice, and feel free to put your own creative twist on your application materials!


about the author:

catherine blogger photocatherine supports magoosh’s future grad school students by unlocking tricks of the test prep and application trade. catherine spends her free time checking out local farmer’s markets, reading food and lifestyle blogs, and watching bravo. she is forever in search of the best mexican and italian food in any given city.


the post 5 ways to make your college or grad school application more competitive appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

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how to improve your admissions odds when you have a low gpa // // fri, 17 jun 2016 21:37:54 +0000 // learn why a low gpa isn't as big a hurdle as you think in your applications and how to play up the other parts of your application.

the post how to improve your admissions odds when you have a low gpa appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

a low gpa won’t stop you from getting into a good school or program, but you will have to do some more upfront work during application season to ensure a positive outcome. check out some of our best tips for strengthening your application when you have a low gpa!

1. master the admission test

a high score on the admission test is crucial for students with a low gpa. schools place more importance on test scores than on gpa, so all is not lost if you really step up to the plate on the admission test. not sure how to get started? reach out to one of our magoosh test prep experts.

2. show an upward trend

not every freshman makes smart study decisions at first. while those initial mistakes can leave a blemish on your academic record, that blemish doesn’t have to be permanent. show an upward trend and improve your grades throughout your sophomore, junior, and senior years.

3. cast your net wide

it’s always important to apply to a range of schools based on “safety,” “target,” and “reach” schools. but when your gpa is weak, it becomes even more important to cast a wide net and apply to as many safety and target schools as you can. this means identifying and applying to schools whose average student profile generally match your profile, even if those schools are lower-ranked or less well-known.

4. share your story with those writing letters of recommendation

feel free to share your academic history with the people you’ve asked to write letters of recommendation. presumably, these people believe in your potential for success. by giving them context about your academics, they’ll be able to showcase any obstacles you’ve overcome in your letters.

5. polish your other application materials until they shine

if your gpa is low, every other part of your application must sparkle to make up for it. a low gpa will not keep you out of the running for a good school by itself, but if combined with a personal statement filled with typos and a subpar resume, it absolutely can. ask a mentor, peer, tutor, or career counselor to help review your application materials and give a second opinion.

6. write an addendum

some students struggle with academics due to personal circumstances, like an illness or family emergency. if something outside of your control prevented you from performing your best academically, you can include an addendum along with your application to explain your situation. keep in mind, though, the explanation you give must be legitimate – admissions officers don’t want to hear that your low gpa is the result of too many late-night netflix marathons.

about the author:

catherine blogger photocatherine supports magoosh’s future grad school students by unlocking tricks of the test prep and application trade. catherine spends her free time checking out local farmer’s markets, reading food and lifestyle blogs, and watching bravo. she is forever in search of the best mexican and italian food in any given city.


the post how to improve your admissions odds when you have a low gpa appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

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what to do the night before test day // // fri, 17 jun 2016 21:25:30 +0000 // the night before the test is going to be stressful for a lot of students. this post will help you find some balance and peace of mind before going to the test center in the morning!

the post what to do the night before test day appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

the night before the test is going to be stressful for a lot of students. this post will help you find some balance and peace of mind before going to the test center in the morning!


1. keep any test review light

the time to prepare for the test is really in the months and weeks leading up to test day, not in the night before. if you haven’t already mastered the math or reading section, cramming the night before will not be an effective solution. we don’t recommend putting true study hours in the night before, but you can do some light review to jog your brain. flip a few flashcards; do a few practice problems – and then put the books away!


2. eat a healthy, balanced dinner

night-before-test-1stay away from junk-filled takeout and microwaveable meals. aim for whole grains, vegetables, and healthy fats in your meal. whole grains like brown rice help increase blood circulation to the brain, and research shows that they can boost your memory. vegetables like cabbage and brussels sprouts can also improve your brain power and memory. try fish for a dose of omega-3 fatty acids, which scientists believe can enhance learning abilities. don’t eat more or less than you typically would at dinner – you don’t want to throw yourself from your regular routine.


3. hydrate

dehydration can make you feel tired and irritable, so be sure to drink enough water the night before the test. avoid drinking coffee, tea, soda, or artificial drinks – these options are typically filled with caffeine and sugar that can interfere with getting a good night’s sleep.


4. find a way to relax

night-before-test-2listen to music, take a walk, or go for a run. read a book for fun. call a friend. bake a recipe you find on pinterest. whatever you’re doing, try to keep your mind off the test. stressing out at this point is not going to get you any points – it’ll only get in the way of your confidence.


