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how to read the act science test

the magoosh act science lesson provides a strategic approach to efficiently navigate the act science test, emphasizing the importance of reading selectively to maximize understanding, accuracy, and speed.
  • identify unnecessary information in passages to save time, focusing only on what's essential for answering questions.
  • suggest a specific reading order to manage time and energy effectively, applicable to six out of the seven passage types encountered in the test.
  • orient quickly to the scientific situation of the passage through a brief overview, paying special attention to the beginning and end of textual information.
  • read the question carefully, noting key scientific terms that will guide where to look in the passage or data representations.
  • examine the answer choices for additional clues and key terms that indicate what to look for in the data.
  • directly engage with figures, charts, or graphs using identified key terms to find relevant data, consulting the key of diagrams if necessary.
  • skim the passage for any remaining key terms not covered by diagrams and double-check questions to avoid simple mistakes.
orienting yourself to the passage
identifying key terms in questions
analyzing answer choices
engaging with figures, charts, and graphs
double-checking your answers