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act reading passage types

the content provides an in-depth guide on how to approach the four passage types on the act reading test, highlighting specific strategies to effectively understand and answer questions related to each.
  • identify the four passage types encountered on the act reading test: fiction, social science, humanities, and natural science, and understand their common order.
  • focus on storyline, character development, mood or tone, and dialogue for fiction passages to grasp narrative and character relationships.
  • for social science passages, track names with concepts, cause-effect relationships, comparisons, and sequence of events for better comprehension.
  • in humanities passages, pay attention to the author's point of view, relationships between events, ideas, people, and the author's feelings and perspectives.
  • natural science passages require focus on relationships, particularly cause and effect, comparisons, sequence of events, and scientific laws or theories.
  • consider the order of passages based on personal preference and strengths to optimize test performance and confidence.
understanding passage types
strategies for fiction passages
navigating social science passages
approaching humanities passages
deciphering natural science passages