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run-on sentences and comma splices

the content focuses on identifying and correcting run-on sentences and comma splices, which are common issues encountered in the act exam.
  • run-on sentences contain two or more complete sentences mashed together without proper punctuation.
  • comma splices occur when two complete sentences are joined only by a comma, which is insufficient for correct punctuation.
  • three main strategies for fixing run-ons and comma splices include using a period to make two separate sentences, employing a conjunction (coordinating or subordinating), or using a semicolon.
  • coordinating conjunctions can be remembered with the acronym fanboys, while subordinating conjunctions turn a complete sentence into a dependent clause.
  • semicolons link two closely related sentences without the need for a conjunction.
  • test examples illustrate common pitfalls and correct strategies for addressing run-on sentences and comma splices.
understanding run-on sentences and comma splices
strategies for correcting run-ons and comma splices
applying knowledge to test examples