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circles in the x-y plane

the essence of the content revolves around understanding the general formula for the equation of a circle in the coordinate plane, specifically when the circle is not centered at the origin but at any point (h, k) with a radius of r.
  • the general formula for a circle centered at (h, k) with radius r is (x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2.
  • understanding the derivation of this formula through the pythagorean theorem and the properties of right triangles is emphasized over rote memorization.
  • practical application of the formula is demonstrated through solving problems involving circles tangent to squares in the coordinate plane.
  • the process of solving these problems includes identifying the circle's radius and center, and applying the formula to find the equation of the circle.
  • analyzing the vertices of a square surrounding a circle to find the highest sum of x and y coordinates showcases another application of understanding circle equations.
understanding circle equations
deriving the general circle formula
applying the circle formula
solving complex geometric problems