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these are survey responses from actual magoosh students after they took the act.

aug 23, 2018

what was your overall score on the actual act? 31
how did magoosh help you?
it helped me go back and master some basic concepts that i had forgotten taking advanced math and english courses. even the essay video section though short, was great and helped me score a 10 on writing!

aug 13, 2018

score improvement: +2 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 25
how did magoosh help you?
yes. magoosh allowed me to practice the timing of the act sections while answering questions that seemed harder than the actual test questions. this allowed me to succeed on the test because i was answering simpler questions on the same time frame.

aug 11, 2018

what was your overall score on the actual act? 23
how did magoosh help you?
it helped me understand new concepts better and be a little bit more confident. although my score stayed the same i know if i prepare with magoosh more that my score will improve.

aug 5, 2018

score improvement: +3 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 28
how did magoosh help you?
explain concepts that i didnt understand, practice and

aug 4, 2018

score improvement: +3 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 31
how did magoosh help you?
helped me hone in on specific topics that i had forgotten over the summer. the review sessions were accessible and easy to follow so i could re learn material for the test.

aug 2, 2018

what was your overall score on the actual act? 30
how did magoosh help you?
it raised my math scores, and helped me understand the choices i was making in my english section on a technical level.

jul 30, 2018

score improvement: +5 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 32
how did magoosh help you?
magoosh is absolutely incredible. at first when i saw it i was skeptical. really? i can up my score by four points in three months? but i followed magoosh's study schedule day by day and used meticulously watched videos on all the lessons and it landed me with a five point increase!!! the best parts about magoosh is that it has a check off study schedule that kept me on track like nothing else, helpful videos that guide you away from mistakes that people commonly make on the act and a way to email any questions you have and get a response within 24 hours! in short, magoosh helped me very much and i'm very grateful.

start your act prep today

your purchase comes with a 7-day money back guarantee.
there's no monthly charge or hidden fees. pay just once.

jul 29, 2018

score improvement: +2 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 35
how did magoosh help you?
it had good explainations of the questions and told me what i needed to work on.

jul 29, 2018

what was your overall score on the actual act? 34
how did magoosh help you?
with strategies and practice! everything was explained so clearly with magoosh.

jul 28, 2018

what was your overall score on the actual act? 31
how did magoosh help you?
i used magoosh a little, and i was able to practice a bit. i wanted to get a base on this act, and then take it again and study hard. i will use magoosh more for my next act because it helps so much!

jul 26, 2018

score improvement: +4 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 27
how did magoosh help you?
magoosh helped improve my timing on all four sections, but the most notable improvement were in the science section. the advice in the science was invaluable.

jul 25, 2018

score improvement: +2 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 28
how did magoosh help you?
my scores on reading and english improved significantly and i think i got really good strategies from magoosh

jul 25, 2018

score improvement: +2 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 34
how did magoosh help you?
the english section had a lot of grammar and punctuation rules which magoosh helped me learn.

jul 25, 2018

what was your overall score on the actual act? 32
how did magoosh help you?
magoosh helped me prepare for what i could expect to see on the act, something that made me feel ready for the test. as someone who had never taken the exam, i wanted something to introduce me to the act; i felt very prepared and comfortable with the content when i took the exam.

start your act prep today

your purchase comes with a 7-day money back guarantee.
there's no monthly charge or hidden fees. pay just once.

jul 25, 2018

score improvement: +2 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 30
how did magoosh help you?
it made things a lot easier and more simple.

jul 25, 2018

score improvement: +5 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 29
how did magoosh help you?
it helped me focus on key topics that i before had difficulty in, this honing in on my skills and overall improving.

jul 25, 2018

what was your overall score on the actual act? 35
how did magoosh help you?
taught me helpful strategies and how to apply them to every question. also included a comprenhensive review of important material

jul 17, 2018

score improvement: +7 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 28
how did magoosh help you?
it helped me figure out what information to focus on, how to analyze a question, and how to manage time better.

jun 30, 2018

score improvement: +1 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 30
how did magoosh help you?
they prepared me on how to actually take the test.

jun 30, 2018

what was your overall score on the actual act? 31
how did magoosh help you?
magoosh re-explained algebra to me. i’m in calculus bc and cannot remember anything before precalculus.

jun 30, 2018

score improvement: +2 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 16
how did magoosh help you?
i liked all the videos and practice tests. for someone like myself that had been out of school a long time i found everything more helpful then any other thing i’ve tried and was easy to do with working full time and family.

start your act prep today

your purchase comes with a 7-day money back guarantee.
there's no monthly charge or hidden fees. pay just once.

jun 30, 2018

score improvement: +3 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 29
how did magoosh help you?
great practice, plan, and memos

jun 29, 2018

score improvement: +4 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 22
how did magoosh help you?
it gave me a major confidence boost and allowed me to learn the fundamentals of the exam

jun 29, 2018

score improvement: +2 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 29
how did magoosh help you?
very helpful quick practice and lessons when i didn’t have a lot of time