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these are survey responses from actual magoosh students after they took the act.

jun 23, 2019

what was your overall score on the actual act? 28
how did magoosh help you?
it did help me a little, i just barely used it. if i used it more i’m very confident in saying it would have made my score better.

jun 19, 2019

what was your overall score on the actual act? 31
how did magoosh help you?
it increased my english score from 24 to 34. the videos really helped.

jun 19, 2019

score improvement: +3 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 34
how did magoosh help you?
good math practice, not too overwhelming

jun 19, 2019

score improvement: +2 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 34
how did magoosh help you?
it helped my science substantially

jun 2, 2019

score improvement: +7 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 31
how did magoosh help you?
it helped me to better understand the test and the questions being asked. i also felt much more confident and comfortable taking the test after having taken the practice tests on magoosh. the video lectures and practice tests really helped me as well.

may 21, 2019

score improvement: +2 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 31
how did magoosh help you?
it gave me a way to study that could fit with my schedule, and that had explained test answers and practice.

may 7, 2019

score improvement: +3 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 32
how did magoosh help you?
magoosh gave me many practice problems in addition to complete explanations on problems i answered incorrectly. magoosh also provided "hacks"/tips and tricks to take the exam without stress. i would highly recommend magoosh for anyone taking or retaking the act.

start your act prep today

your purchase comes with a 7-day money back guarantee.
there's no monthly charge or hidden fees. pay just once.

may 1, 2019

what was your overall score on the actual act? 30
how did magoosh help you?
i improved a lot in math.

apr 29, 2019

score improvement: +2 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 34
how did magoosh help you?
helped mainly with math pacing.

apr 28, 2019

score improvement: +4 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 30
how did magoosh help you?
i didnt really use it a bunch but i did watch most of the english and reading videos and i ended up getting 34s in those subjects

apr 28, 2019

what was your overall score on the actual act? 34
how did magoosh help you?
magoosh helped explain the confusing or long-forgotten aspects of the math section.

apr 28, 2019

what was your overall score on the actual act? 35
how did magoosh help you?
gave me helpful video lessons explaining every question and answer and lots of practice questions!

apr 28, 2019

what was your overall score on the actual act? 32
how did magoosh help you?
magoosh gave me very good strategies for the science section! i had no idea how much there was to improve on.

apr 25, 2019

score improvement: +7 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 34
how did magoosh help you?
the videos were very helpful on the english and science portions. the questions were more useful on the math and reading.

start your act prep today

your purchase comes with a 7-day money back guarantee.
there's no monthly charge or hidden fees. pay just once.

apr 24, 2019

score improvement: +6 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 30
how did magoosh help you?
they gave me basic lessons on straightforward information that is necessary to know for act questions. made it quick and easy to know what i need to focus on to do well on the test.

apr 24, 2019

what was your overall score on the actual act? 28
how did magoosh help you?
it was easy to use and looked like the test. it helped me know my pacing too.

apr 24, 2019

score improvement: +5 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 34
how did magoosh help you?
helped get a feel for the math and the science.

apr 5, 2019

score improvement: +5 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 32
how did magoosh help you?
it helped me have a place to practice and just being involved with the act helped me get ready.

apr 1, 2019

score improvement: +5 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 31
how did magoosh help you?
helped me refresh on old topics and learn what the act wanted me to know

mar 29, 2019

what was your overall score on the actual act? 33
how did magoosh help you?
magoosh showed me my weaknesses and allowed me to improve upon them, especially in the weeks leading up to the test.

mar 22, 2019

what was your overall score on the actual act? 33
how did magoosh help you?
it helped me to create a study plan and gave me lots of practice problems and amazing explanations.

start your act prep today

your purchase comes with a 7-day money back guarantee.
there's no monthly charge or hidden fees. pay just once.

mar 10, 2019

score improvement: +9 points
what was your overall score on the actual act? 33
how did magoosh help you?
magoosh helped me understand the test better and helped me understand test strategies.

mar 4, 2019

what was your overall score on the actual act? 31
how did magoosh help you?
the practice tests were harder than the actual test so i felt prepared and ready for the actual test.

feb 24, 2019

what was your overall score on the actual act? 34
how did magoosh help you?
got me ready for the way questions were asked