5. prepare the items you’ll need for the test center

put all of the things you’ll be taking to the test center in a place where you can’t forget them. print out your admission ticket. have a form of photo id available. pack pencils, highlighters, erasers, backup writing utensils, a calculator and extra batteries (if applicable), tissues, snacks for the test center, and anything else you think you’ll need. make sure you know where your car keys are.


6. get enough sleep!

night-before-test-3sleep improves your memory, focus, concentration, and mood. we talk about the importance of sleep here – take advantage of all of sleep’s benefits! and it goes without saying, but staying up all night right before the test is one surefire way to snooze right through your test-day alarm. check out our tips for getting a better night’s sleep here.


about the author:

catherine blogger photocatherine supports magoosh’s future grad school students by unlocking tricks of the test prep and application trade. catherine spends her free time checking out local farmer’s markets, reading food and lifestyle blogs, and watching bravo. she is forever in search of the best mexican and italian food in any given city.

photo attributions:
1 – photo at top courtesy of mavo / .


the post what to do the night before test day appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

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4 reasons to submit your school applications early // // fri, 17 jun 2016 18:27:13 +0000 // find out why your should submit your application early!

the post 4 reasons to submit your school applications early appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

when it comes to application season, it’s all about timing. it can be tempting to use extra time to edit essays and resume for the millionth time, or to ask for just a few more people’s input on your materials. while being thorough will serve you well, you still want to get your application in as soon as you can. submitting your application materials early can mean you’ll have a number of advantages over other candidates in the application pool. in this post, we review the top four benefits of an early application.


1. opportunity to get ahead of rolling admissions

many degree programs practice rolling admissions, meaning admissions officers will review files as they come in on a first-come, first-served basis. applying early will ensure that there are plenty of seats to fill in the class – so admissions officers will likely be more lenient about application flaws. as seats fill up later in the application cycle, admissions will become more competitive.


2. earlier admission decisions

reason-submit-applications-early-1most students find the period between submitting applications and receiving a final admission decision to be entirely nerve-wracking. after all, you just want to get on with planning your life – identifying the best program amongst your acceptances, figuring out which city you’ll be moving to, which school sports team you should be rooting for, and the like. submitting your applications early on will make it more likely to get a quick response from schools. while an early decision isn’t guaranteed, particularly for schools that don’t practice rolling admissions, there’s still a possibility.


3. priority consideration for scholarships or campus housing

at some schools, getting your application in early can mean a better chance at specific scholarships and choice campus housing. these are two great incentives that schools offer to early applicants, in part to encourage students to beat the application cycle surge.


4. less stress – and more time!

reason-submit-applications-early-2we don’t have to tell you that applying to schools and programs is stressful and time-consuming – you’re probably well aware at this point. there comes a time when another round of essay edits or resume reviews probably just won’t do anything more for your application. when that time comes, it’s better to simply submit your materials and leave the rest to the admissions officers. doing so early will give you more time and energy to focus on your schoolwork, job, or personal commitments – which we’re sure would be a welcome change of pace!


about the author:

catherine blogger photocatherine supports magoosh’s future grad school students by unlocking tricks of the test prep and application trade. catherine spends her free time checking out local farmer’s markets, reading food and lifestyle blogs, and watching bravo. she is forever in search of the best mexican and italian food in any given city.


the post 4 reasons to submit your school applications early appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

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the best test day snacks to bring to the testing center // // tue, 14 jun 2016 23:27:17 +0000 // in this post, we cover some of the best test day snacks. all of these options are easy, portable, and delicious. but most importantly, they’ll give you the energy you need to cross the testing finish line strong!

the post the best test day snacks to bring to the testing center appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

admission tests are often several hours long (at least), but the good news is that there’s likely a break somewhere along the way. you can use the break to stretch, walk around, or regain focus – but our favorite way to use the break is to recharge with snacks. after all, you probably wouldn’t drive your car for three hours without stopping at all for fuel. likewise, you need to eat some brain food during your test break to maximize your performance.

in this post, we cover some of the best test day snacks. all of these options are easy, portable, and delicious. but most importantly, they’ll give you the energy you need to cross the testing finish line strong!


whole grain pretzels with peanut butter

the whole grains in the pretzels provide complex carbs and fiber, and the peanut butter will amp up the protein. this is one snack that will keep hunger off your mind for the rest of the test!


