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math strategy: backsolving

backsolving is a strategic approach for solving algebraic and word problems on the act exam, particularly when all answer choices are numerical. it involves starting with the middle answer choice and using it to potentially eliminate other choices quickly.
  • backsolving can be faster and more efficient than traditional algebra for some problems.
  • starting with the middle value (often choice c) allows for quick elimination of other choices based on whether the result is too big or too small.
  • it's crucial to understand the logical relationship between variables in a problem, as increasing or decreasing one value could have counterintuitive effects on others.
  • practicing backsolving improves efficiency and effectiveness over time, making it a valuable tool in the act math section.
  • careful consideration and verification of the final answer are recommended, especially under time constraints.
introduction to backsolving
applying backsolving to algebraic problems
backsolving in geometry questions
advanced backsolving techniques