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the conflicting viewpoints passage

the conflicting viewpoints passage in the act science section presents a unique challenge, requiring a strategic approach to understand and compare different scientific theories or hypotheses related to a phenomenon.
  • the passage typically features two or more differing viewpoints on a scientific phenomenon, often labeled as scientist 1, scientist 2, or student 1, student 2.
  • a strategic reading approach is essential, with options to read the passage in its entirety or tackle each viewpoint separately before answering related questions.
  • key to success includes identifying the main hypothesis, similarities, and differences between viewpoints, and effectively annotating these elements during reading.
  • time management strategies are crucial, especially for deciding which sections to prioritize when time is limited.
  • practice is emphasized as the best way to become comfortable with the passage type and to refine one's strategy for tackling it.
understanding the conflicting viewpoints passage
strategies for reading the passage
annotating and comparing viewpoints
time management and prioritization