hard-boiled eggs

packed with protein, eggs are one food you just can’t go wrong with. hard-boiled eggs are even better because they make the perfect snack on-the-go. make things even easier for yourself by pre-peeling the eggs at home – and don’t forget a small packet of salt and pepper.


apple slices

apples provide carbohydrates, fiber, and a little natural sugar to help you function at optimal levels for the next few hours. slice them up (leaving the skins on for extra nutrients), sprinkle them with some lemon juice to prevent browning, and bag them in ziploc for the test.


carrot sticks with hummus dip

hummus is another high-protein option that also offers good carbs and fiber. it’s a clean food that tastes great when paired with fresh veggie sticks, like carrots. try pre-made hummus, or blend your own recipe together and pack a single serving in tupperware.


granola or natural cereal

granola and natural cereals can give you both sweetness and crunch – but without the junky ingredients you’ll find in most prepackaged candy and chips. make sure the option you choose is light on added sugars.


beef jerky

high in protein, but in low in fat, beef jerky is the snack of choice for many athletes. test day will put you right in the middle of a mental marathon, so it only makes sense to go for an athlete-approved snack!



chewing gum will help wake up your senses and keep you alert for the remainder of the test. pop some gum during your break and chew away!


about the author:

catherine blogger photocatherine supports magoosh’s future grad school students by unlocking tricks of the test prep and application trade. catherine spends her free time checking out local farmer’s markets, reading food and lifestyle blogs, and watching bravo. she is forever in search of the best mexican and italian food in any given city.


photo attributions:

1 – photo of hard-boiled eggs courtesy of flickr user lisa williams under creative commons license 2.0.

2 – photo of carrots and hummus courtesy of flickr user bark under creative commons license 2.0.

3 – photo of granola courtesy of flickr user sweet flour bake shop under creative commons license 2.0.

4 – photo of beef jerky courtesy of flickr user justin kern under creative commons license 2.0.


the post the best test day snacks to bring to the testing center appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

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5 tips for acing college and grad school applications // // mon, 13 jun 2016 22:05:43 +0000 // learn how to complete your best college or grad school application by reading our favorite tips on successful applications.

the post 5 tips for acing college and grad school applications appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

you’ve put in a lot of work over the last few years to prepare for college or grad school. it’s time to showcase all of that work and let admissions officers know why you’d make a great addition to their campus. in this post, we talk about our favorite tips to help you find application success.

1. start the process early

we know how busy students are. we know that you’re competing in this weekend’s costume pageant, and you’re playing in next week’s basketball tournament, and you have a ten-page writing assignment due the following week. we know it sometimes seems impossible to find time to get started on applications. but you’ll save yourself so much stress if you give yourself a few months for this process. starting early will give you time to make multiple rounds of edits on your essays, follow up with people writing letters of recommendation, and polish up your materials before submitting.

2. prioritize your application tasks and responsibilities

some parts of the application process are going to affect your admission outcome more than others, so it’s important to prioritize those more influential pieces first. for example, studying for your admission test should be at the top of your to-do list. checking your essays for grammar and punctuation, while still necessary, can happen later.

3. treat every school on your list like it’s your top-choice school

of course, you can only have a few “top-choice” schools. but that’s not a reason to forget about the other schools on your list or give them mediocre applications. no admissions officer wants to feel like their school was an oversight, randomly tacked onto your list at the last minute. always give your best effort to every school application.

4. connect with schools you’re interested in

schools love to see students demonstrate interest – and a lot of them track who shows it! set up time to visit the school on-campus. attend an off-campus admissions event or open house. speak with an admissions representative at a grad school fair. (don’t forget to sign in if you do attend these kinds of events.) connecting with schools will also give you a great opportunity to learn more about them and ask questions on your mind.

5. plan to submit applications at least a week before the deadline

while you might want to use all the time you can to make final changes to your application essays and materials, don’t wait until the last minute to submit your applications. some schools require admission materials to be received before the deadline (not just submitted exactly on deadline). always give yourself some room for flexibility when submitting your applications. after all, the application portal might go down the night of the deadline, or maybe a mailroom error could add a few days to the transit time. submitting materials early will help give you peace of mind.


about the author:

catherine blogger photocatherine supports magoosh’s future grad school students by unlocking tricks of the test prep and application trade. catherine spends her free time checking out local farmer’s markets, reading food and lifestyle blogs, and watching bravo. she is forever in search of the best mexican and italian food in any given city.


the post 5 tips for acing college and grad school applications appeared first on magoosh 2022年足球世界杯举办地.

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